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Show 'v- ' A a : ' County Interagency Tour Set for June 25 ) Montleello araa This yaar the tour is under tha ehairmanship of tha Sail District Conservation lod out in whe have MewaRiSis wa hope yaar to see hospital prejeots and areas of the county This is your county, 2E 900-Assam- ble in Blinding . She was born Jupc 6 baby girl born Juno 9 to the Douglas R Robertson? of Bluff A called husband in was She and her brother,. Donald Blake drove there to learn that Mr Bailey was not able to Moab leave the hospital as yet The Christensen-Wllse- group m their very to California trip Sherriff and Mrs S F Wright were Salt Lake visiters this returned pleasant Sunday from on Sos-sel- ns, ve - Cabling Grass seeding 2:30Alfrad Frost Place - Wight MrsRay Mrs Una BXaekls Grass- land from a 300-Neb- le Plots Weed 3330-Eastla- Truebloed Hileh Jamas - -- on Khapireed - nd and Place Cre slays Strip- - share - Millars Stubble Cropping - Grass Wedr-vC.'t- Waterways L'errthy Salt in Nielson went regular ly at- to at Mrs Grand Club will hold its The Devaaxa Club bi-week- City Dove Creek afternoon. Trisa Williams and first Meeting feet upon the data cf publication Lake home visited with 2jp" Played 6) just for medical Max Dalton Mrs vn Mrs Jr Higgins Mrs- - LEGAL NOTICE (Continued from Pag trip to she went tention Marion meeting at the Adopted by the Oixy Council of home of Minnie B Johnson, Thurs Utah, this day afternoon Hrrtle Hint, The City cf Ruth Redd are 1959 Adams and Garda 15th day cf June, a! (SEAL) Vila R Mayor Attest s a Francis D. Nielson iiiiy Recorder Hurst aesisting hostesses entertainment will be in the form ef a lawn party in the hade ef the large naple trees The Progressive "Tap" with prises will be played and a delicious buffet luncheon will be served by the ccmmlttss est freight Serai or Points East Specify Ringsby Truck Lines or Rio Grande Motor to Grand Junction From Denver BMhiMhisi Ti. 'ixLl" Mrs Tm PARIS I,; ' "s k ! . O re- BM3 SHOT J. C, HOSffW. of Gooseberry and Johnson Creek roads week 10tl5-JohnsCreak and Indian Barbara Barton haa as her Creek Divide guest her cousin, Susanna ll00-lndl- an Creek and North from Clearfield Creak Divide Mr and Mr Janes Wight and 12t00-Noo- nFREE LUNCH AT DALTON on a vacation trip of family are SPRINGS. two weeks to Wentworth, Missouri 1:30-LeaDalton Springs Carol Dalton went with thorn to 200-Ja- ek Nielson Ranch - Tree visit her grandparents, Mr and 9t30-Interseot- ion V r Community Church picnic Mrs Hard Guthrie and North. Max Dalton brought home a new Saamy, Hard David and bull from West Jordan recently Mrs Laura Banns frem Wilcox and Jack Westwood Vgre Ft Lauderdale, Florida arrived long tine friends of the Blakes, last weak for their ufual summer visited that family recently on pltal to visit tholr relativa". trip to our beautiful. : anomie way to the San Juan hes- - Mrs. their er um-mShirley Thompson country They have had. six lets sea did net survive soma of the things going an Mrs Julia Bailey Everyone should participate, Monday to meet her businessmen, farmers, ranchers, children workmen, housewives, and all Lets all work together for a greater San Juan Following is a tentative schedule at LDS parking lot ? t Afton Jyde Mr and 630 pa at tho' Dalton turned Wednesday from a two week is the tine and place vacation to Wyoming and parts June 24, suooeeding Jackson. new Page 7 Junction Friday to bring Jimmie Nielson home to Bluff from the its organization vacations hero tad arc at oaeh of Instead agency balding a homo in the Wood Apt on Center separata tour wa are trying & Street This combined tour onea a year New babies at the local hosone be held will only year it are a girl, Florence Gao, day and will need to be close in pital for Mr and Mrs Clarence A Next and each year ; . June 19, 1959 your. County Commissioners Mr and Aftar this delicious FREE lunah children, tha tour will oontinua in tha Susy, and by ' BLANDING OUTLOOK stops including a free Springs Dalton Springs furaish-a- d for tha at luneh - . 1 Th Annual County Interagency Tour wil?. be hold June 25th, commencing at 900 am at Bland The tour will assemble at ing. LDS Churah Parking lat than tha prooaad over tha mountain naking several '1 . :i'v. , & Way BSaft |