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Show ee PAGE3. _ oe a FEBRUARY 17, 1995 Foin the Credit Union Team working together to build youa better future! = __ i SAFETY Your Credit Union's membership i in the National*Credit: :Difion ati 7- _. . Administration means that the savings of each member is. Clove one to $100, ona By. an agency of the. oe States: : 4 _ SAVINGSThe Credit Union seelcnnies your savings tind makes a sincere effort to provide you with the best possible return on yo earned. dollars. i > S . 2 » os ; LOANS. There are. many different types of loans’ available for Youumay-apply in ees by phone or mail. DEPOSITS: =. ~*~ | | Deposits ‘may Bekfabiled or brought into the Credit bi ts schol BA ‘ae sae you can save by payroll deduction. Withdrawals can be es t : ce : ee OB boss handled By phone, mail or in person. Checks will be issued ee tly. I" 5 ala | hard- | Southern Utah Federal Cre MILFORD OFFICE PIO! B0x 798 et Milford, Utah 84751 387-9499 ine case e oe: aoe ST. OPEECES ALSO GEORGE, CEDAR’ it Union ea LOCATED IN CITY, HURRICANE | |