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Show Utc PkototyiGdt&i f SUE Published every Friday at Blandingf Utah I. W. Cox Kond&ll Young, Chan Moulton, PUBLISHER NEWS EDITOR PHOTOGRAPHER S is your opinion of Trading Stamps?" Here's what the INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER found out in her interviews with people on the "What j Portar, Eaat Blanding Mlldrad Rasooa, NW Blandlng Sua Gravas, Downtown Seotion Hilda Perkins, S.W. Blending Opal Howell, Bluff ,. Letter to Editor Clerk at for the olerks, especially In a rush But for the people who eolleot them they are "They are a nuisance a saving," 1400 at Blandlng, - Pay Day Drug Subscription Ratos: San Juan County , one year San Juan County, six mo nth'a Elaawhara tn U.S.A. 1 yaar Elaawhara in U.S.A. 6 month Laws Shirley Donna Brown, Mexican Hat Anna Brown,. El Paso Mrs H. E. Blake, Montioello Second Class Postage Paid AVE street CORRESPONDENTS Anna R G 2,25 4,50 2,50 Utah . . ofj Bob Manager Taylor Motor Lodge. Prospector and a are nuisance "They I would muoh rather have a cash discount for cash," Editor: I would like to use this means to make an appeal to the people our of community For several years the major activities of the Blending Chamber of Commerce has been to capitalize on the opportunities offered through the development 'of a major oil field in our area, to prepare our community for a healthy growth in line with these developments, and to improve the community to meet the ever increasing access into our incomparable scenic attractions In many Instances those efforts have been counteracted by - individual attitudes of petty selfishness in holding up rentals asking exhorbltant prices for land and other real estate! in general leaving the impression of greed and uneooper-ativenewith those who have desired to move their business operations and families into our area. above normal, Marjorie Black - Bookkeeper for Slavens Lumber and ss Hardware "I would rather not have them but if they are in town is best :to use them 'to get other things you would not buy" officials in the past have been board, ultra conservative and have failed to meet the challenge directly, as a result our area has failed to benefit as richly as it 'The school and county should have. Having benefited from these experiences I appeal to everyone to oonsider our opportunities more objectively so that we will be able to see them in the light of the future for our children and their children rather than the more selfish immediate advantage to ourselves Dr E. N. Porter t it " ' . 1 I:. ''I'm sorry sir, but that number has been taken out" Jealous Fireman: "I know, and I'm trying to find out who took her out I" Telephone Operator: Ilene gift-wrapped- ?" you warm . Do at Living buy. Typographical Error? miles per hour" Bright Aide: - AnethField "I like them beeause I get things with them that I wouldn't go out and Horrified father watching daughter select costly wedding gown said to his wife: "I don't mind giving her in marriage, but must she be Clark "The driver approached the coroner at o 90 "I read an article that claimed paper can keep you believe Gloomy Brass: it, a ohlef?" mortgage "I sure do, has been making me sweat for year.." Just heard about the Kentucky mountain girl who wanted a quiet wedding so her father bought a silencer for his shotgun Evelyn Nanoe "I A V am - Housewife we pay more for dise to get them interesting exeel lent The are merchan- It is prizes most brand names" Our Entire Stock of smu muAms ZipecUiUif deduced Cotter's Vmt Soon in definitely favor of them even though all Page 2 BLANDING OUTLOOK May 1, 1959 See the Bargainso AQDMED8TDSEID a. |