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Show VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL STARTS J j Page 11 BLANDING OUTLOOK MONDAY Daily Vacation Bible Sohool will begin at the First Baptist Church on June 22. Hours will June 19, 1959 RETRACTION Retraction is hereby made as requested for whatever parts of Registration will be held at 9:00 am. Sat. the article abo :t "Young Doctors" that was published in last June 20th. All children expectweek's paper which were , or ing to atend are asked to come might be, objeotlonable to anyfor this As the one , patient, I sho:ld to stress like that I received CORTEZ RODEO be 9:00-12:0- 0, pre-registrat- ion. GETS UNDER NAY The Ute underway first at Mountain Roundup gets of 8 pm three excellent care from ny physician, and I really hadn't meant otherwise. M.H, Kunz Friday with the RCA-appro- BUNDING ved rodeo sessions, presented by the Ute Mountain Post No. 75 of the American Legion at the Legion Bowl in Cortez. The rodeo, featuring tnfeflfher big-na- me performers, will be seen at evening shews at 8 o'clock Fri. and Sat. nights and at an aftern- performance at 2 pm Sunday. Events during the three-da- y performance will include: Bare baok riding, saddle bronc riding oon i Want-A- d ) Rates per line 10c insertion. with 8c per line with 40c oiniauB for subsequent consecutive runs of sans copy with every 5th' run free. Display advertising in Want-A- d co limns 80c per column inch. Card of Thanks 10c a line with $1 minimum. . WATER NEEDLES reclaimed Have your old water achine Shop. 9-- -- p Used T.V. sets, table models - cabinet models. at our oost. Guaranteed, going Terms. otd c Dressmaking, 6-1- 2 unfurnished. Ins. REPOSSESSED Take up Furniture . and springs, Virtue 7-p- iece living 5-p- lece 12 electric dinette set, suite. room Machine One Contact Phone 2166. -- Twin-T- Ub 17" payments. FOR SALE RCA & T.V. Heneer otd unfurnished. and and cry after tion Fruit with sewing kit .and miscellaneous personal effects. Finder please leave Box furnished bath. Nielson. See or Phone at Phillips Service Station. present multi-purpo- se ONE FOLICY for Dad, Mom, and Children, present and future. remarkable new For further details about this plan Phone 2306. BENEFICIAL LIFE Insurance Company I Residential Clyde Thompson.' "m mill atiMok fm " ImhIuM tdvwyjol creative dance advanced stu Anne 5 p.m. Morrow Ph hot Century, Riviera Model 2 door. 4 new Completely equipped. tires. Book value $1025. Will $900. Bill E, Cline. See Commercial Industrial 2 bedroom house LOST sell for E. PORTER I dent's classes being arranged 11 416, I1YRUM dn On. year old prlee: See Robert Lankford Siamese Cat. If found please Lyman Trail or Court. P call 3247. If no answer call 3821. SALE 1954 Buick n road from FOR LOST Branding to Klgalia Guard sta- of the building, will be a DANCING LESSONS beginners FAMILY FLAN rn om Morgan L. Tap all-in-o- ne - Phone 2651. Brand corner E. Palmer Wm. 3-r- oom call plastlo seat covers for 57 del 4 door Buick at bar west be Centrally located, apartment Inquire at Sprouse Jewelers. one-bedro- jith the addition, which is to be attached to the south- yr. old horse for sale or trade. here's the hah The new School. room, so designed that it could serve as two classrooms in should the need arise. The structure which will eost approximately $50,000.00 is to Shop Southeast Blanding. - riding. Ernest Sondregger, Monticello building contractor, has contracted to build a 3200 square foot addition to the Bluff washer , SHARPENED Steven's and CONTRACT LET FOR BLUFF SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT of original price. Can be seen at Fioneer Furniture, or otd call 3606, Blanding. LAWN bulldogging or freezer-refreger-at- combination, automat io range, i brahma bull suites with mattress bedroom 3726. bedroom house FOR RENT- -- - calf roping, REPOSSESSED - Furniture and appliances consisting of: Two FOR RENT apartment with 9-P Basin Realty Phone 2016. con- -! 58 Franols Rhoades. FOR RENT- -- bal. of Sewing work. ete. Spot 17, Irvin Palmer's Trailer et. Co. j FOR RENT Pioneer Furniture. WANTED this area, tract for more details write 3 FOR SALE in Piano completed in time for the Dexter Washer. Like new. One start of school this fall. Speed Oueen Washer. Excellent, Sondregger was one of 4 bidcondition. Either for less ders was $2500 below the and than half price. Also have next low his bidder. i 18 Spinet assume FOR SALE need- les reparied at less than osst sf new. Steven's M- -- Credit Dept . Mgr. , Box 148 S. H. Station Salt Lake City Utah. for first 50c ainimum FOR SALE or oall Ph. 2947. APPLx4Ces DOOR BEIjLS and HINES small appliances llGffr Northern Elecihric |