Show old castor goe goes for junk the announcement that the obsolete wooden frigate his majesty s ship cas j tor for has been handed over to the ship j breakers it sheerness gays says the T on 1 don telegraph 0 recalls in exciting in aident in the history of the old vessel kafter fter taking part in the gyllin cam align ot of 18 1810 10 the castor was suase employed on oil the he northwest coast of ireland in 1847 the frigate was unfortunate enough to run into and bink sink her Ila majesty Jesty s cruiser dill gence while aiding at anchor drowning most of tl e crew the diligence it th tho time wis wi s under the cornomi n I 1 of sir sig john held reid and the naturally created a seab seaq sedition ution in bivil elides the officer of tie witch on oil bearl the he frigate mas lemoel from the vy I 1 lut ut was aftena ar or I 1 reinstate I 1 and ai 91 pointed to the coastguard sern ice 1 c service promptly dubbed tl e unlucky frigate the din blin I 1 castor a nime stuck to her for tl 0 e rest of 0 I 1 ci ei career foi miny years the ciston had been emp miloye loye I 1 it south sl SI lelda is a drill ship foi the I 1 obal naval re serve |