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Show Bells for Former Blanding Girl up and down the street with Duane Gayles cine last two weeks in Floohe Nevada Staydrove to Ventura Calif ing with Francine's sister Hrs week where Eddie visited his Harold Hamnond Hiss Bonnie Varnard. Hr June Powell has been in and Hrs Bart Iyman were Hr hospital for the happily surprised Fri when their the Hontioello from 10 days recovering daughter B&rta Jean flew up past fi-an- Phoenix with from to spend the IXiane Johnson She re- week-en- d Hr ther medical attention. He was to accompanied by his son Jerry and Phoenix to. take Hrs. and Hr Dean has employ- Dean Shumway there and ment o&me up He was released Tues pneumonia to go to Salt Lake City for fur- and Hrs. SUnday with Hunt who drove down turned Curtis oo, to his daughter move home his family down. son-in-l- Hr aw Jack Tate and Hrs Hrs and Galbraith was brought from the Hontieello- - hospDee After spending some Dereeoe Nielson and two ital Hon Hrs ehlldron left June 12th for time there suffering from a Portland Ore. where they will heart condition She is being eared for at home by her sister spend two weeks with her parents Hrs Harie Kaughtallng Feerteeh Steve Hr and Hrs Louisa Iyman is home from Salt They drove to Salt Lake and took Lake and is being eared for bj the plane from there Hr and Mrs. Gordon Adams made her mother Hrs. Wiley Redd Hr and Hrs Franeis D. Niela business trip to Bluff Sat. Hrs. Carl Perkins and ohlldren son made a trip this week to Lake City. and Hrs Ray Perkins drove to Salt the Glade Hountaln Honday and Hr and Hrs Jack Jones and for a two daughters left Tues spent the day They Lewis Kaye Shumway came weeks vacation in Colo a here return to if new down from Provo last Wed to expect materializes spend a few days with her par- JobThe Debonnet Club met June 9 ents Hr and Hrs Alma Redd at the home of Hrs. Harllyn LyShe returned Hon She and her Hrs will seheel at the husband Hrs Ewle attend summer B.Y.U Stevens and Hrs Charity Rowley left Hon for Provo where they will attend suner school them were Louise Redd Also going Palmer and Shirley Hrs with Redd will vi- man friend Eaoh member brought a and a film was shewn on the birth of a baby Refresh- marriage a former resident of Blanding Vera Stevens, daughter of Hr Alden Stevens of LaSal, & Hrs. Utah, and Mr. Eldon C. Harris, son of Hr. Minnie C. Harris of Lehi, Utah, will be married June 19th in the Hanti LDS Temple. 1959 19 June and forthcoming has been made known of are vacationing for Shumway BLANDING OUTLOOK The - engagement HILDA PERKIl'S Lyman end Eddie Page 4 Wedding the Fourth Ward Chapel on ing of Juno 19th, President Lewis R Anderson will perform the ceremony Miss Stevens is a graduate of Brigham Young University, and has filled a mission for the LDS She taught Church in Mexico school a number of years before entering employment with the LDS Chureh In Salt Lake City At the time of her engagement she was employed by the Ghuroh to process genealogical records from Italian Mr. and Per a corporatien Lb. Portuguese Spanish, church members is Harris He attorney work completed at his 25 Lb. Min pre-leg- al Brigham Young Un- iversity, and later attended the He has University of Utah studied at Utah State University and the University of Hawaii was formerly the Us Dept of a Tax Attorney an Analyst He Calif for Conmeroe, then San Diego, at Slnoc returning to Salt Lake City he has been engaged a corporation attorney. as 2 wedding reoeption is being held in their honor in the Lehi A Blks. BUc. S U. Phillips Station ments of lee eream and cookies were served by Mrs Lyman and co-host- Hrs ess, Hrs Guy ed bus Carma sit with relatives and Shirley ing to go will attend to business matters Old HclxIco Bartlett Palmer met a charter- at Hontieello Hon Horn- to the BYU tour to Also going from th Patsy Shumway also returned to here were Bonnie Harvey and Harris They will be gone her heme in Provo with them Hrs Warren Bronson returned six weeks Hor-edi- Honday from Idaho a pleasant tives vaoatlon with rela- Her also returned she after spending daughter Kathleen from Ogden attended Girls' State reports a most thrilling ience , where She exper- Olson is vacationing Utah where she has Rlohfleld in many relatives and friends Hrs Don OftlVG-I- Iva Hatch, Conway Redd & two small daughters were in town over the week-e- nd Ann Goedrum of Hexloan Hat la a guest of Judy Nielson this Hrs THGATUG N 'Im Shorn jk Soouf week Hr family of last home DeVar Shumway and Grand Junction spent and Hrs week here at tha visiting A E Shum- of Hr and Hrs Jr way. Friends of George Hurst are glad to see him about again Hr and Hrs Gordon Adams a after long illness a Business to Salt Hiss Sally Redd and Hiss Fran- - Thursday, trip Fri Lake & June IS HUS HAD TO BE mads even- t Sat. 20 & Sun & June 21 Mon & 22 HS TOWN. . HB WOMAN... MS FASTEST IHUW! JOHN DEREK porar Swum (MaHimoiaiT JOHN SMITH Tuqs. & June 23 Wed. & 24 JSM 'ONE OF THE GREAT STORIES OF OUR AGE! "the Spirit of St. Louis' CwUMtCOFI mm WMNHCOIO Thurs & June 25-2- 7 Fri Mbit Disneys "SCKSSV: hiuum NMTTE fMULO . IN GMMK & Sat |