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Show Faaous Shot Booked Page 12 -- BLANDING OUTLOOK THEATRE SETS SPECIAL May 1 , 1959 MATINEE FOR CHILDREN doing chores when one of the The four hour long movie, "The children struck a mat eh NTen Commandmsnts" is programmed saved was othing the exoept for five showings st the Frontier clothes they had on Here is an Theatre, aoeording to Connie opportunity for a good neighbor Nielson, manager It will show eaeh night, Friday through Monday and a matinee showing SaturThe purpose of day afternoon the afternoon showing, aeoordlng to Mr Nielson, is to enable children to see the show without beooming weary boeause of late hours Is acknowledged to be the greatest of all movies ever Proproduood by the industry duced at a cost of 13J million The show aot at the hospital babies New are! and Mrs Mr Max Sltton of are parents of a Creek Dove Lisa LaVon, bom April girl, Hanson L lb and Mrs 18 ) Bayles a new son, James Gordon, bom April 24j Mr and Mrs. Jose L; Reyna of Edinburg, Texas, have a new son, Jose, bora en route, to the beet field in Idaho A nice group of people met at the Community Church Sunday to pay tribute to the dedication of the stained glass window being have dollars, its maker has ruled that it oannot be shown at rates less than those to be ohargod at dedioated of Sidney in memory Bailey The the Frontier Douglas following was to of the worthiness program given! Solo by Attesting the picture is the faot that in Kenny Norris, "Beyond the Sua great many places oivic elubs nset") Obituary given by Mrs to have supplied tickets privileged people under- and Mrs Franols Lawrence (Larry) Eggers left Frankfurt, Hr Genmny, April Monday, 27 en-ro- uto to Blanding where they are orpeetod to arrive in the middle of the month have been in Germany for 2 years and 3 months with the U S Any Mr Eggers is the son of Mr and Mrs John Eggers of Blanding Prior to going into the Any Larry helped Mr Eggers in the They oarpenter trade MONTICELLO Nowsltomo Mrs. H. Dy CL ClsSa Pehrson) duet, "The Lord is fy Shepherd" sung by Mrs Evan Pehrson and - Mrs Richard Caafbell) dedication and prayer by Rev Richard Campbell Mrs Nell Westwood of West Jordan came down for the dedication and a visit with her mother Mrs Blake and other relatives Dr and Mrs Stewart Smith and Evan son from oame Llndy Ho 1 sim with the r f3 Gina Pendleton, tiny daughter of Mr and Mrs Daniel Pendleton of Blanding was released from weighs 4 2 lbs lbs 4 ozs Del Monte She now 7 ozs met April 24 at the home of Mrs Marvel Randles with The DUP 12 members and 1 from boys visitors of the visitor present and were seeing the oountry. Mrs Maxine Iyman and Mrs Nelf Dalton loaded their ears with Mrs lyssui's Primary olass Saturday took them on a the swinging bridge and picnic to near Bluff - Bonnie Dalton went to Dove Creek Sunday to see her mother, Mrs Frank Higgins, who has been Mr and Mrs Max Dalton went to Grand Junction Friday for Max to have an oyt eh eok --up Mrs ill song "Long Long Ago" led by Mrs Thora Norton Prayer was given The group by Mrs Beth Summerc 18 of candy lbs voted to sell to help the Grayson Camp finance a projeot they were sponsoring It was reported that R Mussel -man had bought the old Bluff He plans school house and bell to ereet a monument and use the ll cards were sent bell to Mrs Shirley Thompson, Mrs F 0 R For Tpaperine200-pack ! Get-we- Ella Barton and Hyde They Mrs that the voted help oare ganization Shirley Thompson Ann E or- for the Rfamily served by the Carlson ranch house burned efreshments were to the ground Monday morning hostess Mrs Thora Norton will Lesson The Jerry Cleburne family was be the. next hostess living in it The father had will be given by Mrs Beth gone to ' jl and the mother was Summers . - 2 Chunk was conducted by mectli Butt t Opening Pearl Pehrson Captain Ephriam were weekend to relatives in town Van Camps Carnation The Five nleoes For 303 Pork & tens the hospital Saturday, April 24 The little girl was bom Feb 1 weighing Loaves French Meeker, visit Colorado, Dr Smith Parks Tuesday' George Chief at the Pioneer is Surgeon Hospital at Meeker, Colorado for a The fin Ini Pound . Pound USDA CHOICE Pound 76 1 Longhorn Lb. For Have a Fen Openings New Business Rights Sold A. D, SMITH BOX 385 Above in Town of On Prices Effective 1 May Exclusive Basis mm, cow. Ph. LO 5-8- 120 & 2 IPy Cmh ..... |