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Show i PICTURE vr IK THEWGK' TRIP, HOLE OF HIGHLIGHTS 5 1 ? o Q o ri 53 ZP&b? 33 fa' V m '3SD L" o Sfl m 1 iW iW &7 : A ., I v mft i ' ' ;f. ?.- - M 'j ' It ikv; M ';$ 5 ! 'Iw-- ' ' t V'1 .S'" fg v . K f if S. '' ; . 4Nt )v i j.' "' V. Xv s ': tfe. ? , i, o xC'Tse X tx1- '. ?W ' 4 ' s i, V.l ki (I . - V V k.;v. X .'... Rl jj wi i s ' ' f- - ,Akfcw X ' V-V- t s Wk T . & Afi 3&.Vr O S?L 1 Sj.fi,& c fpl P' o' Xv & fcaT- - oM v' - f ! ). W. 1 S&fTi . jr . -- 4( ftMBnO.f'wt , fc :.- - '? ' 0 to ' 'j irlwaKSeAryf 1 1 Jt' S?: ; TX'-- janr v'S . " v: -- ;:-- v M, ,.f V v &Zi if Vt 1 Ts; Jv 7 i 4-- 'Vf ! i - ( ; i WJ r s. . " I"' i- 1. - 'Xf M Tj tr lvf L!.. rxT.'Jj. f'H , ' eii 3fc A t ii' iRl v Vil v, v-- 9- - j .' .' v H: r'i' ' ' r iSi i dK JL 0 L E T- - rz,Z 1 ' E N D City; bolster Q (1) Scott Atkins, Cedar grandson of A R. Lyman as the youngest member of the Hole-in-t- he . -- Rock A ?4 tfx JfSS .vijf lizz&rd, life area. (2) 0 it A!f .. In this view left to right are Karge expedition a displays captured Jeannerett, Emily Redd and Wiley ' the one form of wild Redd .; he picture 'iWi seen in abundance - Historical seen "Kole-in-the-Ro- ok" in the (7) Here a ; dugway for';' Jeep travel is being mde oyer sand hill Ihe sand in this area ha as in the background a deep eut (arrow) in the bank of the Colorado River the foreground is Darrel , their area o holfes V, West Redd "'.ontlcellb (3) Shows the ' Jeeps f found along the route Bolts and nails in the wagon construction were hand made In through Unblasted parts of of (e drill thy Here gang their roadway at. up to help Jeeps bad negotiate places. In this Jeep are iynn iymn, his wife : Ka2el in the walls of this eut evidence of its use by scription are pioneers as (4) Albert of previous efforts to retrace the rout, pt. In the Horn on Pioneers making Cottonwood way been the undoing because ZlhZ d it Reiiy Rook , Redd was bears'- - In- so; named inscriptions' - 7 ltfmn, CUlac trip " writer, who is the sole survivor of the- original pioneers hr "Ceng Tpinjrnptth 7 tactics" was a arm s babe at' in were the Lyman standard procedure' for mil R "3 i ' ! JJfr - - ' ' - jt - 1 ' vi ' - tire aftnr nl1 r rm ' |