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Show Blandin Outlook Published in the Interest of BlandingfandMthe Surrounding Oil and Mining Communities VOLUME 1 cowry I BLAND MO, UTAH, 19, 1959 San Juan County will run between 85 and 90 million dollars for its 1959 assessment. The to the $8,500,000 valuation of property assessed by the county the total valuation is between 90 and 100 million dollars. ent voted City Council broke precedat its Monday meeting and CHAMBER EXPLORES SCHEME TO GET BETTER TELEVISION Chamber of Commeroe Blending to abolish the city 1$ has written a letter asking sales tax effective July 1st. Mexico Pipeline Company In its place will go a of that company's to let sales tax which the council nicro-wav- e part communication system The new valuation is over feels was forced on it be used for virtually bringing Television 1958 of twice the total $37,500 when the County Commissioners to Blending. and over 20 times the assessed ordered a half percent countyAccording to report the Covaluation in 1954 when the fig- wide sales tax. mpany's micro-wasystem built ure was less than 4 million. The county tax was authorized Turn to Pg 8 Col 3 The big figure qualifies San but not action of Texas-- New ve County as a second required by the State Legislature bracket a result all county officials get substantial pay raises automatically. County and as last session. the Under (ordinance In Utah, Salt Lake County is the only first bracket County. The state's second bracket counties are Iron, Utah, Box Elder, be CITIZENS COmilTTEE Commission. Carbon, Weber, and now San new 1959-- half-ce- nt at its tax the oity will 7) relieved of any collection obligation as the new tax will in effect be added to the existing state sales tax and the Juan. collected will be returned to the city by the State Tax a-m- ount leave the oity short on operating funds late in the fall, but without its passage the tax would have been oharged anyway with the proceeds going to the may County. A spokesman said the mayor and several oouncil members strongly orlticlzed the county eommls -sloners for imposing the oounty-wltax which the Bland ing men oonslder at the county de As explained to this reporter SEEKS CLINIC SITE passage of the new tax ordinance level. The citizen's Clinic Committee is in search of a suitable un-nee- ded promote when ed. is drawing plans for a bridge on Highway 47 to cross Cottonwood draw at Bluff, an official of the department said here last The Bridge will cost apweek. proximately $150,000.00 and be ready for bidders this -- that so the coming partment said that he was a direotor of the Chamber of Ccmmeree of his hometown and was a strong believer in the effectiveness of sueh organizations in promoting the growth of The commissioner push for will," he Trade With Local Merchants To Build a Better Community' LOCAL YOUTH MAKING RAPID RECOVERY Layne Johnson, 10 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Johnson is making an unexpected and rapid recovery from the serious injuries sustained in the June 4th bieyole-true- k collision. At the time ef the aoeldent the youth was taken to the San Juan Hospital in a critical condition where a tracheotomy was were present: M.F. Lyman, Dr. E.N. Porter, Bill Cline, Cban Moulton, and Doctor Fallon. Dr. Porter was elected chairman and Bill Cline secretary for mbers performed immediately. his injuries the committee. were a brain Among eon-oussi- sn, fractured upper Jaw, of front teeth and a leg loss broken into seventeen pieees. committee On the July 6th he was flown to Hospital in Salt Lake LDS . City and medical specialists felt he would have at least a four week stayj however after a week he had reeovered sufficiently to be brought home. Ho ! faees a long convalescence with frequent trips to Salt Lake City to be ehecked. new regard. thought. town doesn't no one else said. to the Hospital at Montlcello. After making that point clear he added that neither was the facility being built for Dr. Fallon or any other specific doctor but would be available to any and all doctors tfcrt may need its use. At its first meeting held Wednesday night the following me- some Justified. when ujd Lark Washburn, Clyde Thompson, DeReese Nielson and Edward lyman are also owners of sites to which the committee is giving Highway demade improvements had in Southeastern Utah at costs million dollars dutotalling ring the past 2 years and that additional projeets would come citizens have but is a clinic only, intended to operate as an adjacent of new the committee is somewhat interested in a corner plot near the football field belonging to Floyd Nielson and had asked M.F. Lyman to contact Nielson in its winter. built during said that the He spokesman for the committee emphasised that the building would not be a hospital as some estimates the oost of its venture to be about $75,000 with $5,000 going for site $40,000 building and $30,QC0 for equipment. Secretary Cline stated that as be fall information was revealed by Francis Felteh, member of the Utah Highway Commission for this his talk at the district, in Commerce Chamber of banquet here last Friday. Mr. Felteh lives at Vernal. A The can will The Itself, try to eon-str- it "If a the site is locat- un-lnfor- Department Highway towns. building location for a Health Clinic that they will State The LONER CITY SALES TAX Added Juan 23 NO. $150,000 BRIDGE VALUATION NEARS WO MUUON DOLLARS FOR BLUFF State Tax Conmission has advised the county that the value of property assesed by it in 1IEN ORDINANCE NETS The JUNE FRIDAY, The drilling making town. newly acquired left to machine is already tensen, City's hole Shown at a site north of standing at the rig R, Hurst Lyman. right are: Chris Chris C. M. Conway, and Mayor Councilman M. W. F. Heart surgery had been planned for Lqyne in six weeks but will have to be delayed until reeov-je- ry from his injuries. |