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Show AMy ffiblDlr(j BIG Cooper Big BUS EDUCED Worm weather bring with it bicycle enthusiasn. Today, bicycling is gaining favor in America as, a means of transportation, exercise add just plain enjoyment This increased activity has produced over 500 fatal injuries in collisions between motor vehicles and bicycles each year. Nearly 50 per cent of these collisions occur at intersections. Seventy percent take (dace during the daylight hours and in 80 per cent of all fatal collisions between a bicycle and a motor vehicle the cyclist is in violation of a traffic law. BICYCLE accident prevention includes defensive cycling. A cyclist must watch out for the mkIiIcii npciiint' of doors of parked 'cars. lie imisl Ik alert for vehicles pulling mil of driveways of 4 LBS. OF wonderful fiberfill for polyester ind lofty sleeping bags chock-fu-ll DACRON GYM SHOES Outdoor Safety bicycling 88 DACROil B. SLEEPIKG CONVERSE "88 comfort Water and wind repellent Canvas Duck Cover . . flannel lining... adult size BUCK OK WHIT! In HIGH OR LOW CUT Rt, 4-L- . . - -r- 8.98 Famous Convent "Chuck Taylor" Inrxchst must cross and alleys. railroads ti.uA .it ri'Jit angles liiil niusi Ik cautious of excess speed - especially i low nil ill. arc lour "Don't lasted of bicyclin'.;. I'areuls should assure lliciusclxcs ol llicir children's kiioxx Kiltie oi llicsc liiiidaim-nla- l rules: I. Don't ride nil :r bike tiK big. A 20 inch bike is suited for five to seven year uULs. A 24 inch bike is suited fur eight to ten year olds. A 26 inch bike is suited for ages eleven and up. , L DONT BE towed by an . . ... all sizes from 3 or looks , MANY STATES require motor vehicles to lie safety .inspected before allowing them to operate on the state road, systems. This inspection enables the operator to correct any mechanical deficiencies lieforc they result in accidents. bicycles too should be annually checked before each years operation. Previous years usage and winter storage sometimes contribute to deterioration or damage to bicycle parts. Listed below are 18 Safety Checks for Bicycles. This checklist will enable each bicycle operator to reasonably assure himself he is operating a safe and sound bicycle. 1. SADDLE - on tight? right height? right tilt? 2. Crips - worn? loose? 3. Handle bars - tight? parallel to your arms? 4. BELL OR horn - hear 100 to 12. Ideal for camoing. summer picnics, parades . . . canvas sturdy wooden frame with a heavy-dutcover . . . fed: up lor easy carrying and storage y a JEnntB damn csj PORTABLE E2MM2iSLJ JOHNS Rtf, OPEN FACE SPIN REELS Sturdy tubular' aluminum legs with bags and 2-PIE- GLASS ROD CE FABRIC AIR MATTRESS Heavy duty rubberizsd tress with fabric efr mat- construction creased sleeping comfort valve far hv . . , metal gear ratio, convenient anti J nd no back lash. bai pick reverse, full i . . . guaranteed. to--1 up JUR UATTRESS Dag. FRONTIER 6 SHOT BUBBER BOAT mud run? CAL SINGLE ACTION 22 af 2M REVOLVER BnP MeeeoeeeeeeaMe MIR M yssF Mffnsf bf but T jlf HERI tokfcly. Aluminum Camp Cot Triascopic comp COMPLETE SPINNING OUTFIT PUSHBUTTON ROD BUI xtrenwly lightweight. Set up only 8 inches from the ground. 29x74 size 10.95 value UNI 3,500 BTU CATALYTIC HEATERS bail pickup, Anti reverse, no backlash Full on-o- ff HOURS ON ONE 24 RWN6 1ST QUALITY FISHING Free from smoke, fumes, odors, smoke and soot not burn flameless-wi- ll heattouching anything ing and compact. S47 element-lightwe- - 9.95 Value Size HAND-TIE- 3-- 12 D . - fun-fill- - - 7. Learn to anticipate potential accidents. An expert "expects the car foiling the bus tbsud-deat- h swerve it tato hil fane7 g. USE YOUR hom whenever . other feUow nol sure Les yon. The idea that a good dri have to ue the horn h WUcy vernt 12. Pedal bearing wom? dry? 13. PEDALS - worn? 14 Sprocket bearing - worn? dry? 15. Chain - too tight? too loose? damaged links? 