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Show MEXICAN HAT NEWS nr DONNA BBOVS Linda thirteen had Lenninger BLUFF MAKES PLANS FOR AIRPORT friends' to help her celebrate her eighth birthday Tuesday After opening her many lovely gifts, lowed and were played, fol- refreshments of cake Brother Juniper of the Bluff Chamber of Comnerce reports that this, week the members of the Chambtr laid out the proposed games by Jello In Cortez Thursday to see the dootor family which is to serve the airstrip Bluff art. The new landing the Harold Douglass was and Mrs. Paul Hart, Tomnie and Janet Douglass Thompson drove to B1 ending Tuesday to see Solid "The girl soouts The Gold Cad-llla- met Monday the recreation hall with sent, including Terry o" one -- fourth at end 17 pre- Benallle, soouts are prepresident a program for the PTA paring to be given February 4, so they The all-weath- tion to all interests ' Navajo 1 will run from City, Arizona, to Shiprook, Mexioo either Juniper stated of the Bluff er few days books then the meeting served, the Navajo long on members praotloed some songs and danoes for the oooasion Refreshments for the past were from organization are hopeful that the County will do the initial clearing for the strip and that eventually it will be graveled to insure service This new airport is very lm- - Carol Venltz, who are new members The meeting was conAnn mile Brother that the Mo El wain and ducted by Ruth coununloation Tribal Counoil at Window Rock, west miles located four field is stating that work on Navajo f Bluff, near Butler Wash and Highway 1 will begin on both the East and the West ends at the Just south of the Highway The field Itself will be one same time thus assuring satirfae- mile long with an approach area Hr the movie, A boastful was Bsgllshmam portant to the Bluff area as it Leaa Bostonian areund will be a giant step towards the showing procuring of a physicianfor den"Here are two oaanoa we capthat part of the county for at Bunker Brthe at tured Hill," least a few days each week itisher proudly said, Also it will increase the tour"How nice," said the American, istic possibilities of that part politely, "You have the cannon, of San Juan, and will be invalwe still have the hill" " uable in case of emergency Brother Juniper also stated that he has recently received a USB OUTLOOK WANT ADS cataloging Bertie Thompson and her family after Betty James and family drove returned home last week new baby to Blanding Saturday to attend the arrival of their elossd with TAps the wrestling matohes. Morris of Mee brought his bride new girl Thursday Goul dings home evening as they were from last returning Davis and Mrs. week Montloello, Mr upset Dave Davis1 oar on Comb Ridge. Mrs Davis got a badly bruised leg and Mr The Davis got his ear skinned on business Home from school with the flu ear was pretty well demolished Mrs Della Van Arsdale from Mrs Hart is is Lola Page Manoos has been staying with her substituting for her Bob James and his unde from; son and his family, Ralph Van for a week, visitiCortez drove down for the week! Arsdale, Sr ng friends and relatives. end, and returned Sunday Brown Morris Mr. and Mrs Jack Allison left Tuesday for SunLake Phoenix to get his wife and and boys drove to Salt doctor on ohlldren, where they were for day, took Ricky to the home Monday and returned medloal attention and Mrs Gene Morris and family drove to Cortez Saturday Mr j Mr and Mrs Frank Lalmbaok and family spent the week-ein . nd Junction business Grand Bob visiting and on on the sick when he stayed Bring the family in Maurice was list last week with the flu Myrtle Davis and Glenna home 4or dinner here Ste- home to Salt Lake We- dnesday While there Glenna Amy Tuohlgaml who is at- tending BYU visited We we b warm and friendly atmosphere. Our food's vens drove Myrtle's daughter,' Dorothy tynan, and her three! ohlldren . delicious and the prices modest. Fletcher and Betty James have been at the library Josephine Build Anything Anywhor LICENSED GENERAL 9 CONTRACTORS a 061 din JOHN EGGERS, Ph. 3271 JERRY BROW, hp Ph. 3601 The Tuba Now |