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Show TEST RUN, Friday, June 7, 1968 ft u FIRST PLACE HANDBALL TROPHY Captain Theodore Teske, Hospital Detachment, ii shown receiving his 1st place handball singles trophy from Colonel James H. Watts, post COLONIAL, near 33 VACANT S. and 23 East in East Millcreek 4 burn), carpets, drapes $14,-95Call Riddle 0. 487-775- 1. C-- 7 - NEW BIRD Bronco, a light, armed, reconnaissance aircraft designed for counterinsurgency and limited warfare operations is the newest aircraft in the Marine Corps inventory. It can provide battlefield surveillance, helicopter escort, close air support against light opposition, gunfire spotting, medical evacuation and light two-plaplane is armed with logistical support. The an assortment of bombs, rocket dusters, machine guns and sidewinder missiles. It can operate from short dirt or grass landing fields and is easily maintained under battlefield conditions. twin-engin- dent; Mrs. Golden Wheeler, secretary; Mn. Natalie Purves, treasurer. The new officers will serve for six months. Their term began May 1. Installation of the new officers was held May 4 at NCO Auxiliary dinner and dance at the NCO Open Mess. Decorations for tables included yellow daisies and snap dragons with green candles. of new officers for NCO Auxiliary begins with lighting of INSTALLATION candles. Major Vincent V. Elequin, U.S. Army Hospital executive officer, lights large candle each new officer will light hen from. MAJ Elequin is advisor to the NCO Open Mess and its auxiliary and as such is installing officer. New officers are (from left) Mrs. Lois Antry, president; Mrs. Gayle Adams, vice presi- - Western Circus To Key Sidewalk Days Western Circus will be the of the annual Sidewalk Days Celebration, and the three day event will climax with a real Coin-them- be-.gi- m A m i Chairman of the sale is Gene Franck. SHOPPERS GET an extra bargain in addition to sale prices. Mayor Frank Bowman announced that Smitty is getting three day; off and parking meters will not he checked during die three day i event. Everyone is invited to come downtown during the three day sale and shop in the flea market atmosphere of the outdoor sale. C-- 7 277-084- Have you seen the Oldsmobiles on the sidewalk at e merce Retail Merchants niittee, said that many merchants will be giving away tickets to the circus with merchandise All-Ne- w circus. Tooele merchants will move their clothes racks, display tables and cadi registers out to die sidewalks and slash prices in honor of the event. THE CELEBRATION will n on Friday, June.,7ai)d continue through Monday, June . 10 then will climax with the presentation of the DeWayne Brothers Circus on June 11. Marion Wine gar, chairman of the Tooele Chamber of Corn- - e, PRICE REDUCED Thu home designed and built for the owners with all the extras. Smart 5 room contemporary, large kit, beautiful cabinets, large recreation room and play room finished in basement. 3 baths. Fully landscaped. Covered patio, IIoLtday area in SLC. Reduced to sell $37,500. Call I Ml' I Halites Chev. Co.? Fri., Sat., Mon. ass $ 4 i ,. I SECOND PLACE BOWLING AWARD Specialist four Raymond Pepper is presenting the second place Intramural Bowling Award to Headquarters Company Commander CPT Robert D. Byrd. Also present at the ceremonies were SP4 Charles Loyd, SP4 James Hoeh, and SSgL Dominador Ballesteros. jri iD8 DItx7(Dlk Reconditioned Machine ysed Portable lUsed SALE! $9.95 Singer 2 Straight-Stitc- h Portables 3 Console Models......... 1 Singer 99 Portable Portables 2 Zig-Za- g 1 14.95 19.95 24.95 34.95 44.95 Singer 201 Console Juno 7-0-- Ms S,. Monday 10 The Singer Co. s. St u Main 8S2-237- 0 OLD FASHIONED Material 2,000 yds. Reg. 1.49 Only 1 45-i- n. Plain and Printed Close Out of Odds and Ends 2 yards 2 to 3a 1 Sponsored by Hanger Samples yds. Each 1 to 2 77 Good selection cottons and cotton blends Tooele County Chamber of Commerce, Fabric Specialty Center 15 South Main rFttHdpWt'WfcW I I Phone 882-237- 0 1 |