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Show Harral wu in charge. Opening went to visit Mrs, Edwin Wilson prayer was by Mrs. Helen Wilson, in Greenriver Monday, but found devotional given by Mrs. Blake no one hone, Roll call, Mrs, Fred Jensen is slowly rereading Hath. 21-1- 0. a Bible verse. Hlnutes covering from a' bad fall she got 10 per line with anawer read by See. Mrs. Marguerite near her hone reoently, 50 minimum for Pehraon. Treasurers report by Presoott Blake of Durango, Hr a. Myrtle Christensen. Lesson Colo, came to see his grand-nothMrs, H, E, Blake, Monday 8 per line with 40 given by Mrs. Myrtle Christensen, Mrs. Marguerite Pehraon and Mrs. but found her away from home. minimum for subsequent Pearl Blaok, A half hour of consecutive runs of visiting was followed by a lunoh Right Rev. Arthur Carl and Mrs. 58, of St. Louis, Mo., same copy with every served fay the hostess is now presiding bishop of the Christensen, Mrs. Thelma Harral 5th4 run Protestant be Episcopal Church in hostess February 4. will the United States. He succeeds and Display advertising Lyle Jensen, sonwhoseof Mr. the Rev. Right home is Knox fant-A- d Henry columns 80c Mrs, Fred Jensen, who has Sherrill, retired. in Kearns, Utah, has been sent per column inch. to Boise, Idaho to install Stanley (Bucky) Harris, 61, sprinklers in factories. has been named to succeed Joe Mr, and Mrs. Jaok Pehrson and Cronin as FDR SALE manager of Westinghouse faadly were visiting in Monti-oel- lo the Boston general Red Sox. Cronin Good oondltlon. Laundromat. froei Mexican Hat Saturday. to steps up presidency of the Contact Pat lfiaa, Xmhu Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Bailey and American League. Trailer Court, ohlldren and Mrs. H. E, Blake Want-A- d Rates first insertion, er, Licht-enberg- er, free, . in MinneCOURT BALLET sota's Tom Benson is caught in this graceful pose while shooting a basket in a game at Bloomington, Ind. with-Indian- . . . FDR SALE bo Plano to rr Spinet in this area. repossessed Assume more a bal. of oontraot details , For write orodlt S, H, Station dept. Box 148 Salt Lake City, Utah, 2-- 13 -- Bookkeeping and WANTED Income Tw work. See Gloria Pollard one bloek west of . Mere, or oall 2737. FDR SALE 1952 Her eury ' 2 door with 4 now Mylon tire 1950 Meroury 4 door, Kay Johnson Ph, 2481 Parley Redd FDR REN1V3 roam modern house Bluff, . Furnished except living room, Ph. 3563 MONTICELLO News Items by Mrs. H. B. Malm Mrs, Keltenbaeh and daughter, Mrs, Sabo entertained at a nloe luncheon at the Commanlty Social Hall on' Thursday in honor of Rsv, and Mrs, C. L, Wilson who are leaving soon, Mrs, Htrold Cook of Eastland a pleasant caller in was town Thursday, Mrs, Evan Pehrson gave a lunoh in honor of Rev, end Mrs, C, L, Wilson at her heme on Tuesday, A big dinner in whloh all of the Community Chur oh people shared was ssrvsd as a farewell tribute to Rev, on Wednesday church, Mrs, and Mrs , Wilson evening at the Christensen little daughter Ksansth. visited her Kenna in Bland ing Thursday, She staying with her Grandmother is Palmer, attending enjoyed the play put on by the 7th grade in assembly Friday, It was ealltd Those "No Boys Allowed," were less than 40 pints eollooted by the blood blood of There bank i in Montloello Wednesday, Mrs, Msrgarst Nielson returned heme Monday after a few days with rslatives in Bluff, Christensen was Beth hostess to the Church Worker on January 21, Pres. Mrs; Thelma p visit Mrs, 1 |