16. BRAKE - work smoothly, evenly (hand brakes not recommended for little hands). 17. Tail ligjit - on tight? cracked? see 300 feet? 18. Wheels - wobble? hub nuts Career Conditional Spouses May Accoapany Scrviceacn The Civil Service Commission has eased die way for civil servants who are die dependaents of servicemen to accompany servicemen' to new duty stations without disrupting their civilian careers. The Commission urged all Federal agencies to adopt a Defense Department policy of granting 90 days leave without pay to such employees who have completed less than 3 years of civilian service. Otherwise, a break in service of more than 30 days may occur which would require the employee to begin anew die 3 years of service required for career tenure. ' Ninety days leave without pay should make it pouible for most employes to work out transfers or obtain reemployment without breaks of more dun 30 days, the Commission said. In addition, die Commission urged agencies to extend die same consideration to employees who are dm dependents of other Federal ' employees obliged to move on rotational assignments or in a transfer of function or relocation of a Federal activity. Granting of leave, with or without pay, is an agency ight && A ' J Vi.. ' Rear Admiral A. R. Giulia, Commander, Naval Ordnance System! Command, ihown here with Commander J. F. Olear, Commanding Officer, UA Naval Unit, DFC, during orientation visit to DFC, May 17. Bargains in Vas well as on the sidewalk Big Tent (imid.) career-condition- al 29 PER DOZEN ular patterns Vjn ped? TROUT FLIES Your choice of several pop7 advance warning of distant gtjont tj,at quickly can become immediate emergencies, ALWAYS leave yourself an evasive out space fOT jn adjoining lanes, front, rear or dioulder. g Watch the car in front and brake lights of the car ajso of it fa. gme in Itop feet? 5. Foik bearings - lubricated? too tight? too loose? 8. Head lamp - fresh batteries? 500 ft. beam. 7. FENDERS - tight? 8. Wheel bearing worn? dry? 9. Spokes - loose? bent? broken or missing? 10. TIRES - comet air pres- sure? tight on rim? 11. Tire valves - leak? cap- career-condition- al BOOTS hand-in-han- d. tight? front and rear aligned? thats cot and vacation-tim- e The warm go months provide us with an ideal opportunity to "See America. All of us enjoy the chance to leave behind our cares and strike out with vacation. our family for an enjoyable, Todays transportation media accident? Here are some ideas for provides us the opportunity to visit driving safely: 1. Adjust the seat so you're 4 to anywhere in the U.S. in a matter of hours. Although air transportation 8 inches from the lower rim of the is increasing in popularity, the bulk steering xvheel but able to press the of todays travel is still centered - pedals firmly. Set up straight. ' around the family automobile. 2. FASTEN YOUR seat belt NONE OF USbegin ourvaca. snugly. In addition to its safety bon travels with the thought oi factor, a snug belt will help keep or tragedy yet thousand.' you sitting erect, with less lck of vacationing motorists each sea- - fatigue on long runs. son tarn their frm into misery. 3. See that the rearview minora What are some precautions we are correctly set for you. keeP y Tid 4; Vieyu! aeddents and protect e minora, to moving ahead, to and our family in the event of an die sides and they 11 give you . lock bag. 7.00 Valin Fast 3 Dont ride double. Dont perform stunts on die streets. factory blemish that will not affect wear Tight Tips on Vacation Driving automobile. 3. 4. ALL STARS with - Michael Masoian, DPGs Craft Shop Director, receives a 1st place HANDBALL TROPHY handball doubles trophy from Colonel James H. Watts, post commander. Masoian also received a 2nd place singles trophy. Other doubles winner was Lt Colonel William L. Black. nn s. 7 North Mala |