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Show Page 8 BLANDING OUTLOOK Published every Friday at Blandlng, Utah I. w. Cox Kendall Young, Jan. 30, 1959 PUBLISHER NEWS EDITOR Politicians arguing t First one and hundred CORRESPONDENTS says, "There are a one ways to make money, but only Anno Porter, East Blandlng one honest way. Hlldrcd Res coo, NW Blandlng Second one, "And what Is that Sue Graves, W. Central Blandlng way?" Hilda Perkins, S. W. Blandlng First fellow, "Haj . I thought Opel Howell, Bluff u wouldn't know." Donna Brown, Hsxloan Hat Norma fyler, El Paso Mrs H. E. Blake, Montloello SPECIALIZING IN and Aneth. Subscription Ratos: San Juan County , $4.00 per year, by mail This is the last of the FREE SAMPLE issues of the BLANDING OUTLOOK . 1150 copies of this issue are being printed and will be distributed on a free basis as in the past. Hereafter papers will be obtainable on a subscription basis or at the news stands Saturday morning, January 31 , the San Juan High School Seniors' will make a drive for OUTLOOK- subscriptions. i Vint took us on a tour of the new Redd's and explained some of Cold Hair Tinting the plans for the future. All groeerles will be on a oash basis. Hr. Redd says Wav os FOR that this will enable them to lower prioes appointment better serand give all-rou- nd He showed us vice to customers 16 had an area which refrigerator motors all in a row with a myriad of pipes and tubes running all over the shop to the different freezers. Redd's Is now one of the largest stores In CALL 2051 Looated 2 Blocks South of Grade School area. Certainly the largest Ithe the Northwest Corner. - THE NORTHUEST CORNER By Kendall Young Hors Indians are ALCOHOL. Another aspeot of the problem Is of aiding the bus students to killed each year by that secret partleipate and attend activi- weapon than any other. ties at sohool Is the advantage Of Interest to many local whleh oan be gained through add- business men Is the faet that ing more candidates to the dif- Garrett Freight Lines is trying ferent teams eto. A good exasiple to obtain a common carrier perof this is young Bobby ftisselman mit for all of Grand and San of Bluff. Bobby Is . a Freshman Juan Counties. Our area Is at the high school and if he can already served by three lines continue to find a way to take who do an efficient Job of givpart, train and be present for ing this area all the service possible. .games and trips he Is going to that Is practically n of The this larger homing-iadd greatly to the football and death-blo- w wrestling programs at San Juan outfit oould deal a High. Last fall Bobby hitch- to these lines. Hunt Truoki hiked home almost every night In Line, Lyman Truck and Shortway order to praetloe with the football team. He Is on the wrestling team and while the early darkness and oold neither makes It lmpraetioal for him to try to hlteh hike home are A all fighting this situation. In hearing will be held early a deolslon on to Garrett's 'application. February make Whatever looal companies may looal and arc problems the each night he have, they doing the best through oommon ME Tb. fin. to fi.d art TOO MOOT Cob. Is oad m tab wHh yM. Is sow. lt POSITIVE von COVEMSE? Basin Realty & Ins. still Interest will Is never the less of the businesses other team. he oan to keep with the give the At least Bobby stopped a highly favored area better servloe. seems to us. the way It bay from Azteo Tuesday night, that Is BUDDY program Is The ACTIVITY and his style Is showing Imwell. It looks provement every week. There are progressing very other boys who could add to our like all of the students from teams and girls to other ac- Aneth and Bluff who so desire to stay and see the tivities when we get the problem will be able n Juan game tonight Hontieello-Saof distance Ironed out. Some of the sharp dressers of We would like to thank all those the Corner might note that they who have cooperated with this oan soon wear a snappy derby hat first experiment, and to urge - and be In style. So to help Arc. future. far they them again In the are Just limited to Hadis on The next Important home event In New York City end the Yale and Harvard campuses. But then, at the high school, which falls what do those plaoes have that on a Friday, will be the South Juan game the 13th of the Northwest Corner doesn't Emery-Sa- n have? Derby hats, that's allll February. Special thanks to Bryant Jenthe greatest enemy of the Navajo sen and Duane Johnson, drivers .and other Indians Is no longer of the buses, idio have consented the U. S. Army, not disease. It to take the late run to Bluff The Denver Post tells us that mimme m ITM GET A HEALTH t 1 Block West of Parley Ph. 2737 Redd Merc NQn ! , Don't play guessing games with your healfh. When ill. see your doctor. See. him also for a regular checkup. When you need a prescription, we are always here to serve you with these vital ingredients: accuracy, safety, purity, knowledge, skill and economy. Gill, or come in. . ALL DRUGS Gloria Pollard CHECK-U- P, DELIVERY SERVICE PH W Soma -- |