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Show They were returning home after a trip to Las Cruoes, New Mexico, down lli e dtreet ana with Mildred Mrs, Vernon Young tile and. carpet laying. Mrs, Gregory and ity pledge the soror- played by Mrs. Names were drawn songs Dale Skelton, taglehart, Ronnie, for secret sisters and plans for Luellen went with him as far as a July social were discussed Cortez, There they took a bus White elephant bingo was played io visit relatives and after refreshments were served friends for three weeks, to eight members and Mrs. Jack Mr, and Mrs, Royee Higgs and Irion, houseguest of Mrs, Royee son Charles are baok from a vaHiggs, The July 7 meeting will cation trip to Midland and be held at Mrs, Skelton's home. Texas and a fishing jaunt Visiting in Mrs, Lelia Palto Bioknell, Utah Visiting in mer's home are her Mrs, to Texas Lub-bo- their now home are Mrs, ok, Jaek Don Tooley and daughter, two children ef Irion, Royoe's sister, and her Salt Lake, two daughters, Kay and Betty Mr, and Mrs, Bill MoWilliems from Midland, They will be here of Rock Springs, Wyoming visited until the first of July, her brother and sister-in-laTreasure hunting and a doll Mr, and Mrs. Roy Edwards Monday, eako were highlights of the Terri for birthday party given w, Terri, they stopped at Fredonla, Arizona to see Vernon's mother, Mrs. Alice Standlferd who is convalescing at the home of hex daughter, Vonda McKinney. Mrs, Young brought her mother, Mrs, Victoria Clymer, from Saoramento for an indefinite stay In Mr, ar.d luo Nvf York from Calgary, Alberta, is Mrs, L,R, Taylor, She visiting her son Raymond and his family. Recent visitors in the Wayne Kar. home were Mrs, Karr's brother-in-law and sister Mr, and Mrs C,L, Gillespie, They left Wednesday morning for their home in Nellgh, Nebraska, Sj-i-- ill fly tni-- City June little California this All Stoeko Mrs. Key, week les, aloft Cel if , lines Swade.i, are Mr, and and Daughters Mrs, Les Graves is working at Jewelry Store la Moatloollo this week while the away on business, is the date set for July this year's convention of the 26 Assoeiated Sunday Schools of the of Four Corners "The Way Christian Fellowship" is the of the gathering, to bo held at Dolores, Colorado, Glen A, Shumway of Blandlng is general chairman for the event this year. Churches of all denominations arc being notified and intheme vited to this day of Christian followshiD,, and Mrs Ben Stevens and Sons Joe and Jack returned Monvaday night from a two weeks' cation in Kansas and Oklahoma where visited friends and bC' Mr w they relatives Beta Beta ohapter of Beta Sigma Phi met Tuesday night at the Mrs home of Mrs, Chan Moulton SMITH PIUMBIM 0 HOME-CRA- KE AMERICAN STANDARD KOHLER Buainaaa in Blanding 20 Yaara IBM i protection against breakdowns, with Texaco Marfak lubricant. Marfak cushions bearings from the vicious blmvj encountered in field operation. It forms a tough collar around open bearings, settling out water and diit. Wont jar off, wash off, melt down, dry out or cake up. We'd like to serve you call us! YOU 6ET EXTftA MEASURE of & HEATim nimr-- m Hurst Company 25 in for the be i.htre he . will go the Scandinavian AirNorth Pole Flight for cn: the Sprouse are Udde-all- A, l Alice, Janet and Valerie, owners from from to Denver where he will be r t by the John Johnsons, They will drive ever the Rockies aoi after t fiw visit in Utah drive or. to Los Angeft guests. Santa Barbara, in Vacationing jurteen Johnson week heavy weight fight in Madison Cardans, From there he held at the was M, fettrscr., will MoFarland, was four years party j friend a X'-.jl- cV.s.-.piviJhl- Here Canada J.hn firs, nceived v;o.i b..ederx Blan- ding, is Ads Tuesday, June 9, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, The pld. June 19, 1959 little Big bargains in small acgranddaughter, Vicki Rowe, companied her. On the way out, print - see iha Want on MoFarland Gene 9 DLANUIIIG OUTLOOK is back from a trip to Bakersfield and Sacramento, California, Her Rjlscok Carl Englehart left Monday for Wayne Kar conducted Denver where he will attend a and some of twe weeks' sehool in eertmle training, were lage f .. 9 |