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Show J. Wiley Up & Down Miniature Museum J Wiley Redd the Street wits Redd Has who was Ranger at the Natural Bridges National ASS POSTER " Phone 3347 Monument for 11 years hat been oon- - the people who visited the flntd to his home for sere rail ges were rock collectors Dee Galbraith had a good ohanee to learn about rocks During those 11 years many of Brid- A young student with matrimony in mind had just popped the question to his girl friend. Oh, I dont know Hector, she said slowly. 'Tve been asked to get married lots of times. Gee, he said crestfallen, who asked yuh, Daisy? She blushed. Oh, maw and pa. Page 5 BLANDING OUTLOOK Jan 30 1959 BAGS OBSERVATIONS To err is human, but when the eraser wears out before the pencil, youre overdoing it 1 Some of these people spent their time days with tho flu Mrs Barbara Certonio took herl going from state to state colsome to be used on Tony to Grand Junction on I lecting rocks 21 in and collections sack to medical aid others to be January ' Tony sustained several Injuries cut and polished In Mr Redd's collection he while playing football thls'ftll Under the care of a physlelan has some beautiful tumbled rocks and many others that have been Tony will not be able to particout and polished Some of these ipate In basketball this year, are used as book ends paper or any other sports or dancing Mrs-- . and others are out to Louise Hurst has been on weights be used in rings pins and other the sick list this week oostume Kenna Lee went Hiss Jewelery Helqulst to Provo by bus January 23 to Some' of the most Interesting have sooe dental work done She rooks in Hr Redd's collection have oome out of the shinarump returned Sunday This is the formHisses Hary Lee and Iva Lou formation ShuMvsy have returned hone from ation that most of our uranium Salt Lake City where they have and copper mines are found in The lawn of the Redd yard is been attending the LOS Business edged with ripple marked rooks College It's who fishing tan for Grant These rooks came out of the Nelson left for Arizona Jan Moenkopl formation Many pet- net his brother Ifcy at rified fish are found in this Hesa. From there they went to same formation and Hr Redd has 23 and Hazioo to try their luck several samples of them articles in at deep sea fishing Grant was Other interesting Include dinosaur aooosqpanied as far as Hesa by the collection one not petbones which of is two of her Hrs Clint Palwer and bhlldren for a brief visit with rified This is exceptionally There are also some Hat-at- es Hrs rare Hrs Palwer' a mother and Hanos which were used returned! They George Sloan the prehistoric people for Honday night and Grant reporte by grinding com lots of fun and a little luck an invitation I'm sorry if you have done Hr Redd extends who to is interested to something of interest had sene come anyone see rocks and to to these one visit you or been ill and II Wien others who prefer guns he has haven't wentloned it some over a hundred years old something happens to you or your He has many years with his neighbors why not call and tell hobbies spent an afternoon visitiand m. I an to write news from thej ng him would be well spent oast side of town Call 3347 Old 'SAY IT WITH JEWELRY Whether Our Friend Will See His Shadow Monday Or Not Is An UNCERTAINTY 3c 9k ac 3k There Is No UNCERTAINTY When You Purchase An Item At The The Price is the Lowest in Town Quality is Guaranteed Free Delivery on Large Items Anywhere San Juan County L. W. Graves' 4V jeweler; |