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Show Hl CM J O O O bPC 10 K tS 0 M o c(8 '5 rj si i 3rd Ward Stops Mesa OOPS ! ! Either tho Meadow Junior College from Mesa deoldod to end It all highly tauted five '. Gold Milk or It was without pay- -! A Junotion trying to got away making a sav- -i bits of a red-h- ot lng tha bill thus At lsast from ths lngs for Its ownsr how It appeared to Kirk that was Blending 3rd Ward last Saturday attendant at Causeway as they lost a high soorlng gM Holqulst At first Super Sarvloa when he turned to ths tuns of 91-Just In tiO to see tho ths Mavsrloks of Mssa startad around truok which ha had Just ap- .large their soeond string flva matoh finished servlolng suddenly ba- -I ths parently fooling that Bit the gin to roll away towards tho would bo an easy one 3rd Warden pulled away to a Harvey Builders property aoroas the street qulok load that was insurmountable In spits of all offorts by Fortunately the truok had tho good taste to miss all property tha game Colorado players value whllo visitiEveryone hit for tha Blending of any 'groat team as Coohran tanked In 23 ng over to Harveys and it finJunior College In Colorado fslt the bunoh of Grand M-M- en BRONCOS ADD TWO MORE LEAGUE DINS Last Thursday night - 22 January tha San Juan High basketball team soundly thumped the Invading Knights from Notre Dame High In Prloe It was an easy vic- tory for the looal quintet as Preston oeunters hit for Nielson and Max 22 ; mate more to help with Toney May ; Visit Tonight The Buokeroos heart-breaki- ng Invade the will added 12 of as the 75-- 33 Bronco territory tonight two teams olash In the Mart- score Por the Knights inez hit for 13 oounters al The following night the Greenrtrer-Sa- n Juan giune was Jam-a okad house played before ll as the high sehool oru-ol- pa Monticell o the LDS Reoreation Hall Mentioello has yet to have a margin of more than three points In a league game this year and their record win and three loses to But the Buokeroos have gymnasium was filled until tha date down on crowd overflowed onto the play- never been a team to lay when they are ing floor San Juan won again the Job especially too-sm- although easily this vlotory come by was as soma not a have Is one after the The i : Monti cello Buckeroos To Jonos made 19, Team 81 Bronoos Bronoos will go eountan with 16 Rowley with 15 with 13 and El lie 12. Canber-la- ng hit for earns ally small shad without Incurring too much damage anywhere All's wall that ends wall but Mr - WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLE ot sets free throws This game Is the last game the habit of the the first round of league play Bronoos In their recent games everyone got into the scoring and Coach Neldon Cochran says aot Preston Nielson hit for a that while it will be a hard total of 16 Toney May made 10 fought contest he Is sure that points Keralt Butt hit for 6 his Broncos will bring hone the while Reed Stevens and Max Jonos bacon Tomorrow night the Bronoos eaoh hit for 6 Weber of Greenrlver made 11 will hit the road again after to take a points but hie usually high two weeks at home Cortez Pansoorlng team mate Beebe oould second craok at the remembered only go for 10 Both Beebe and thers It will be Carl Black went out of the game that the Panthers fell vlotlm to the Broncos on the local boards by the foul route As has three weeks ago Local Grapplers Lose To Cortez And Aztec The San Juan High wrestling Broncos the tune Bronoos to lick their of 31-- 16 wounds to Oily five able to garner for their cause as Don were The the met HORIZONTAL 1 showed better more experience to date trainIn al- every match, Don Neff was Joined by William Hurst and Bob most el man to five the local grapplers their 9 points Muss Juan High team is points Neff pinned his man and Melvin young the experience atLaws fought to a draw matches Lloyd tained throuji these Dole Jones and Perry will be very valuable In future Baylos Winters outpointed their opponyears. Coach Rollins Is conents but the talented Panthers fident that the experience gainThe Depicted animal 7 of swift San and ruled the mats for the rest of ed will pay big dividends in the future the evening The next home match for the Tuesday January 27th, another team invaded the wrestlers will be on Keb 18th Broneo mat and left with credits when they will be hosts for a for all the metnhee rr.rt three tournament here at Blnndlng VERTICAL 1 Auditory 2 Roman emperor J RE Fi bin nnun F1F1FJE3 horses are 3 Noahs boat used to run it 4 Goddess of the down in , earth ed ej m capturing it 5 device Heating 13 Cylindrical 6 Hindmost 14 Young bird of 7 Bamboolike 25 Withstand prey grass 26 Journey 15 Irritate 8 ii nwHtu tiniHDHnanD n fi ca n 53 m RHH nuHnnuiFifif raw tiunsdunlEiifa 45 Sweet secretion . Facility BLong (ab.) Guido's scale 10 Brew made with malt 18 Symbol for 11 Sharp, quick cobalt 20 Pontpous cry 12 Heavenly body displays 16 Appellations 18 Note in calcium score this time was 37-- 9 as best team the broncos have ing and . E 24 Comparative THEY ARE NEWS TOO nnHiSMn I tun Fin F t Q 33 E El FI eh 81 E n Id iTz rannFiHnnntMlisanri Ml unE-JSD- 22 Pair (ab.) 23 Symbol for READ THE ADS team has had a rough time holding their own In their last two home matches The Panthers of Cortez High came to town on Sat loft the January 24th and Here's the Answer in been to rest against a Helqulot faalo that one ex14 points Flynn mads 15 whlls perience Ilka that will do Jtnson and Hanks mads 10 points eaoh This was a praotlos gams are tha leaders In their given for both- teams and both dubs conferences. Jaynes made visitors For the Into the In boon However the trend for the eontest with a better record won have as they gams was pretty well fixed In league play none and They rod-hlost five games the opening period as a Preston Nielson peppered the are figured to win without too but past history hoop for his team's seore of 12 much trouble points while the Pirates could between these two teams has preonly make one field goal end two sented some very surprising up- by Hanoook followed suffix 28 Horse's gait 28 Swarm 31 Underground plant part 32 Former Russian ruler Small island 34 Vex 33 35 Equal 36 Devotees 37 Registered nurse (ab.) 38 And (Latin) 39 Laughter sound 41 Colonizes 47 Symbol for thoron 49 Winglikc part 51 Stair part 52 Honey-mak53 Overpowering er fright out-of-st- ate 55 Horsemen 57 Bristly aMHite 17 Parent 20 Archetypes 21 Sentinels 23 Refrigerant 27 Flower 29 Seasoning 30 Very (Fr.) 39 Head coverings 46 Goddess of discord 47 Tenure 48 Promontory 50 Skill the 52 Babylonian sheltered side deity 42 God of love 54 Universal 43 Weary language 44 One key only 56 District (ab.) attorney (ab.) 40 On |