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Show Badge City Netos FEBRUARY 17, 1995 of concern.. Respective _ principals form each school BEAVER COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Private and Home School PAGE 5 School Board - 3. It was moved by Rondo T. Farrer, seconded by Unapproved Minutes February 7, 1995 Present: C. David White, Norman L. Lamb, and Vice-President; and board 4 members Pat. Rimpau, Rondo T. Farrer, and G. Brent Edwards. Also construction projects were The high school 6. 1st for Milford High School, Assistant $325,091.27, Dotson. 1. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. and an invocation was offered by Nicholas R: Dotson. 2. It was moved By G. Brent Edwards, seconded by Rondo T. Farrer, and unanimously passed that the minutes of January 3, 1995, be approved. and Balance. Capitol B.H.S. at this time in the Outlay fund is $1,759,973.00, enough to and is cover 4:00 p.m. Personne’ Superintendent Holmes discu: both building construction costs. 5. Mr. Willden reviewed SAT test scores again and summarized ideas and areas - information was receive d and many teachers were and Our Entire Portrait Package is Just $19.95 You get our best poses in the advertised package. We NEVER hold back the better pictures to sell at a higher price. $300 16” $4 deposit when photographed balance on delivery 9” FULL PRICE Your 3 Pose Package Includes: 2-8x 10s 3-5x7s 12 Billfolds AND a 10 x 13 - February 18, 1995 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Satisfaction Guaranteed or your deposit refunded. No Age Limit » No Quantity Limit © No Extra Charge for Groups Families Welcome ¢ infants to Adults ¢ Low-priced Reorders Available by Mail Double Exposure and Black Background at No Extra Charge - Full Size Professional Prints. by Kolorkraft All of our portraits are full size borderless prints We care as much about your portraits as you do. Country Floral and Gifts 395 South Main Milford, UT 84751 school Seq 9. It was moved by G. Brent Edwards, seconded by Pat |Rimpau, a and unanimously passed that Alan) Raddon and Frank Bramall be authorized to attend a football coach clini¢. Beaver High School and Milford High School to — seconded L. Lamb, student" costs by and of be removing the old high schools. ‘See Enclosed Resolution (Available in District Office) 11. | Private and home schoo extra-curricular activity participation policy was discussed. It was moved by Pat Rimpau, seconded by Norman L. Lamb, and unanimously by These |minutes will be presented for approval at the next board meeting. Until such time they are considered unofficial. the a number of factors has not maintained scholastic eligibility shall be ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities. f) Eligibility of transfer students shall be decided consistent with UHSAA By -laws.. Associated Guidelines very closely, = _business to. come before the board, | the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. by e) Any public or accredited private school student who See Enclosed Policy (printed following minutes) 12. Walk-on coaches training discussed. Will need to follow the Utah High School Activities There being no further established including residency, scholarship, age, and number of semesters of participation. All eligibility standards, for all students to be consistent with the UHSAA By-laws. _ policy be approved. 14. means previous grading period. d) Eligibility is determined passed that the following 13. | Monthly | financial reports were reviewed. which earning a minimum six (6) credits which apply toward graduation as stated in R277-700-6. Private school programs accredited and home school programs to be evaluated and approved by the board of Education or their designee. b) ‘Participation at the school within whose boundaries the parent or legal guardian resides. c) Academic eligibility shall unanimously passed that the following resolution be adopted. The resolution authorized the borrowing of up to $500,000.00 for the demolition and/or other associated the within the district provided - 10. It was moved by Rondo Farrer, by they meet the following requirements: a) Qualify as a "full-time pay all expenses. T. education Beaver County Board of Education for instruction in private or home schools may — be eligible for participation . in extracurricular activities © at 5:45 p.m. Norman Our Lower Total Price Includes a FREE 10 x 13 from property It was| moved and seconded that regular session resume modified school year. Will _ poll the teachers in the district and if favorable, will present information to parents. ne Many thank you notes and verbal thanks were received from teachers for letting them attend the Harry Wong Workshop in the Nebo District. Much building - $1,382,886.65. Policy Students exempted compulsory public into executive session at again reviewed the proposed and June Ist for Beaver High School. Balance due on the M.HS. building - Superintendent Donald J. Willden, and Business Manager Nicholas’ R. Extracurricular Activities ideas and information. — completion dates are April | ' Student Participation in ideas to help improve the scores. Principals will met at a later date and exchange reviewed with Architect Ken Naylor. Projected Superintendent Carl M. Holmes, Board throughout the day and presented plans and bills be approved. President; Norman L. Lamb, present: in the district met with the | unanimously passed that the © |