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Show T i I clown, the sired cute pmm. the eently WITH HILDA PH0NE 2337 . ! BLANDING OUTLOOK Jan. 30, 1959 Mountain Riding Club will election and lunoheon at home cf Wiley Redd, Monday, be the Come help .Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. Elk have i and was unable to program on ehureh welfare and food storage around for a few days. Sherell and Helen Walker who plan was given in the Blanding 1st Ward sacrament meeting Sun. have been employed at Kearns Canafternoon. The speakers were yon Trading Post have moved to Vivian Redd, Howard Hurst, Fred St. Micheals Post near Window the Hal day and Eldon Haag. Rook, Arizona to manage interesting An Page 2 Elk Mountain Riding Club To Organize elect officers for 1959. Osborne of the elementary school faculty, and Mr. Jensen from the high school alternate Mr. IXies paid to be eligible to vote. Dues are $5.00 for old as drivers must be members, $10.00 for new me- bers. Any persons interested in Joining are invited. A group of Senior Aaronlc place for hr. Jess Walker. There will be Polo practice priesthood members and their Krs. Louisa Lyman went to wives met at the home of Bishop Spanish Fork, Utah Tuesday to at the club arena north of town for anyone interested. Sat. 31 and Mrs. Soott Hurst Sunday eve- be with her sister Ida Mar MarkThe time was spent in ham. Ida Mar's .husband, Ben at 2 p.m. ning Markham has been ill for some visiting and listening to a tape BUS tes-jtiand she felt conoerned over SCHOOL EXPANDS reoordlng of impressive tlmonles given by some Lamanlte his condition. converts of Albuquerque, The reoordlng was New A number of Blanding people called to Montlcello Tuesfor which Jury duty Those who day after Mrs. Hurst served refreshments. were requested to serve were Teek Lyman took his neice Mrs. Audrey Halliday, E. Gordon Adams Mexloo. ed by Carl Osborne, Mavis were play- Ruth Nielson, Glen and Hilda Perkins. to Blythe, Calif., Cosby Friday to bring her trailer back. They returned Sunday. Mrs. Cosby will live here Vivian Mrs. house Haag Shumway, is the new director for Blanding 1st Drama husband can be releas- Ward MIA. The Explorers from the hospital at Grand until her ed J. and Mia Maids had a party Tues. evening given Junotion. leaders Mrs. Dora Carl, Ray and Clarence Perkins by theirandclass Lots Mr. Teek some j Williams Mrs. is moving Mrs. Sada Barton of Montlcello visited over the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Carl Mahon. Bluff to handle the younger children of that area. Mexican Hat also has an elementary, but the high sohool students are obliged to board in Blanding for SERVICE the week as the distance is too Three buses are now serving great for commuting. the Aneth and Bluff areas to bring the students to the school in Blanding. Due to the large number of students in the Aneth area it is necessary to operate SMITH two buses from that Duane Johnson drives PLUMBING point. Mr. the smaller of the two which brings the hli & HEATING school students from Aneth. Mr. Garth Bradford is chaullbur of the other bus from Aneth, and he school brings the elementary students to their classes each day. With the completion of the Aneth School the elementary OPEL HOifELL by The county commissioner her home on ill ing ceived word from Bruoe, who is serving adaalonary in Dover, D.l. that u Bruce while show had his in the church. ankle sprained playing basket ball Love KOHLER Business in Blanding . 20 Years Is busy remodelpainting the Howell Smith and Mr re- - livil tliJANtt Farm 21 its best to f M " buy the oery ?arold list. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Goodman of Blanding, a 20f JANtt Farm 21 Poor roofing may do the same things for your home as for a year good roofing or two But, with the roofing we have, you won't have to get a new roof for many LeRoy ... duster that soft water and gentle soap at Bars! mmm umw m mm a mmm um of Hmivm OR Do it Yourself O 3LAC9DDN6 and Save Three Blocks Northwest of High School WMtiosm O best roofing I r inorea-lng- ly baaon! Grand They Tuesday. active and they are very were Junction three gone days. the interest the pleased Mr. Bud Merz is on the sick people there a JVlJli!) home. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Stepp moved refrom Gilbert Collins aparttheir son, ments the on January 26. Texas to as an LDS bhat i. AMERICAN STANDARD mm Mil li at a breakfast in strip. Mr. J. Thursday morning. Mrs. Carl Ferklns has been the past waek. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Black hi. NORGE-CRA-KE sent word ny Ross, Rusty passengers if anyone is inter- worked on the site 4 miles South ested in going north. of Bluff. They plan a mile Ruby Bronson entertained her club o BLUFF NEWS to Bluff City Chamber of Hilton Cornwell will be taking Commerce chart a new airport his oar to Salt Lake on business location. toBrother Juniper, KenFeb. 6 and will have room for and Musselman sewing students The to Salt time and effort to see. to, be near her Doctor as she needs special treatment. Lake bus. o Bluff of high sohool age are Joined at White Mesa by the Indian children of all agar. There is an elementary school in Lyman. of their jBayles ood 8ood f enjoyed by oows into town for feeding. Most of the men in this end of everyone present, Mrs. Dra Shumway returned town are kept busy hauling water home Thursday from Salt Lake children will no longer need to to their livestock. Sheriff Wright and his wife City where she spent a couple of make the long and tiring bus ride each day. Mabel of Montlcello will soon be days visiting her mother. as Treg-ellClarence and Mrs. Mr. moving into their beautiful new 5 lbs. 8 made a business trip to on January 24, weight home west of the school there. ozs. at the Mission Hospital in The new addition to the Farley Durango Monday. Bluff. Redd Mere, is another sign of The Stake Gold and Green Ball We hear that the bridge for the growth of this area. The will be held in Montlcello Sat. Wash at Bluff is not Cottonwood Redd brothers are to be conight Jan. 31. Everyone is scheduled to go in this year. invited. This is the big social We are wondering why, as this ngratulated. The Mrs. Trena Nielson Williams event of the MIA year. one of the most traveled be is to show Bluff store will lease her in floor is expeoted routes in Utah and San this week to someone from Texas. outstanding and well worth the scenic Juan County. are busy moving of the Bluff and Mesa White from m- li me watch the clock. We never Cant see it from where we sit. Lumber Company I 6 Blocks South of Club "47 j |