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Show FEBRUARY 17, 1995 Badge City Nees PAGE 2 baal Affordable Sleyance Ctherylic Nails By Danine Zorenxo rom Special $20.00 504 B, 100 F° nersville VG 801-386-2430 Daily Prescription — Dae: ._ of life who share one thing: the love of bells. They practice together with the goal of sharing this :: love with fellow Utahns. They have played at churches, company parties, firesides and concefts.-" Runners up in the 1994 Utah Rising Star competition, they have played in Utah County, Sal Lake _ County and have traveled to Arizona and Idaho. explain the finer points of form a bell choir as part of a musical program for our schools and for adults who feel committed to this beautiful and unusual art form. A knowledge of music is not a requirement for membership the audit: of . Board. The in such a choir, but it is helpful. Trustees voted unanimously Tickets for the February 25 concert may be acquired by contacting: Wendy at Milford High School or Reverend Wagner at 387-2834. Donations of $2.00 for students and $4.00 for adults to adopt revised by-laws to will go toward acquisition of our initial set of bells and equipment. Special opportunity for those allow members to serve desiring to provide memorials or honors for individuals or causes may do so with tax deductible more than one term. donations in a bell or bells that live forever and ring out in rich voices to inspire and thrill all ages. Revised Articles of Incorporation were also adopted. the from for increased 40 % pay to money. Briefs $230,108 in 1993 (not Laws: The Milford Valley Health Care Services audit The listed equipment simply pledged as for 1994 was greeted with cheers and jubilation by hospital board members and board members joined together in crediting those statistics to community confidence in the Stagg staff, collateral on the loan. Holm said the actual document contains a complete list of evening. equipment, grown dramatically. I'm delighted to see trends including the school busses, being used to secure the note. This course of action was taken in order to secure a lowered interest rate. "It is just the same as if we took this chunk of money to cover the cost of purchasing those items in order to free up funds out of the bond "Business reversing," announced. has Stagg Overall revenues reflect increase while a 30% expenses. increased only 15%. ill departments the except nursing home show striking increases. Clinic revenues recorded a net income $26,100. in opposed to a $109,186. in 1994 of © as loss. of 1993. However, it is necessary to note that 20% of the salary for both Dr. Spaulding and P.A. Mary Wiseman Weed Control to $323,258 in 1994. especially Dr. Spaulding, when it was presented by and the quality of care The clinic Ted Stagg Wednesday available. was aes 801-387-2104 with the choir at some time after the completion of the program. The purpose of the concert is to entertain, instruct and provide an introduction to English Bell Ringing. It is our intention to exceed $500,000. including interest). i ‘Open 10:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. “464 S. Main St. _ admitted after that time. Those who would like the experience of bell ringing will be invited to play | (the "equipment") for an aggregate cost not to w eR Milford Drug | A special program of music, both religious and secular, will be offered at this concert. . ‘Because of the nature of this event the doors will be closed at 2:55 p.m., and no one will be Hospital Audit and By- was shifted to Home Health. Stagg will attend the annual General Board Meeting on February 21 to See RIRSe SEOGERAPPSLIAMR RETO V EL ¥ e « Oe Se Se £24 KARR Monday- Saturday (cut off time 1:30 on Saturday) as The Utah Valley Handbell Choir will be presented in’Concert on February 25; 1995 at 3: 00" "p.m. at the Milford Community Methodist Church. The choir consists of members from all walks -demolition," Holm said. Sve » Delivered at 5:00 P.M. UtahValley Handbell Choir (continued from page 1) ¢ ‘Order - 3: 00 P. M. The Bureau of Land Management is considering issuing of a contract for control of scotch thistle on BLM and lands within Beaver Iron Counties: The - ~ BLM iissoliciting individuals or companies who are | 2! mertoted’ in bidding on the. 3 ie; contract. thistle Scotch : continues to be a problemi on both federal and privately.;;i owned | lands. infestations are Thistle:' numerous - throughout both counties — and vary in size from less than a quarter acre up to .. five acres. Proper control of the thistle will involve both spraying of herbicides and. handcutting. If you are~ interested contact the BLM at 176 East D. L. Sargent— _ Drive, Cedar City, UT . s - 84720 or telephone 801- 586-2401. Licensed Washer-Dryer Service & Repair 7-Day-A-Week Service V & J Repair 801- 387- 2846 |