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Show Badye City Nefus FEBRUARY 17, 1995 Beaver County Sheriff's Report Tax Preparation ~ Assistance ‘One Agent is All | “You Really Need ._Aninsurance professional who “cares about your family. One agent to handle your total: the. February 6-12, 1995:. * Utah Highway.,Patrol -arrested two men, both from Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Omaha, Nebraska, charging Volunteers from (VITA) program will Courity at the USU ‘Service, 10:-North Thursday, February 23, insurance program—Auto, Home, ~ Farm, Crop, Business and Life. » Mark S. Whitney > be in Tron” Extension: Main, on. 1995 from 9:00 am. until 3:00 pm. Agent will 801-387-2244 provide free They income tax preparation ‘and assistance to the’ public. Beaver and Iron County residents are invited to participate in this service. VITA can also provide assistance in obtaining Bg INSURANCE Site Name Kimberly Mine Big Flat Merchant Valley Elev. Extension Service (438-2252)for an appointment and/or more information. union COMPANIES Snow Water Equivalent (Ft) Current 9300» 12.1 10290 13.6 8750 11.4 Average Sey 12.5 8.1 % Avg. 125 109 141 The driver _ of. the vehicle: was. also charged with - speeding. They -were booked into week. 8132) or Adrie Roberts, USU FARMERS Spaghetti Casserole Buttered Green Beans Hot Roll: iste 3 Apple Pie/Milk : Wednesday, Hebrusry: sok Chicken Patty Potatoes & Gravy Corn Amphetamines. Beaver County Office of the USU the IRS. Contact Kathy Riggs, USU Extension Service (586- © NAL Tuesday, February 21: -* Extension Home Economist, at the tax advantages available through ee ..with Possession -of Amphetamines and Selling them Beaver County Jail. . * An incident of Criminal Mischief at the sight of the new high school in Milford is under investigation. * One traffic accident was investigated by the Sheriff's Department during — the Earned Income Credits and other © Total Precipitation Current 19.8 16.8 Average 13.2 13.2 % Avg. E57. 127 14.5 11.6 125 Monday, February 20 President's Day Holiday ::~ - Hot Roll. Peaches/Milk Thursday, February 23 Lasagna Green Salad Applesauce Hot Roll/Milk * Fourteen responses were made to requests fro assistance. Of these calls, one was to keep the peace, six to check out suspicious persons or circumstances, and five to assist other agencies. * Eight traffic stops were ‘made by the Sheriff's Department with four citations issued. Friday, February 24 Creamed Tuna on Toast Mixed Vegetables -Fruited Jello w/ Cream/Milk In the Child Nutrition Program, no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap, be excluded from participation in, be.denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination... If you believe you have been discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap, . write immediately to the Secretary Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. of Ready to do your 1994 Tax Return? Ted Stagg and Kelly Allen of Stagg & Associates, CPA's will be in Milford on February 23 and 24, and then again on March 23 and 24, to meet with current and prospective clients. Time is being set aside for tax interviews nl tax return preparation for both. individuals and businesses. Please cali (801) 322-2113 collect and ask Kasey to schedule a time for your personal meeting. Ted and Kelly will also be available at that number to answer any questions you sm have prier to their arrival in Milford. Ted or Keily will meet with you for-your prescheduled appointment time at the following location: 1145 North Highway 257 Mitford, Utah We enjoy our close relationship with the residents of Milford and hope to assist you in minimizing your tax liability for 1994 _ and thereafter. — |