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Show - DPG CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT Specialist Four Kjchonl P. Techeuy, Hospital Detachment, receiver Dueway of Achievement from jamec H. Watt, poet commander. Specialist Tacheny is now discharged from the Army and lives in Minneapolis, Minn. c.d Hazards of Cold Water Pointed out By Red Cross If you are a water lover and live in a region where lakes, rivers and ocean waters do not warm up from winters effects until June, the Red Cross advises: Be careful! More fishermen drown May than in any other month, in re- ports national safety' director A. m4 B. Murphy. Many of these deaths are probably due to. a persons inability to save himself because of the cool water, he said. Fatal cooling is more apt to occur in water than in air be-cause wetting rappidly decreases the insulating effect of cloth- ' ing, Mr. Murphy explained. Body heat loss in cold water occurs at two to four times thfe rate in air at die same1 temperature, he said. 'I You Can Do It Bottor With U.S. Savings. Bonds CoK notes CBRs Rat Race was again outstanding. Fes Youth Activity Fund concessions experience such success at separating the mice" from the rats and the pigeons from their fends. At the parade, CBR managed to maintain its drill superiority over all rivals. Lt. Kendrick and his entourage of CBR new comers, scoring their first big win of the current season, foresee continuing the "winning ways established last year by Lt Pur-vedrill champs. In other CBR Troop Detachment News, CPL Larry Pullen recently exchanged wedding vows with Miss Ray of Tooele, Utah. The end of May will see SSG ' Hugh Coyle leaving the CBR Course for reassignment to Viet Nam. SGT Joe E. Fondren recently received orders for Korea and will be leaving the CBR WOC on or about 15 June. In addition SSG John T. Johnson retires on 1 June 68 after 20 years service. CBR personnel receiving recent prompt fans include Maxwell Glass froni rVT to PFC, Lawrence M. Spaid from PFC to CPL, and James A. Deskins from PFC to CPL. hit This is to see for who the same good deal on life and insurance. homeowners insurance. ripe ead sweet by oar IH He. vies ripened to-melees, learaitood fresh ad ohy for delirious salads or hr 1 ILL M No. pehe, LB. 1 yolow ripe eod juicy far 0 7$10CRISP CHIQUITA BANANAS SUNKIST ORANGES -- or- O V.. , ' EA LB. RADISHES CUCUMBERS 6$10GREEN ONIONS KRAFTS - r - 4 t 6 WHIP' Award FORT Va. BELVOIR, The 603d Military (ANF) Police Battalion, has received a Gold Star Minute man Flag Award for achieving over 90 percent participation in the savings bond program for a six-yeperiod. Normally stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C., the 603d has been on temporary duty at Fort Behroir since April 16. The flag was presented to Lt Col. Thomas W. Adair, commanding officer of the 503d by Quent Williams, of the U.8. Treasury Abertsees Swifts Premium Mode ad pet raerti ere brimmiei with flavor md Mtord jukes to assure you ef a fin mod. Taity-Toad- Y er, .vary 10-t- ii ! BAG er See him nowl LEONARD 49 HANSEN S. 1 st East 882-300- I.1' suit 5 FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Homs OffioH: Bloomington, I inoil il I COMET . .69 2 PURE PORK SAUSAGE ROILS FRESH it LEAN GROUND CHUCK bl Bactine Cream, tube 49(, jar 69( 2?$1 Style Hair Spray, Trimline..... 6!ioz. OFF Spray - 89 IN Colgate Instant Shave - 49 Pepto-Bism69 Liq. z. TORE 4-o- ol z. 8-o- sr KRAFT NATURAL CHEESE SLICED AMERICAN CHEESE VE1VEETA CHEESE FOOD She. s 89 50 OFF! .59' TOMATO TIDE JUICE 2 e 89 FRUIT AflIXs g. Professional Prescriptions Seeff Prsmiem leeg, mid thrifty price! Swift's Tally Lb. Lb. New Store Hours U . 9 a.m. to 9 p.i Pharmacy 10 a.nv to 9 p.m. GIANT SIZE DOWNEY... OO 0. 7 RED GIANT BOLD AD s-SAL- DRESSING 59' li. l ASPARAGUS si ? SPECIALS Sin Bromo Sehnir 69 Super Size Scope - 1.19 TANA Koptex Tampons-Re40s lotion 1.25 99 False Beauty Lashes Tanning Butter 85 Reg. 3.50 - 1.39 Stoat I37 ALBERTSONS SYR 2 . King '3 iMPlUM Tooele abrup 215 No. Main 'Vrhrt in Window Service ... 5DGREEN PEPPERS Receives Bond Savings This is who. n 1 es HP to see for a pood deal on auto ILL No. TAG COOKIE SALE Keebler Asst. . . . PLASTIC BOTTLE CLOROX Gal. Size ' .... |