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Show Danse City? BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID = MILFORD, UT PERMIT NO. 15 DODGE CITY NEWS P. O. BOX 224 MILFORD UT 84751 SERVING MILFORD AND News Briefs Planning Agenda: and COUNTY SINCE 1991 VOL. V of There is no provision.in the . zones to allow Should zoning ordinance to allow construction in these for two zones or leave them as is? *Preliminary Plat approval, J. R. Boone subdivision. *Preliminary Plat approval, Jess Riker subdivision. *Items for Discussion. Planning and Zoning County commissioners, as elected officials, generally have the responsibility of appointing members to serve on various county boards. Vacant positions are usually advertised, and commissioners make an appointment from respondents showing interest. Although and said permit an the zoning commission is undoubtedly the most. powerful among these boards, commissioners have chosen to abdicate a portion of their control over appointments to that board. with other obligations. Essentially this empowers local government with the option to promote or control expansion. Beaver County Planning and Zoning Commission issued a Conditional Use Permit to Circle Four Farms for the Laho _ siding sites on Zoning houses) in R and RE zones. Appointments: Quality, in. the compliance _Items on the Bed & Breakfasts. we amend the Water NO.7 specifies that the permittee is not relieved of made. to allow Bed & Breakfasts (boarding planning eins language agenda for the February 15 meeting include: *Rezonement requested by Randy Ruesch and Roger Cox to change A-5 to CD. *Several requests have been R and RE BEAVER — 50 cents 17, 1995 FEBRUARY WESTERN AY Dodge City News Photo/Jason Fisher Senior Citizen Building One Step Closer To Expansion Local residents attended a public hearing Monday evening to show t heir support for expansion of the senior citizen building. Gary Zabriskie, FCAOG, explail ned preliminary approval had been granted for a $47,350. CDBG. The seniors have agree d to provide an additional $8,000. in matching funds, bringing the total project cost to $55,3 50. In addition to adding 800 square feet to the existing building, minor adjustments are re quired to meed ADA requirements. Final application is due March 27. According to the current schedule construction could be completed during the summer months. December 14, 1994. Board of Education Resolution: "We don't have anything to hide in this program," Superintendent Carl Holm said as he explained that there is actually no discrepancy between the _ resolution recorded in item 10 of the unapproved from "nursery pigs. State engineers responded with Beaver; Gerry Hackwell, a Beaver businessman; and - December on The Larry Sower, construction company the commissioners — for appointment. This policy was adopted late last year after Jolyn Leko was manager and consultant for Circle Four Farms. Commissioner Ross Marshall serves as County Commission representative. January 25, 1995 and the state again responded with comments n February 2. appointed protest. Leo Kanell attends meetings worker as County Attorney. Water quality permits for farms in the second phase of Circle Four Farms construction are in various stages of application day public comment period before the permits can be approval. issued. When planning and zoning vacancies are advertised they must first be approved ~ by the existing planning and zoning board before their names can be submitted to Leko under is a postal from the Milford flat who has expressed concern over possible impact of Circle Four Farms development. Terms for Lary Carter, a Milford developer, and Max Limb, Beaver County Assessor, expired January of this year. Other board members are Craig Davis, Beaver, Administrator, * Robert Strong, Chairman, anesthesiologist an Permit . applications were submitted to Department of Water Quality on November 10, recommen dations 13. resubmitted on (see page 5) and the certified resolution. The minutes _ state that the resolution authorizes borrowing up to $500,000. for demolition and/or other associated . costs of removing the old high schools. The certified resolution reads as follows: RESOLVED that this Municipality is authorized to enter into a Master Equipment Lease Purchase of their size, require a 30 Comments will be accepted concerning the design, engineering, geological | impact, etc. 1994 for sites 6 through 11. Sites 6 and 7 are proiected to accommodate 7,700 minutes addressed a local Rupp, Division on Agreement "Agreement") One (the with Arizona Corporation, Banc Leasing an Arizona corporation ("Lessor"), for the acquisition of the use and possession of the equipment described below: HEATING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS (continued on page 2) |