Show yr dyff w t THE FOUNT OF YOUTH the fount of youth has oft been sought S nee nce days of long ago a and land oft in fancy men ave have seen its I 1 v ng waters flo v EC through brough desert s vamp and w Id erness the search I 1 as been pursued in hope that by the mag c fount youth youths a dreams ra be renewed but mut men have turned from that vain quest the r hopes forever cr er shed tor though th u h they searched through all the rl world 0 d no mag founta n gushed and men res ened ned themselves to age that robbed them of tl e r grace that sipped sapped the r strength and thickly spread time times s wrinkles on the face in later years n en s thoughts have turned to plans for longer I 1 afe fe and in el x rs they I 1 ave sought ne v strength for da ly strife and oft t s heralded abroad that sc se ent ht A or sage finally e oled a plan to stay the bl b of 0 pin age cut men grow old and aomen too As in tl e days of ore 1 tor no el i rs tl ey nane haie tr ed i the ther mouthful cairms en alrina restore and as M they can t dece ve themselves some seek to I 1 de tl e truth and dye or bleach the r ha r and pa nt on checks the hues of the fount of youth is n each heart and those vl 10 keep t pure will longer hoh ho I 1 tie tl e char as na of uth and length of I 1 fe secure and v hen at last that founta n falls and old age on them steals I 1 they 11 bear t well because no man I 1 Is older tl an he feels pittsburg chron de cle telegraph |