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Show SBBBasBBBuaezie SEES ?&TOaaaajSEE ? o BUYS TWiCE AS UC H I USE THIS AD AS YOUR SHOPPING LIST. These are nationally advertised, guaranteed Rexall products, freshly stocked for this event. Only the increased dht business from this sale enables your Rexall Druggist to offer you such quality at such tremendous savings. 1. GIFT WRITINO PAPER, beautifully boxed Gotham Weave, Misty Green Check, Brief Letters or Tradition Linen. Each, reg. $1 50, 2 for $1.51 .2 fot $2.01 2. BILLFOLDS, ladies' and men's. 3. BELMONT DISPOSABLE BALL PEN. New popu lar "throw-away- " type. Reg 39c . . 2 tor 40 . BUJfEBSD REXA1L aspirih relief because Faster PAKOVITI formula 9 vitamins with Bin. You get more than minimum daily requirements of A, Bi, Ba, C, D, niacinamide, plus Bin and calcium pantothenate. 100. $2.98, f pain buffered aspirin acts two times as fast as regular aspirin! Contains antacid ingredients to help prevent stomach upsets. 100 Multi-vitam- six, regular or extra-fin- HAIR NETS mesh. Choose from popular shades Regularly ENVELOPES White, jumbo packs. Business or personal; 25. 2 for Commercial: I it, 2 for 16. Special 6?$ commercial, DA7HD KMAsvjft GIsM VEa or- qpfkmaij DKUJllSrf iUUISl nniiriXCC nC VVCteDe) 10 e each. 2' 10. 2( II 50 double, 93c, 2 for 99. 18 single 20 double, 49 , 2 for SO. 5 of either, 15. 2" 16 nylon bristles. Adult's, reg. reg 29c, during U Sale, 2-- Choice of styles, colors! Hard rubber: 35. 2 for 36; 23 , 2 for 24. Nylon: 39c, 2 for 40; 29r, 2 for 30. Klearite: regularly 10c, 2 Jumbo long-lastin- q 50. Ch:!ds, pac'ns ir elude envelopes. White Morocco, Vellum, Bond or Beauty Check Pastels. Each 79 , now Parchmen s Choose from four popular Rexall aerosols: Ready Rear Lavender Shave, Regular or Lavender Mentholated. Each 91. now.. 10-oz.- 2-- . , Air Mail; linen Letieror No'eSiie. ruied or unruled; or Envelopes Each 25. 2 for 26 TABLET, reg. 39. now. 2 for 40 BELMONT TYPEWRITER TABLET, 39. 2 for 40 BALL PEN REFILL. 49. 2 for SO LEAD PENCILS. Regularly 5. now 2 for 6 EVERT DAY OIPT WRAPS. Special designs for birthdays, wedding and shower, baby and uve-niland general. packs, 1 5c. 2 for 16 DELUXE OIPT WRAPS. 25 packs 2 for 26 POLYMULSION, Retail's multi-vitami- n formula for infants and children, with vitamins A, 8$, Bj, C and D. Orange flavored liquid, mixes easily with milk, 30 25. 2 for 26 and men. Expansion. $1.50, 2 for $1.S1. Nylon, $1.00, 2 for $10)1 RAYON CURLING RIBBON. Reg juice, baby's formula! Pt., WATCH BANDS for ladies $3.59, or 2 for $3.60; $1.15, 2 for $1.16 11 ALARM CLOCK. Timex Falcon 1V 2 for 26 SPONGE RUBBER BALLS. Reg. 25 BALLOON PAATY PACKAGE. 40, 49c. 2 for SO REXALL MINERALIZED R COMPLEX TABLETS. 1 1 CRUSHED RIPPLE POUND PAPER MERTHIQLATE MULTI-VITAM- V-- 10 (Thimerosal-Litly- ) Finest quality, em- bossed white paper Rexalls new quiuc, clean first aid antiseptic for minor or envelopes. Choose 50 sheets of writing paper or 50 envelopes. Each cuts and scratches. No mcs&, no waste: Jusi press the K8.89. IN 30-cc- REXALL TiEF, WINE a 12-ox- 3. CONSriUATION COLOCNI. Ara. Lyra, Orion or Indus fragrance. Each, $1.00. ... 2 for $1.01 lav or TMI VAUIY MIS? COLOGNE, Aerosol. Delicate fragrance! Reg. $2.00. ...2 for $2.01 CARA NOME MORMON! CRCAM, $2, 2 'or $2.01 CARA NOMI ASTRINGENT, $1.25, for $1.26 CARA NOME SKIN RIFRESMSNIR, $1,2 for $1.01 CARS NOMI SKIN LOTION, $1 25, 2 for $1.26 GYPSY SUNTAN LIQUID CRIAM OR LOTION. 