Show iron and dust e mighty ones who wrenched till orld with pain ifal wal in n the I 1 last ast alt atolli taging caging 0 er the bloody plain e ot of heaven and bold tam e eri e ea r are oxe they bowl now at flugl t ta centuries old time has cast iftode ve each brow pre roams the spirit of the norman normant where ire untamed soul TI flat at fr from DM the sea a lion from its lair ariae england 9 where the ban ner fair th the e u world orld saw wave 0 or harold larold resting in man s commo goal A n narrow arrow graved grave whit wh it profits alexander now that he across the world bor bore ruin sorrow deith death and misery the grim phalanx which irresistibly moved 0 er th the e feld f eld D dust all I 1 la Is dust dus t the war flags all aro allo furled aone every shield man lifts his vo ce and fills the universe for one short hour with b blatant latant vaun tings of his sword or 0 purse for god a sneer for destiny a curse lisa B stroke Is slow but when it falls man withers at it its power and bows him low man mans arm is 13 strong his footstep shakea the land his iron grasp A may ray hold a mighty nation but his hind hand withers and falls when stops the run ning sand in old time s glass death s finger shudders shudder cry a gasp tie ta strong ones fassl pass where la Is the glory ot of the sword and shield tie tl e bright spears rust fond lovers stray where once the legions wheeled the stolid plowman turns the battle field the olive ilive tree eteen badge of peace may from a cae ears far dust spring tranquilly aoh you who would immortalize your name no ner er soulless cast tour your brothers blood upon the pyre of and call the dread black smoke immor tal tame famel though reared unseen the nodded mound white marble will out last and still be green lowell 0 reese neese in san francisco bulle bulls un the soldier as he was the commissioners appointed to se elect a memorial tor for tho the and W massachusetts regiments which P elf 2 p n p e took hok part in the siege of vicksburg lave accepted the design submitted by mrs urs theo A ruggles kitson the monument Is to stand upon a bowlder boulder at Auni squam and will be in fhe national park near vicksburg mrs kitson submitted the figure of a typical private soldier of the union army to represent the men of massa thu chu who were in the vicksburg campaign old soldiers who have seen the design were impressed with the veracity of the bronze figure as the sculptor has reproduced with faithful detail the union soldier in rough campaign carelessness veterans have commented upon the realism of the clothing they have pointed to the socks pulled up over the legs of the trousers as an evi dence deuce of the value of t this his work of art as an example of the real soldier ot of the civil war warm praise for selfridge the passing of rear admiral thomas momas 0 selfridge will cause a feel ing of sadness in the hearts of all his old shipmates tor for he was an idol imong us his was a positive strenuous as we call it nowadays character without such the great rebellion would never have been put down born and reared as it were in the united states navy he was entirely at home an board ship and woe to a delinquent who had to pass his scrutiny we were always hearing something soine thins fresh and racy that selfridge ridge had said or done one instance which happened in illinois offered us a great deal ot of amusement in 1864 while hile in corn com mand of the united states ram vin decator which was being fitted out at mound city III his paymaster who is as fresh from the capital where he hid hd been as gov yates ya tes vs vi e secretary came to the captain in great distress claiming that the man 1 had stolen a lot of the ship a stires it transpired that said stores had been left standing out on the deck over night what aid ald you leave them out t tl ere for fora asked the captain I 1 thought I 1 would trust to ane honor of the men answered the pay master and the captain concluded with the remark that when aou ou hale been in the navy as long as I 1 have you will know better than to trust to the honor of old sail ors where anything to eat or drink is at stale stal e capt selfridge speeded the bindl cator around tor a while and had the misfortune to run her aground and tear the copper off her bottom corn com mander J P foster poster of indiana said to him see here tom you jou have got down to the V s so you will have to be a little careful or you will run out when a vessel grounds in the mississippi river the swift current will tear a great bole hole in the sand under her bows and pile it up astern caus ing the vessel to breal in two As the captain was bringing the ironclad U S S ozark up the river the pilot lun iun her aground at helena ark the captain astonished the admiral by reporting the ac ident why you haven t got the ozark aground have youa ailed ed the admiral oh ob yes she ashes a aground and broke in two by this time I 1 guess I 1 want another ves sel sei she will have to lie there all summer high and dry on a sand bar you had better get some soldiers to guard cuard her or the confederates will destroy her he got another vessel while the more timid officers said it Is the audacity of the man that carries him through may our glorious navy always have her decature Deca I 1 tarra arra guts porters and Self ridges T IP leech M D late surgeon united states navy wasted self saarif ce surgeon general sternberg had a peculiar experience at the battle ot of bull run just before going in be he was approached by an irish sergeant major of bis his regiment who handed him a bag of gold weighing three pounds doctor said the irishman I 1 know I 1 im in to be kilt entirely an I 1 want you to take care of this money an see that it gets to the folks at borne home in ireland the doctor had no time to remonstrate or make any other arrangement for the irish man inan dropped the bag into the sur geon a lap and hurried away to his place at the head of the column all through two bloody days dr stern berg carried that bay of gold with hia his surgical instruments and it was a bur den and an embarrassment to him he tried to get rid of it but couldn coulden t find gild anyone willing to accept or even to share the responsibility and he couldn coulden t throw it away for the sake of folks at home toward the close of the second day the surgeon was taken prisoner 1 he 10 lost his surgical instruments and his medicine chest case but clung to the gold and making a belt of his neck tie Us and handkerchief tied it around his waist next to his skin to prevent its confiscation by his captors dur ing the long hot and weary march that followed the gold pieces chafed his flesh and his waist became so s sore and blistered as to cause him in tense suffering but be he was bound that the tile foil foll s at home should have the benefit of that money and by the exercise of great caution and patience managed to keep it until he was exchanged with other prisoners and got back to washington here ho he found his regiment in camp and one of the first men to welcome him was the irish sergeant who was so delighted to learn that the doctor had saved his money that he got drunk and gambled it all away the first night veterans welcome old foe fee the annual reunion of the survivor survivors of the second illinois cavalry was held at quincy III recently and an ex confederate soldier was the guest ol 01 honor he was capt i ii mcdowell of nashville tenn and he came to return a carbine which be he took from a soldier of the second illinois car airy alry capt mcdowell was dressed in the gray uniform he wore in the con federate army he captured the cap car bine at the battle of holly springs taking it from isaiah weidman who was killed in that battle capt me dowell presented the carbine to M I 1 of farmer city III a son of the man from whom he took it nearly forty years ago we of the south thought we were right said capt mcdowell as he handed the old carbine to mr weld man but thank god we lost providence decided the war right and we are now glad you won |