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Show Page 11 BLANDING OUTLOOK h Ofxal Jlawell Bluff School is having a May JHotene Qtiakam box supper Friday evening at the sohool Everyone Is welcome. All girls and women are to bring The money Is going for a lunch the ohildren's play equipment Mrs hurt her George Hall week ankle last and Is still in bed Mrs Wells was down visiting her mother, Mrs, Ann Chamberlain, and sister, Opel R P, Howell and Mrs moved back to Mrs. Bert .Giles from Heber City was an overnight guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Baum, on Thursday, Mrs. Bill Huber took her smell son to Grand Junction last Thursday for medical attention. They returned home Saturday The Turquoise Coffee Shop has been .olosed the past week for repairs. It will reopen Saturday, May 2 Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Hollingsworth will be the new Dale Holyoak have operators. their home in MoMrs. Joy Meekara and Mr. and We ntana surely hated to see Mrs. Bliss Brinkerhoff have just them go returned from a trip to Bicknell Mr Marvin Holloway is d- where they visited their parelivering milk for T & H now. Mrs. Brinkerhoff s mother ents. The Holloways are moving their accompanied them back hone, as on to Bob Mr trailer the Howell she property Thursday, Mrs. Barbara Greenriver this past Holloway was in quite plans to some time visit here for Mr. and Mrs. Hollingsworth are visiting relatives expecting their dautfrter, Kelly, from Orem, May 1st. She Flans now week Bluff City has a Justice of the Peace, Mr Bud Merz Mr and Mrs Houstons two children have the youngest chleken pox Mr and Mrs Mo Comb have moved to help her mother in the Coffee Shop. Leroy Burnetts have moved into their new trailer home. Max King has been hospitalized The 1, 1959 Rascoe Nena Mrs Jim Foster, and Mrs, Dee Larsen, Galbraith. The public is Invited attend a band concert to be sented Friday, May 8 at the high school auditorium at eight o' Want Ads Want-A- The San Juan High School clock band, under the direction of Mr Ratollff, will be joined by the Monticello High School band Also on the program will be the Junior and senior high mixed A color guard' from choruses d Rates line to pre- the local American Legion Post 10e per with will present and retire the eol-oOn Wednesday, May 6, the 50 minimum ;for San Juan High band will go to insertion Monticello for a combined con8 per line with 40c cert with their band, to be held rs. first for subsequent consecutive runs of minimum with every copy samOk 5th' run free Display advertising . in collimns 80c Want-A- d pei column inch Card of Thanks 10c a line with $1 minimum. for the past week with effects their trailer across the Wash. of the flu. We hope he will be Dorotlqy Nielson, Doris Ellis, out of the hospital and For commercial feeling CONSTRUCTION construction Nanoy Cornwell, Opel Howell, and much better soon in or residential at the high school auditorium Elementary school Instrumental students had a chance to show off their talents when they prefor the after- sented a program noon session on Wednesday afternoon Thursday morning they for the day and morning played and that evening for sessions, the PTA A you meeting si.ioere and gratefhl thank is extended Francis to the remembered gifts by Mrs Charley friends many who her with oards and her reoent hosp- during She also wishes to call italization thank the Waukesha women who Blanding Cabinet Shop or John offered their help. 55p A Eggcrs. Phone 3131 visit to the eleetrioal subFOR SALE station was made Wednesday mornMonticello Hospital with a his arm to set it. He will have PLANTS 2 3 Tomatos eaoh varieties ing at seven o'olook by Mr broken arm for a week to return to the hospital and 3 each. MoKay Kunz' sixth grade solenoe Bell Peppers . Judy Hollingsworth is home! have it checked each week for a 2 3 each class. Mr Stanley Martineau varieties Cabbage from school with measles this while to see if he will need conducted the tour and also one Contact Neldon Holt. Ph. 3727 week surgery. otp at 11x15 that morning for Mr The Bluff Church branoh held a Rose Simpson accompanied Norma Jimmy Hollingsworth was in the Merz to Blending to attend a hospital in Monticello from A show fine time was had Monday to Friday with a broken Jimmy Hollingsworth was in the arm. The doctor had to ak Bluff or vicinity see or re-bre- Christenson from HOUSE FOR SALE Two bedroom Kunz1 fifth grade science group Blanding was guest speaker at Mrs. Eva Fillerup reoently enhouse at Bluff (now under coDale Holyoak at the home of Mrs, the LDS Church here last Sunday nstruction). Call or see John joyed her first airplane ride 15 people attended. Bob Howell Mrs. Christenson is evening. at Blanding Ph 3131 when her grandson, Calvin Black, Eggers Mr and Mrs Leroy Burnett are s Black mother. Byron 55p took her up in his plane the proud owners of a new trail- The PTA officers had a meeting In Salt Lake this week to see farewell party for Mu' and Mrs Urnii PLUMBING Mr. last C. R, Tuesday evening where they discussed plans for a social next Tuesday, May 5, at 7:30 Refreshments and games will be provided. Everyone is welcome. (Children may oome if accompanied by & HEATING Bill operates the Silver Dollar bar here has obtained a cabaret license He plans to remodel what is now his AMERICAN STANDARD KOHLER who Huber, storeroom NORGE-CRA-NE their parents.) for dancing and will reserve one night a week for teenagers only er house Relatives from Ogden visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy 3umett over the weekend. Mr Keith Cornwell 20 Y.ears for treatment. Larry Haokett received his call for the service. leave the 6th of He May, is to Rickey Howell went to Blanding Wednesday for dental work Southeast Blanding HYDRAULIC JACK REPAIR WORK -- overhaul - do complete on Jobs any make Payne's Garage Jacks, 1946 International quire at 'WMM that her son-in-l- has reoeived aw and stay. They are, at present, stationed in Salt Lake, where Don is a lawyer with the army. Modern Apartir.e.ts utilities paid. W. week, all Inquire of Simpson, Chevron Station Bluff, Utah - FOR SALE -- Home In Cortez, or would trade fcr blending unimproved commerolal or resi- lots Owner has $12,500 equity ir. Cortez prothe Frospctor perty, rhone Motel for J, D. Atr.ip. WATCH fOL K--8 Truck, InRepair Shop otd in Bluff $1500 ;er dential word Laws IXunp Pay Day FOR RENT lynn Lyman Mrs. Mary Don daughter, Mr. and Mrs hydraulic Hushes, will be going to England or size at this summer for a three-ye- ar FOR SALE W, had his eye3 burned with an ark welder. Dr Goon referred him to Provo Business in Blanding LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - about getting more street lights Steven's Maohlne Shop in for Blanding were Mr and Mrs GLENN m SKINNER PARTS & SERVICE j.cmrffl. |