2 for 99 Each, , ref. 98c, new COMPACT POWDER. Reg. $1.25, 2 for $1.26 DAINTY DEODORANT STICK. $1. 2 for $1.01 LAVENDER OIOOORANT STICK, $1, 2for $1.01 SOAPS WITH LANOlINi Lily of the Vailey, lavender, Rose Geranium, Pine, A Dry Skin. Cox cf 3 cakes, $1.19, now 2 $1.20 ADRIENNE SHAMPOOS. B ox. Cooanut Oil or Liquid Cream; or Cream, each 98, 2 for 99 SEQUOIA PINE SATM OIL, $1.19. . .2 for $1.20 AORIINNI NANO CREAM, $1 GO. .2 for $1.01 REXALL THEATRICAL COLD CREAM or Cleaning Cream. Full pound, reg. SI 50. .2 for $1.31 REXALL GLYCERIN, 3 oz , reg. 60. . - .2 for II GLYCERIN A ROSE WATER. 4 oz , 59. 2 for 60 POWDER PUFFS. Reg. 25, 2 for 24 i 4-- t b . . Qu I GIVE SHAVE CHAM, mentholrich, creamy lather that condi- LAVENDER 1. REXALL ated. Get lots of tions beard for fast, dean, shaves. Regular or brushless: 59, now during If Sale, 2 for 60 2. REX HAIR TONIC. Choose cream or greaseless. Fach keeps heir well groomed, in place all day. Each, regularly 69. now 3. REX AFTER SHAVE LOTION. 2 for Has a 70 bracing astringent that leaves face feeling cool, invigor2 for 70 ated, clean. Regilv 69. now REX STICK DEODORANT. Aoplics aasily; give protection that's highly effVbtive for even the most active men $1.00. . . .2 for $1.01 LOTION. Sets up your beard REX for fester, closer, more comfortable electric 2 for 90 shaves I regular 89, now long-lastin- g I PRE-SHA- ., 1410" TALCUM. For after shave, bath, or shower. One pound can, regular 89, 2 for 90 REX STYPTIC PENCIL. Clots bleeding from shav- ing cus and manicuring. Reg. 15. now 2 for 16 REXALL LIP AID. For cracked lips, chapping, cold sores,' windburn, fever blitters due to external causes. Useful in any weather. Goes on smoothly; doesn't feel caked on lips. Reg. 35, 2 for 36 REX MAIR OIL keeps your hair neat without fuss 2 for 70 or bother. Regular 69, now REXALL LATMER BRUSH. Bristles are set firm for more shaves. Regular $2.50, now.. 3 for $2.S1 REXALL RAY RUM. Stimulates and softens face after shaving. Pint, regular 75, now 2 for 76 SATISFACTION . appetite .2 for $1.99 . ; PANOVITE WITH MINERALS supplies 9 vitamins with Bu, plus 1 1 minerals. One capsule a day exceeds the minimum adult requirement of iron, iodine, all vitamins with known minimum: A, B, Bj, C, D, niacinamide, plus 6. 100, reg. $4.95, during I Sale... 2 for $4.96 REXALL A I 0 6 O CAPSULES. Supply more nan MDAR vitamins A & D, plus B, Bj (G), niacina2 for $1.60 mide. 100 caps, teg. $1.59 REXALL A 6 D TABLETS. Each has IVa times your minimum daily adult requirement of vitamins A& D. 100 tabs., regularly $1.19, now 2 for $1.20 REXALL S vitasupply live mins at low cost! 100, regular $2.00, 2 for $2.01 REXALL BREWER'S YIAST TABLETS. 250, reg. $1.39. 2 for $1.40; 100, regular 79, 2 for 80 PERCOCOO, "Vitamin A&D Candy." 2 tablets suptimes their minimum daily ply kids with 1 requirement of A&D. 110 tabs., 98. 2 for 99 POLYCAPS for children. Vitamins A, D, B(, Bt C, nicotinamide. 72, reg. $1.9B. . . .2 for $1.99 WHEAT OERM OIL. 50 capsules. 98. 2 for 99 ALPHACAPS, vitamin A. 100's: 50.000' units. $7.95, 2 for $7.96; 25,000 units. $4. 2 for $4.01 REXALL VITAMIN B( (THIAMINS), 100 tabs: 250-mg- .( $7.98, reg. $17.95, 3 for $17.96; 2 for $7.99; $4.59, 3 for $4.60; 25 mg , $2.98, 2 for $2.99; $1.51, 2 for $1.52 REXAIL ASCORBIC ACID. Vitamin C. 100's: 500-mg2 for $4.10; $7.50, 2 for $7.51; 250-mg, 100-mg-., 2 for $1.99; $1.09, 2 for $1.10 RIXALl VITAMIN P COMPLEX CAPSULES. Supply B, Bj. niacinamide, B,. calcium pantothenate end liver. 