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Show Utah Production Brings $10 Million ON - MISSION I:!' ::. . v.y.v & Monthly to Operators , mostly majors, are cashing in at the rate of Oil Companies iSss-Si- fP $10,000,000.00 monthly for sales of oil and gas produced in Utah with by far the greatest part cominr from this area according to the June 13, Utah Oil Peport. Durinr the first 3 months of 1959, erators the report says, Utah ' illlp' op- sold produced 9,694,051 barrels of oil valued and at 27,98698.40 in the saint period 10jj92,457,000 ouble feet of gas were produced and sold While Completely installed including fence, diving board, filter and many other extras. No purchase necessary to win. Just ask about . . . artlele says. the oil production in- Henry Peterson, son of Mr. and comparatively 'new to Mrs. plans to Utah, its impact on the states enter Henry E. Peterson Home in Salt Mission the eoonony is decidedly apparent. Lake City on June 33. He will The supporting pipelining and on a two serve mission to refining segments of the indust- the North Central year states. ry, along with the suppliers, is a 1958 graduate of construction, drilling and ex- SanHenry School and has atJuan ploration phases portend an even tended BYUHigh for year. He plans broader position for the indust- to finish his 1 education after dustry 1 ry in Utah's overall eeonomle ploture. FIRST CLAIM Response of a New England s LIVING POOLS for $1,901,369.81. Income is likely to Increase in the coming months as new fields are discovered and devel- oped. the iat Qstlm Offer Ends July, 31 1959 REXALL DELUXE TOOTH BRUSHES a 0OQG Q0 Q his return. In the Church Henry has been honored with the following rds: " Duty to Cod Award ", " Aaronic Priest Award " and the housewife on being asked by a M.M. auest". political campaigner "Junior A farewell testimonial in his to what party her husband belongwas honor held June 14 at the ed:: Ward Third Sacrament Tm .that party! Meeting. door-to-do- or UP an d Barbara Palmer and Jenny, Mrs. Curtis Palmer and boys, the Dewey Porters, Mr. and Mrs. Ityrum down ike itreet Porter, the Eugene Porters and WITH ANNE PORTER Miss Laurie Barr. Vacations are wonderful things Lake is visiting with her cousin The A1 Stocke family are visbut I believe the best part of Cindy Porter. iting relatives in Calf. At of the return Paul Friends home. is the least it Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Johnson that's our opinion Gene and I formerly of Blanding were Glen Mr. and Mrs. en-terrai- ned sad-dend- ed have spent the past week visitito hear of the death o: Mrs Mr. and with The Kay Brad their year old baby JoAnn. ng We ford in Ely, Nevada. had a child was a victim of drowning wonderful time and returned home in the bathtub on June 6. The via Salt Lake City where we at- Hawkins are living at 666 S Main tended the June convention for St, in Orem. MIA workers. A dance The meetings were will be held Saturday who and 20 June at the LDS reoreation very inspiring everyone Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Johnson at a barbecue. Mrs. Deaun Johnson, Mrs. Buby Bronson, and Mrs. Mable Shumway spent the past week attending classes at Leadership Institute in Provo. They say their stay a pleasant one and the classes were well worth the time from Mrs. Clayne Peterson and son spent attending them. were there were Mr. and Mrs. of New York City are visiting at TELEVISION from Pg 1 Bill Redd, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny the home of Pearl Bayles. S humway, ' Wilbur Laws, Hllma Mr. and Mrs. Finley Bayles are between here and New MexiBlack Camilla Mlkesell, Ora at home in the trail or parked at co passes within aJal, few miles of Bayles, Lorraine Hawkins, Edith the Grant Bayles residence. Albuquerque and if part of the Weekend WallDeaun at Llqyd, the Audrey Nielson, visitors system's capacity could be used Johnson, Josephine Bayles, Dlok ace Burnham were Mr. and Mrs for T.V. purposes, Albuquerque Zatskl, Joe Lyman, Bruce Black, Douglas D. Cox and 2 children. broadcasts could economically be EveMrs. Cox is the former Mi and Ida Mae Palmer. brought to Blanding at "City Burnham. da Another 3 Hunt Myrtle ijhter Perfect" quality. spent days in lyn Salt 'Lake City on business last Norma Burnham came from Salt Under the plan, as pondered by Lake Cith with five friends who the loeal organization, Albweek. were Galbraith is fts. Glendorahome sight seing in San Juan uquerque's three channels of telsufAfter all attended Sunat be evision broadcast would after County, convalescing micro-waHer School in Blanding, and fed day Mrs. convert ed to fering from a heart attack. Burnham a TNM's here served Marie is at luncheon buffet into system Houghtaling its station sister to the Ion care for her. near AlbSandla Mountain to help group. They returned to Hatten-doLake rf Salt At this end the sigMr. and Mrs. Charles City that afternoon, uquerque. and child Mr. would Mrs. and be converted to stan-idaDewey Porter and nals (Llsslian Iyman) son Calvin of Almagordo, New ren are visiting Fred lyman. frequencies and broadcast - Dr and Mrs. Porter and child- Mexloo are visiting the home of for antenna reception here ren were Salt Lake visitors this Hyrum Porter, While here they Spokesmen at discussions of the week. While there Mrs. Porter, enjoyed a trip to Aneth field plan state that the only equip- Mike and Val spent some time at and a patio picnic at the StanTact is the ability to shut Lagoon. ley Lyman home. Others present own mouth before someone your does Miss Laurie Jean Barr of Salt were the Norwood Porters, Mrs. it for you. attended Others enjoyed them. who were there Blanding hall. was ve rd KINDSRGARTS1 1 SETS UNDER WAY NONDAY Free Kindergarten will begin classes Monday, June 22, at the Elementary School according to data riven the Outlook this week by Kenneth Maughan, assistant school Superintendent. It is the first year that the scho- district ol has conducted Kin- dergarten classes. The classes will be taught by Miss Rhoda Jane Nielson and will be divided into two groups. The morning group will attend class Mondays through Friday from 9 to 11:30 am will be the afternoon group in session from 1 to 3:30 pm. The following eligibility requirements for enrollment were listed by Mr. Maughan: mu3t be six by Oct. 1?E9. 31, 1. Child 2. Must furnish proof physical examination by a gistered physician. 3. Must furnish evidence birthdate. ment of re- of the new service would rewould be the converters at quire each end of the route and inexpensive broadcasting equipment for local Installation. What 7NM will think of the idea and whether FCC wo Id approve the arrangement is a ma- tter of speculation. Page 8 BLANDING OUTLOOK June 19, 1959 |