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Show Bunge Cite Nets FEBRUARY 17, 1995 were: Milford Valley Clinic Forman, Board Of Trustees Gladys Whittaker, Jerry Mayer, Arlan Mayer, Larry Meeting Barnes, Craig Davie, Arlene Board present were: members Loretta Forman, Gladys Whittaker, Jerry Mayer, Arlan Larry Barnes, Craig Arlene Malchus and Pearson. Russel Warren Johnson Howard Pryor from District #3. Reha Mayer, Davie, Tammy Mayer, and Service and Reha The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Minutes were approved as read with one correction - Reha Gray report . Department's remodeling project. This was tentatively approved by Craig Davis, head of Planning and Zoning, with of health iissues to be held this Spring. - The remodeling of the ER is coming along with preliminary _ plans. in the for audit and cost report was made. This was seconded 2. John was given the go ahead to extend an invitation to Dr. Giorgio to by Arlene. — Motion carried... John reported State. The inspection went: 3. 1. that we had a surprise. Home health inspection by the In other committee A grant isin the works for a new — ambulance very __ well, excellent improvement over last year. Spaulding's It was suggested, however, a local Social Worker could by helpful in rounding out the radiology department. the program. 2. as Preferred Provider Status "and the Board will sign. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. | Milford Valley Memorial Hospital Board Of Trustees Meeting January 25, 1995 Those in attendance The Home Health Office manager will ~ “be selected this week: . John gave the board “members a draft of the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation for review. Discussion was made to remove and job descriptions for Minersville. Discussion was held on additional oo sources. 3. John is to draft a letter regarding the appeal of Dr. denial to accept Dr. Spaulding's Employment Agreement as proposed by John. Motion carried. 5. Motioned by Arlan, 2nd by Craig to accept Mary Wiseman's Employment Agreement as proposed by John. Motion carried. 6. Arlene motioned, Tammy 2nd the Motion carried. . - Meeting adjourned at9:10p.m. . New Business: ie Arlene ask about purchasing new gowns for.: The Ambulance Shed is in dire need of a good clean-. up. After the contents have. been identified, a decision of what to do with the contents will be made. Motioned at 8:40 by Craig to go into Executive Session, 2nd by Arian. dash board to make sure they are accurate and look for signs of water. -Test the lights, windshield wipers, tum _ signals, cigarette lighter, radio, heater and air conditioner several times to make sure crack or fail at any time. -Check the trunk, glove compartment, and beneath the seats and dash for signs of mud, rust, or water damage. -Look for discolored, faded, — or stained upholstery and carpeting. Carpeting that has been replaced may fit too loosely or may not match the interior color: : > -Check for a well-defined line, or watermark, and for musty odors re = mildew. -Check out the reliability of the dealer by contacting the ae a located. © ° -If the cemr's sdaedry seéms suspicious, ask the dealer or Board Meeting. individual. directly if the car has — ne by flood water.° Note: The hospital foeived. -If you're bestia from a car February a Pacific grant in 15 Corp - (UP&L) the amount of and. used. car buyers to be cautious. of unscrupulous businesses and. individuals who: may try to sell flood-‘cats... without. damaged. the . vehicles'~ revealing BBB The history. recommends the following tips . to. help ‘consumers. determine if a car is — damaged: -Ask to see the title of a used car. Check the date and place of transfer of see if the car came fro a flooddamaged state and if the title is stamped. "salvage." -Check all gauges on the _ they work. Also, flex some of the wires under the dash to see if they bend of crack, since wet wires. become brittle upon drying and can were at the ‘These minutes approved as read Don't Get Soaked Buying Administrative: =, ms by Craig to accept proposal from : by Tammy business, Arlene updated the $2,000. to construct a Board on the UP&S walkway for patients. Beautification Grant. - To’ date they are going pee the selection process.° - aFlood Damaged Car .. Gladys reported on _ :In the wake of the’ the U of U oe California floods, the Better... Plan. Business Bureau urges new Old Business: oe Stagg's minutes in. favor. — Also, ‘this presentation could include 911 stickers, discussion of understanding EMS services and home monitors. John reported on the donation of durable medical equipment and supplies. to our hospital by valley Mew Medical Center.© a clinic during the month of. February. our forward, Motion carried. Out of ES by at 9:02 p.m. 3. Moved by Craig and 2nd by Arlan to approve Mountain West Respiratory Care's contract on the condition they do the same procedures as in the past. motion carried. 4. motioned by Larry, 2nd Administrator present meetings will read "Milford Valley health Care — contracts to the Board every Services." ‘year for review and be A. discussion was signed by the Administrator held regarding the and Board Chairman. presentation of clinic for the Motion carried. elderly on Understanding 7. Gladys motioned to hire Medicare. and Alternate a part-time. secretary for Insurance Claims. All were John: ~ 2nd by Tammy. year's Health Fair was dedicated to Ken Munk. There... was Ted of are available for listening. From this day ‘specialty fair for women's . years Tapes of various speakers financial regarding 5 - John and Loretta reported on a Rural Health Seminar recently held in Phoenix. Working together to improve the quality of life through community involvement were topics shown to be very effective. Reha reported - discussion after - service. Mayer, Milford rotating through the visit _ andy observe. facility. vested the Health Fair as a huge success. A $400. donation was made from the Three County Wellness Committee and another $150.. was - raised by the hospital. This Home electrical and heating changes, of which would have to be done. by a licensed contractor. New Business: 1. Dr. Puen will be here at the 1. Nursing: Arlene. Approved. Old Business: 1. John proposed in-house contracting . for the of any " annually. Employees will be by Jerry, seconded by Craig. motion carried. Committee Reports: at a smail profit. Motion to accept by Arlan, 2nd by exceptions retirement plan for hospital employees. The plan is currently giving 3% - statement as read was made continues to show the clinic Health Director Russel accept being Director of Nurses not Administrator of Nursing Services. completion of the on the newly implemented Howard Pryor and Warren Johnson all from Service District #3. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Loretta Forman at 7:30 p.m. The financial © Statement showed that the hospital made a small profit for the year. Motion to . Gray, director of Nurses. Financial Gray, Nurses. John Gledhill, Administrator that are contained. John also reported Malchus and Tammy Pearson all of the Hospital Board. John Gledhill, _ Hospital Administrator and January 25, 1995 the Loretta PAGE 10 dealership, “the ~-Federal Trade Commission Used Car Rule requires the dealer to put a window sticker on used cars that must disclose a statement saying’ if the dealer selling the car.“as is." If the car is sold "as is," the consumer must pay for any — repairs’ needed after the purchase. - Before baping any used car, always get a pre- purchase inspection by a trusted mechanic. The extra cost may save you money, in the long run, if . major problems are-in store. |