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Show m Theatre Group To Choose Play the dtreet aown ana up Page 13 BLANDING OUTLOOK Jan. Theatre 1959 30& Little Double-head- er hall the at oity MILDRED RASGOE phone 5567 group will with Feb. 5, at 800 pm. Slated Rev. and Mrs Andrew Moifaiixui pony. Hr Brown haa also spent Thursday, sevThey would like to review wars In Blending Saturday, vis- - some tine in North Africa Mr. LaRay Alexander, direotor ohoose one for proeral plays, of the A baby shower for Hrs Walter of the San Juan Division a lting Hr and Hrs Ray Hunt; name direotor. and announced stationed with the park was given last week by Hrs. jection Formerly in anv chase M Men Basketball loop,will be two Presbyterian Hlsslon at Kayenta, Merle Poster. Invited guests of theatre work invited to Wednesday that there now! Hrs Ho are Gaff inoluded Lyman Bayles, Hrs. ins gomes for thelocsJ Arizona, the praotice this attend meeting LDS missionaries at Owyhee, Nevada. Keith Irwin, Hrs. Pete Slahkard, teams tomorrow night in the Hr. and Hrs. Joe Nielson went! Hrs. Charles Reed, Hrs. Jim Wil-- to Recreation Hall. Looking toward spring and Provo last Friday to watoh! son, Hrs Cliff Middleton, Hrs anThe looal mentor says that two garden chores, we think the The Blending meet i ! ; j the basketball game between the .Leroy Bym, Hrs. Jaek Seratte, University of Utah and BYU. Hrs. Horace Murphy and Mrs. Don nual time change should called, daylight slaving. freshman team dan, Mrs Alee Baxter, Mrs J.D. Mrs. Elam, Mrs Leroy Byrn Royoe Higgs, Mrs Wayne Crossan, and Mrs Jim Burkholder. on the Ho Kim. Franols is at the U. of U Invltatlons in the shape of storks reminded members of the Et Cetera Club of their meeting hold last Thursday night at the Their son of Hrs. Grant Shumway. ! Refreshments of cake and ooffee were served to those at- - tending, Mrs. Georg' Grand A. A. Bradberry and Hrs. Raseoe were shopping in Junction Monday and Tues-ho- ms day. coffee was Farther oarrylng out the theme A a film on ohlld- held Tuesday morning at the home of "Babies" was to the group., of Mrs. Ralph Noonan. Arrayed shown birth Several games and oontests were in all manner of garb were with Hrs Truman Rig- - prised guests Mrs Jaek Sherl-b- y, Mrs. Riehard Guymon, Hrs eome-as-you-- are sur-oondu- Moulton Mrs Gene Porter, Hrs. Clark Hirsohi, and Mrs LaMar Wright winning prizes. Cohostesses were Mrs. Shumway Hrs Neldon Coohran and Mrs. Grant oted Mrs. Dalleen Henderson daughter Kathy of Flagler, rado rson's sister, Mrs served refreshments e to twenty-ninguests A members. Hr, and Mrs. Ceoll Raison left Friday for their home in Odessa. They have lived here sinoe September. Hr. Ralston is employed by the Corbett Drilling Company. The who was oouple Ware and Mrs Wtfdhi entertained at and Mrs. A. A. Bradberry. Salt Lake Cltyans in Blending are Mrs. Kent Blaok and son Joe. They are visiting her parents Hr. and Mrs. Joe Nielson. The rodeo grounds north of notion .last Saturday saw afternoon as would-b- e polo players gathered to learn fundamentals of the game from members of the Rangers Polo Club of Cortez. Composed mainly of Elk Mountain Riding Club members, the Blending group has already bought neoossary equipment for playing the game. Getting in on the fun were Carl mon, Vernon Englehart, Young, Haurloe He 1 Dave John GuyHel-qu- lst quiet, Phil Hawkins, Dehyn Blaok Don Olsen Resd Bayles Dr. E.N. Porter Ken Helqulst, Clem Englehart Dr. Frank Flow and Guy Palmer. Three meters of the fairer sex Claire Sheridan Mrs. Guymon and Mrs. Young showed the men that they too could swing a mean mallet. Anyone interested mm in the group is urged to for the next praetlee Saturday afternoon. Visiting Hr. and Mrs. Dale Joining some out Bader Sunday was A1 Ward of Farmington. Mrs. Ray Hunt underwent sur- gery for varieose veins Tuesday at the Montieello hospital. Soout troop 308 under the leadership of Palmer assistant scoutmaster, braved January temperatures and camped out last Friday night. Working towards their seoond class badge, the boys cooked their own meals slept out in the open in their sleeping bags and hiked back Saturday from the Elders' farm. Scouts Max the venture Calvin Black Brent Tim Black, Jim Camber-la- who made in-olu- ded Hel-qu- ist ng Danny Shumway, Paige Ste- vens Tomsy Morris, Steven Lewis and Bobby Caster. Australia-boun- d Hr. and Mrs. Luther Brown were in Blending last week visiting Mrs. Brown's sister Mrs. Charley Francis. . 1 t ni4a tumii.. . and Colo- Joe Ware. Roy Renfro M the Stakes Blending 700 and teams. Today The Man teams from the will 2nd games oome to Met and 3rd Ward will begin at 830 p.m. marks the birthday of Delano Roosevelt, 32nd Franklin President of the United States. Franklin Roosevelt was born He was! 1882. January 30th and died elected for four terms drove to Durango last week to in office, April 12 1945. - 6th Grade By Sharon Hummer plok them up. Mrs dinner the night before by Hr. town outstanding Orem are visiting Mrs. Hende- Chan Nelson be WHOl |