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Show Vi :! TEST RUN, Friday, June 7, 1968 'S '- i-- -i :i , 9 , r 4, i K i t I : ! y r '.. 'y if,.-' ...,'. wi . Shown above if Lt. Colonel William L. Black, exec-- , DEDICATION CEREMONY utive officer, making a speech at the ribbon-cuttinceremony of the posts new Enlisted Mens Club. Shown in die background from left to right is First Sergeant g ( Phillip Hatfield, visiting Sergeant Major Harry H. Hess, from AMC, and Dugways own Sergeant Major George B. C. Sur. tf at J" p a- r. . K 9 K RIBBON-CUTTIN- CEREMONY - Lt. Colonel William ribbon to open Dugways new EM Club for (left) and MSgt. Harry Furves. E-- l thru E--4. L. Black, executive officer, cuts the Looking on are Pvt Thomas Wroten Sr Little Wheels Lounge Opens pf . - COUNCIL MEMBERS Shown above are the Council members of Dugways new Enlisted Mens Club Little Wheels thru E-- From left to right are SP4 Timothy McLeod, vice president FFC Danny Thomas, president, MSgt Lounge for s of the Board of NCO Club, and PFC Maxwell Class, council member. Purves, president Harry E-l- 4. Catholic Parishioners Confirmed On Saturday afternoon. May 25th, at three oclock, Most Rev. Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Salt Lake City conferred children and one adult at the Dugway Post Chapel. upon thirty-tw- o Boys wore a red necktie and Clasgow. red confirmation robe and the The following visiting clergy girls wore a white robe with a were in the procession: Chap-re- d collar and a red and white lain (CPT) B. Patrick Foley, Catholic Chaplain at Hill Air beanie. THE CEREMONY began Force Base, Rev. Mark O. Ben-wian organ prelude played by vegnu. Pastor of St. Vincent De Paul Church in Murray and Rev. Mrs. Mildred George. Members of the Holy Name Society as- - Thomas J. Meersman, Pastor of sisted in the program. Mr. Wil- - St. Francis Xavier Church in Liam Bilton assisted as Lector Kearns, both were Chaplains to and Major Charles James with the Bishop, and Very Rev. John LTC Joseph Pirkl were ushers j. Hedderman, Chancellor of the for the program.. Diocese who was Master of Cere- Persons being confirmed en- - monies, tered the Chapel preceded by AFTER Confirmation, Bishop Acolytes, Chauncey Kendall and Federal was celebrant at Benedic- Thomas George who flanked the tion of the Most Blessed Sacra-Crobearer John Glasgow. Fol- - ment. The Confirm andi and the were Congregation sung the hymns lowing the Confirmandi undo1 the direction of Mrs. Ter-Mr- s. the sponsors for Confirmation: Betty Grothe and LTC cnee Gahman. The people confirmed were: Joseph Pirkl who was proxy for LTC Arthur Nieto. Next came Adrianna Azzelio, Mary Ann Patricia Gonzales, the Miter (Bishops hat) bearer, Earlewine, Raymond Crothe and the Crazier Theresa Chart rand, Madeleine (Bishops staff) bearer, Roliert Calm, Gloria Gonzales, Antoinette th ss mmans a nu j Bishop Joseph Lennox Federal, the .Sacrament of Confirmation Chartrand, Teresa Sabato, Julid Sabato, Catherine George, GisekJ Bratton, Teresa Byrd, Fawt Gumenski, Mary Sees, Gerald Grothe, Bernard Sabato, Steven Keirstead, Richard Glasgow, Stephen Helriegel, Eric Houle, Mf chael Magann, Bill Roy, John George, Michael Earlewine. Kevifi Donnelly, John Hebert, Michael Helriegel, Anthony Azzelio, Chrifc topher Ryan, Ralph Sees, Leland Latham, Robert Helriegel, and the Immediately following ceremony a reception was given for Bidiop Federal at the Du way Officers Club. Punch, coffee, cake and cookies were sen-- ' ved by the Ladies of the Sacred Heart to about one hundred guests. Colonel and Mrs. Jams Watts, and Colonel and . Mrf. Ralph Rashid joined in the web come and expressed their gratitude at die Bishop's visit. i |