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Show v! . -- Jm j n (te .1 rriday at Blanding, Utah iv I. Jji&n SUE PUBLISHER W. Cox Moulton, consider the best piece of advice you have ever received?" Here's what the INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER found out in her interviews with people on the street "What do rilOTORAPWLft CORRESPONDENTS Anne Porter, East Blending Mildred Raseoe, NW PktdtupuifJi&i GRAVES Blending you Mrs. Nora Nielson Seotlon , Hilda Perkina, S. W. Blending Opel Howell, Bluff Sue Graves Downtown This above H.E. Blake, Montieello This man. Subscription Rates: me given San Juan County , ont year ,$4,00 San Juan County , six months 2,25 Elsewhere in U,S,A, 1 year 4,50 Elsewhere in U.S.A, 6 months 2,50 Second Class Postage Paid all to" thine own self be true and it shall follow as the night the day, thou oan'st not then be false to any Donne Brown, Mexioan Het Anne Brown, El Pbjo Mrs. --Housewife. was advloe Shakespeare by while I was in High. School and it." I've never forgotten at Blanding, Utah Mr, Kent Redd- -. Mercantile. Parley Redd "Work hard and deal fair with everyone you deal with and never move too fast when making decisions 1 ftsHB qetosq The Editor Blanding Outlook One of the delirhts of working at St. Christopher's Mission during the last sixteen years has been the enjoying of pleasant and cordial relationships with individuals and groups of other faiths. I expected to be criticized and possibly execrated, but for my faith and practice, not on imaginary bases. Mr. Calvin Black's extraordinary letter came consequently as Mrs, Ken "The most sage prior to marriage sure that if he had taken the time something of a shock. and trouble to find out the facts in the case he would not have and In a matter so heart-rendimade himself so ridiculos. our most recent tragedy, it is especially saddening to tragic asmade an occasion for cavil and criticism in the defiance have it I am go ng of facts. The fact is that the Sheriff and deputy called at the the morning of the accident. 50-- 60 If advloe was-'Al-w- ays all in each marriage things. will partner go a little than half-wa- y problems are more easily solved and with less friction on emotions." more MiThey ssion at about five o'clock asked what could be done about the bodies. I told them that our cemetary is consecrated ground and as such reserved for the bodies of Christians , but that I ae a Priest, and the Mission staff as fellow human beings are ready at any and all times to arrange for the burial of Navahos in traditional Navaho style, adding of eourse prayers and ritual suitable to the occasion. I suggested, however, that matters be delayed until the families This I felt very important, espoould express their wishes. as at that time the idenity of one of the victims had not ecially been established. It is a serious thing to dispose of a human body hastily under such circumstance. The reserving of Christian burial ground for Christians is not a new idea, nor does it originate with St. In the earliest Christian days of which we have Christopher's. records, when Christians were persecuted and martyred for the Faith, survivors exposed themselves to great risks in order to observe the ways of the Church in this regard. St. Christopher's Mission to be Judged at a higher Tribunal, but in the meantime is expects ful for constructive and Justifiable criticism from any gratesource on of MoDonald-Wl- fe a high school teacher. Mr. Marlon Blaok-Custodi- at the Church, "I LDS an advised to cohigh school and I was mplete didn't do regretted and it ever I have net of sinoe follwolng that piece advloe." whatever. Very Mrs. Pat Morris -- Wife of a Land Aire employee. "The best advloe Z ever truly yours, H.E. Liebler ELS MOUNTAIN RIDERS ANNOUNCE RODEO PLANS parade and rodeo are scheduled for each day on the third and Fourth of July, with the Elk Mountain Riders Club promoting A the celebration at the American Arrangements Legion grounds. made to hire the rodeo have been stock from Towaoo. A queen will be crowned received at the dance set for the night of June son so the tenof the high 27 on nis courts north school. All girls interested in entering the queen contest are urged to watch for posters which will give details for qualifications. Candidates will be asked to appear at the arena on the afternoon of June 27 for Judging. Time for the various will be given in next week's paper. e-v- ents like was that him to raise my 'everyone would and enjoy being friends with him, whleh I am doing my best to do." EMERGENCY CALL FOR MD Dr. W. Fallon wishes to notify the publlo that it should et the Montloello telephone he cannot be operator if reached at his office or home number. con-ta- Page 2 BLANDING OUTLOOK June 19, 1959 |