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Show Blamdixi Price 10c Published in the Interest of Bland ingfnndl the Surrounding Oil and Mining Communities VOLUME 1 BUNDING, Dog Txmdom UTAH. Quarantine Dog HOLE-IN-THE-R- Quarantine whloh went FROM EAST OCK EW into effect the 21st of March came to an end yesterday. Today Tmji NO. 1959 , April 22 a caravan 14 of Jeeps, two pickups and a power wagon left Blanding on a Wednesday, a properly licensed dog may be turned loose during daylight hours within the City of Bland- Just a babe in arms. and Froms DeMeulder orig- though properly lloensed will be Impounded if caught running inally from Belguim are making a loose at night. tour of the west from their of Police, Ray Cahoon, Chief homes in Conn, and New York. to revealed the OUTLOOK that his Both families have been in the United States just one year and department is aware that there is a sizable number of dogs find our part of the country whose owners are complying with very different and interesting. the leash laws but for same On Tuesday night three En- reason their dogs do not have from the Royal Mees, tion Department guests. been in the have They United States a year studying reclamation and dam projects and plan to return to their native country and will construct a dam about three fourths the size of the Glen Canyon Dam whloh will put- some three million acres of land under irrigation. Latest new business to open in - of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Shumway. Owner and operator of the business is Mr. Les Goddard of Cortez, Colorado. He plans to move his family to Blanding as s out. soon as school-i- modern ock first Bob Scouts in this area was held in Blanding on Thursday, April Boy Scout 23, when Blanding 802 and Troops 311, 312, played daughter, Boy es Karl Lyman of Scout, Eagle Montioello; Phil Hurst, Blanding; M. U. Oakes of Mexican Hat and , spitalized at St. Marks Hospital for several weeks. n, M. F. Lyman, as mayor Arlo Freestone of Montioello, acts in oity business during the substituting for the State District Director of Boy Soouts. mayors absenoe. The pro-ter- Lake mer is their meet Ray Shop Mr. baby during Stork in his their absence. ing Mercantile. is which Blanding being The Mercantile oontest, run by the gave . be from 10:00 a.m. to Noon and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and every day but Wednesday On Sunday. Thursdays, only maternity and emergenoy oases Protect your children and yourself with periodic checkups! health for some time. be seen. eliminate patients waiting in the waiting room. Doctor Fallon will see patients by To though emergenoy fight this disease! Over 800,000 Americans are alive and well, appointment, cases shall be seen at any time, day or night. However, patients who have made a speoific appointcured of cancer because they saw their doctor IN TIME! ment Arrange for checkup Today! Send your check Now! Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taylor of the The Blanding crusade against Prospeotor Motel went to Gallup, Canoer will be headed again this N. M. on Thursday to replenish Pearl their stock of Zunl Indian year by our able chairman Minnie B. assisted by jewel ery that they stock at the Bayles, Johnson and Macy Hawkins and motel. 'Mr. and Mrs. Parley Hurst were other voluntary workers. The crusade gets underway Fricalled to Salt Lake over the weekend to attend the Mineral of day morning at 9:30 a.m. with a John Donaldson, brother of Mrs. breakfast at the Elk Ridge Cafe, Hurst. Mr. Donaldson has been after vhlch all participants ill will Protect yourself, and others too, with the dollars needed to Bayles. in OUTLOOK Fallon nas ad- -. vised that his office hours will two as prizes to Mrs. C. A. Jackson and Mrs. Arlene Lyman for having their names on the list on the day that a son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Hanson lovely vases plan Doctor Walter dau$rter-ln-la- w, announces only one Hatoh at the Blend- Conmeroe Doctor Announces Office Schedule Palmer Max of New Fender Shop. and bring her baok to Blanding. Mrs. Chloe Shumway took care of the Helen Mrs. Mr. and Jfrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bud BLANDING visitors in Flagstaff, Arizona, last week when they went there to and Lyman SUBSCRIBE TO and Mrs. Glen Palmer were Mr. Lynn in September. on business. Mr. Palowner and operavor of Body and Palmer's way was all was well Libby, Chamber and City their to sponsor a similar excursion Mrs. LaVell Palmer returned Saturday night after spending the weekend in Salt Mr. oooaslon Loren Hawkins, Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. Iyle Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Wally J earner-et-t, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Black, Mr. Kline Black, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Redd, Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bliok-ensta- ff, Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Mr. Leland Redd, Mr. Lyman, Wiley Redd, Dr. and Mrs. E. N. Porter, and Mrs. Lawrence Wright all of Blanding. Those from Montioello were Mr. and Mrs. Kent Frost, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sondrcgger and Mr. Daryl Redd. From Greenrlver were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lowe, and from Cedar City, Utah, were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Atkins and son, Scott. He Morrow, has been ho- and Mrs. Mr. Court of Honor for oere-monl- the make it through. Rough agreed that the trip worth the time and effort spent to make the journey. Those making the trip included as Blanding Hosts Boy Scouts From District The to equipment Journey; and on one they had to dynamite Monti-cell- o, advises that his host to Scout Troops from Bluff and Eastland, department plans a vigorous and Mexican Hat. Seven troops were thorough enforoement program to see that all stray or unlicensed represented from Blanding and nearby areas with 93 scouts and dogs are impounded. 21 leaders in attendance, as as well many parents and friends. MAYOR HURST TO Hiring the course of the RETURN SATURDAY 54 Boy Scouts reoeived Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morrow will awards for their work with a fly to Salt Lake City Saturday total of 153 awards being given. to bring Mayor W. R. Hurst home. Speakers for the program inThe mayor, who is the father of cluded State Representative and is the TV Sales and Service shop, located just west Mrs. Blanding group believe The Hole-in-the-Ro- ck. Hole-in-the-R- of Thlaland were licenses. -N- they wero the first to discover. a 75 foot Journey to the natural bridge, whloh they Many of the people who made the high unanimously agreed to name "The trip had ancestors who were the Old Settler" in honor of Albert original settlers who came into R. Iyman. The bridge was first this country through this very spotted by Ur. E. N. Porter. hazardous route. Many hardships were encounterWith the group was Albert R. ed by the group even in these Lyman, the only member of the modern times with the latest off-lea- sh Irriga- SIDE BRIDGE BELIEVED DISCOVERED BY $UE GRAVES ing. Dog owners should take notice A new fact at the cheokout the that counter at Redd Mercantile this privilege is for hours daylight week Is DeAnn Jensen, wife of only. There a law permanent that requires Mr. Bryant Jensen, teacher at is the of all dogs between leashing the high school. and sundown sunrise Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taylor of the A a oollar and group 'who had made, the trip without dog Prospector Motel have had. a imthe through series of very Interesting over- oity license will still beloose with the pounded 'if caught running original settlers in night guests this week at their day Deoember a or and even 1880 when he was of dog, night, Motel. Two families, the Frank gineers 16 BLANDING JEEPS FIRST TO TRAVEL TO Ends Today The MAY-1- FRIDAY, will go in to their respective districts and ou wife j San Juan County has been asked to donate $700.00 toward this worthy cause. Meet your crusader with a smile and a check. She is work- lng unselfishly and without pay to help others in their fight against oancer. , Both and ask you and you for a contribution. will be seen before those who have : I i ! ; i not. Fallon and his nurse wish to thank and genuinely the Doctor and sinoerely people of Blanding for their cordial cooperation during these days they have been getting settled in their of floe. Doctor Fallon will be at the hospital in Montioello every day from Noon to 2:00 p.m., but can always be reached by telephone at 3441 or 3442. |