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Show and with to Play With Monticello band Instruc- own the d treat HILDA PERKINS Band Mr. . Mr, and left in Salt Lake City where she went to a Wednesday attend City and to attend the three day Antique County Road officials convention Show held Wednesday the 15th Mrs, Dave Guymon in Kanab, Utah, Friends of John and liaurene Iyraih Holliday were saddened to hear of the death of their baby boy on Wednesday, born on Mexico, Monday The baby was at Reserve, New the mother and baby were taken later to Albuquerque where the baby passed away, Maurenes condition is improving. Funeral services will be held here on Saturday at 2:00 p.m. An interesting given Hhis week program was in each of the Ratcliff, announces that next week the San Juan High band will play tor, two concerts with the Monticello first will be on WeOn dnesday, May 6, when the band and through Friday the 18th. Saturday she attended a meeting chorus from the local high of the Salt Lake Doll Clubs at school will go to Monticello to Murray, at which time they Joinparticipate in a dual concert ed the Federated Dolls Club, with the Monticello music deThere were also five guests from partment California On Friday, May eth, the bands Sunday present. evening the group visited Mrs, and eats, Hudsons "Hen House" (Club house) at Murray, On Thursday she attended a tea with her daughter band. The Mr. Johnny querque, New is in AlbuMexico,, this week Johns-o- Evans at Lehi in honor for a physical Etheleen of Lehis Mother of the Year, A doctor there. call phone from Mrs Page 5 BLANDING OUTLOOK May and choruses of both high school music departments will present a in Blanding, This concert will be the culmination of activities for the two music groups for this year. Watch the concert next week for exact times and other details concerning the concert in Blanding, paper Natural gas, which must be dehydrated to prevent freezing, becomes odorless. A nauseating odor is often added before it is his checkup by 1, 1959 piped into city gas lines as a safety measure. Roxy Romney three wards by the Jr, Gleaners of Salt inviting her' to be and Jr, M Men of the MIA. The at the Democratic Federated theme was "We Serve", Each ward Women s Clubs 1st Annual Convespotlighted people of their ward ntion on Saturday kept her there who have given outstanding ser- another day. Honored guests at vice Those in Lake Church and community. honored in Blanding 1st Ward were the Bishops wife, Erma Lee Ikirst; Church custodian Marion Ward organist Black; Mamie and Ward Clerk Adams; Harold Lyman, Ward this convention were Mrs. Hubert Humphrey and Mrs. Frank E. Moss, On Saturday Norman son, at Etheleens, not knowing Mrs, Johnson In Blanding 2nd are those honored were Bishops Bugg evening her and family stopped on was their there. way The Buggs to California he will be stationed at Long Beach. They came home with where wife, Edna Black; Bro, J, B, Harris, Ward music director Reva their mother and will visit here Redd; Ward clerk Lyle Johnson. a few days before going on. The Elders of the San Juan In Blanding 3rd Ward Mr, and Mrs, Henry Feterson and Mr. and Stake are having a temple excursion to the Manti Temple on May Mrs. Harris Shunway, M Men 1st arid 2nd. The Blanding 1st The Jr, Gleaners and Jr. Ward chorus has been inmens Ward had a of the Blanding 1st covered dish party Tuesday even- vited to sing Saturday at the ing. Games and food were under services. Mr, Gordon Adams made a busithe direction of party chairmen Kermit Butt and Kathleen Bron- ness trip to Beaver, Colorado, on son, Thursday. Hunt and Donna Payne guests to a party at his home after the sponsored a surprise party Mondance Friday night. Dancing and day evening in honor of Judy games were enjoyed by the group. Nielson on her 16th birthday. classmates gathered Twenty-foMrs, Minnie Johnson just rehome for games, dancing her at week turned from an interesting Clyde Palmer had twenty Maurine ur start-a-s- et t Ut ri ladies & overnight buy now! 359 APR 59 Form 33 t v cases OFFER LIMITED! almost EVERYONE NEEDS (Reihilailv$1995) Now! Save as you start your matched set of luxury luggage! Get three dollars off regular price on the lovely Ladies' O'Nite Case in famous Samsonite Streamlite! Add matching pieces to complete your set. HOMEOWNER INSURANCE COULD YOU AFFORD TO REBUILD KEEPS ITS FIRST TRIP LOOK! YOUR HOME? . . . Fite, flood, wind stoma --aone of these could demolish your home. Protect your investment with adequate insurance. See us today for a program suited to your needs. ny Classic-designe- d to slay in construction, vinyl coverings resist scrapes Choice of Raw-sid- e and scuffs. Satiny linings . . . roomy pockets. finish. Crystal Green, Hawaiian Blue, London Grey, Saddle style! Triple-strengt- h ASK ABOUT OUR LOW COST PIANI Basin Realty & Ins. Phone 08 .8-2- 018 me t IWN |