100, reg. $2.59, now 2 for $2.60 REXALL Bit CONCENTRATE. 100'si 2 for $7.96; 2 for $4.16; , 2 for tabs or caps., $1.20, g for $1.31 $2.31; BETA-CAP- 100-mg- ., 50-mg- ., 10-mg- ., ., .. 50-mg.- 2 for 40 35c. 50. .2 foi 36 2. CHILD'S ASPIRIN, 2 tv 30 3. SHOWER CAP. Reg. 29c. now 1. REXALL COTTON BALLS. 65. 39c A IRON TONIC, stimulant. Pint, reg. $1.98, now. REXALL 1. EAST DANDRUFF TSCATMINT SHAMPOO. Ian-ch- ! ., reg. SI CO, now. . .2 for 1.01 ID Cl SAM, Cara Norn, or Cleansing, Dry Cream, Skin Cream, fa.. SI. 25, 2 for $1.26 $6.96 2 or 26 2 ' BO MAN'S HANDKERCHIEF. White 25( BEAN BAG ASH TRAY. Reg 79 1 minerals with iron and yeast; nine vitamins, 2 for $5.96 plus vitamin C. 100 tabs., $5.95 REXALL DICAICIUU PHOSPHATE. Calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D. 100 caps., $1 24, 2 for $1.25 TONIC with vita REXALL min Bn, iron and liver concentrate. Suppliei five times MDAR iron, twice MDAR vitamin B, plus vitamins B, B. niacin. Pt., $1.98. . .2 for $1.99 REXALL POLYDROPS for baby. Supply vitamins A, C, B,. Bj, B. D, nicotinamide, panthenol. Mx ., with baby's formula. $2.09, 2 for $2.10 REXALL TMERAMIh'a. Therapeutic. Vitamins B,. Bj, A, C, and D. 50 caps., $4.75, 2 for $4.76 REXALL YEAST AND IRON. ICO tabs., 2 for 90 B AEROSOL 2 for REXALL COD LIVER OIL. Teaspoonful contains times minimum daily adult requirement of vitamins A & D. Pint, reg. $1.59. . . .2 for $1.60 80 1 TABLETS: 11 26. 49c, 2 for BOXESi Carlton Club. New Mor.cons Tradewinds, Englisn Ivy Ensemble, Old Cu'-oity Shop, Hand Bordered. White Splendor or Speedlines Air Mail Box Reg $1.00 2 for $1.01 SPRINOIIME NOTES: Gay note pauer1 Vorivng and KiSong, Wedge wood, Her 'age. Pupp-e2 to $1-0ttens or Elegant Each $100. BOXED NOTES: Gay Notes or Wings ol Bcr-.ty- . Each box. reg. 60. now ou get. .2 for 61 VARIETY in 2 $21 Vi Nylon mesh in regular or bob AEROSO& SHAVE CBEASIS . l'a-g- v SUPER SWEET'N TABLETS. Sugar-free- , no-cai- v sweetener. 100 tabs, regularly 65. 2 for 66 TABLE SWEET, liquid sweetener. 89e, 2 'or 90 SACCHARIN LIQUID. 25 rc, reg 65 .2 for 66 $1 AEROSOL MOTNPROOFIR, 95... 2 $1 19 PINE OIL DISINf LCTANT. ADRIENNE SPACE FRAGRANCE, $1 for $1.96 2 for $1.20 .19,2 for $1.20 25. 2 for 26 req 69.. 2 for 70 2 for 90 DENTAL ADHESIVE POWDER, 89c HAIR BRUSH, nylon brs'lei $1 00. 2 for $1.01 SHOE LACES. 27" - black. brown, white. Reg. 15. 2 for 16. Reg. 10c, 2 for 11. Reg5c, 2 lor 6 SWIM CAPa, 2 for $1.20. Ch.ds. . ..2 for 66 PEROXIDE, 6'-.- . Bleach Reg . . . KLENZO DENTURE BRUSH, BOARDS. Reg 25 packs, now Reg. 15c packs, now ... 2 for 16 KIDDIES SUNGLASSES, regular 29c . 2 for 30 COTTON TWINE. Giant ball. reg. 29. 2 for 30 PRESTONS CAR POLISH, reg $1 75 2 for $1.76 PAD 6 COVER for Ironing Board .2 for $1.99 WASTE BASKET. I2i-a- r. 2 for $1.01 $1 00 S4IP" 2 for EMERY 26. This odvartitamant is run on hoholf ot 10.000 independent druggists who recommend end feotu'e products of the Rexall Drug Compony These suggested retail prices are effective May 4 through May 9. 1939 and ore subject to Federal Excise Tns upplicoble. Right reserved to limit quantities Rvxnli Dug ComLos Californio Angelos 34, pany, .eie VI UI W AW 50-mc- 10-mc- g ., DRUG STORES k MDAR Minimum Daily OR Adult Requirement YOUR MONEY BACK 2 c |