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Show PBBRUARY: 1, 1995 m Mi ord Tiger Sports By Hea er Cox This weekend the Tigers had their last home game.| Escalante came here to Milford to end the regular season Tigers before Region. The sadly lost the game 53. to 68. says, "We Coach Hillock refused to play defense in the 4th quarter. As arresult, 10 of their 20 points came for the free throw tine” The Tigers are going top right, Tiger Basketball = to bottom: _ Justin Marshall, Adrien Jones, Ricky Rose, Barry Barnes, pe: i oh Triobole, Jeramie McDermott, Tommy. Yee, Chris Craw, Michael ~--Bames, Russell Barnes, Mark Wiseman, and Adam Davis. ? aK us ey i ecient: Ing | Thursday.“ The Tigers will Play Valley at 7:00 p.m. at the SUU Centrum. Also Thursday is a Pep Rally at the Tiger Gym at 3:15 p.m. — ‘ere, The eee. WHOLE Is invited to be _ 8° come and cheer the Tigers on. And don't forget © Wear RED. |” Seniors Honored The Milford High School Senior basketball players and cheerleaders were honored at the final home game on February “110, 1995. The Seniors honored were: Jeramie McDermott, Mark Wiseman, Tommy Yee, _|Adrien Jones, Barry Barnes, Chris Craws, Ricky Rose, Kylee Bailey, and Melissa Holm. Ss 8's° eS SAVE SOMETHING EACH PAYDAY. Best of Luck Tigerettes and = Basketball P layers! & Ne * NICUA Your savings federally insured to $100,000 National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency » one has ever lost a dime in a federally insured share account. Southern Utah — Federal Credit Union MILFORD OFFICE P.O. Box 798 Milford, Utah 84751 a ey 387-2422 OFFICES ALSO LOCATED IN , ST. GEORGE, CEDAR CITY, HURRICANE 15 on Jennifer Marshall (center) with husband Sid (left) d son Waylon (front) participated in the Senior Tiger Honor Ceremony with her brother Jeramie McDermott (right). McDermott, # 12, plays guard. |