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Show , 1 f ' TEST RUN, Friday, June 7, 1968 Schedule of Sports Events For The Third Quarter of 1968 Tenni Season June 15 thru Sept .Summer Bowling League June thru Aug. Season June thru Aug. Softball Intramural Ground League The Dugway Proving is now being held during the period May 28 to Aug. 27. In order to participate on these teams please sign up with die fallowing team captains: PFC Headquarters No. 1 Officers Team CPT OMalley . Civilians Mannie Rojas Met Team SSgt Beams . CBR SSgt Jones Mr. Boyd MPs and Hospital RAVE. COT .. U.S. . .4 CHOICE - Specialist Four Henry ARMY COMMENDATION MEDAL Medal Commendation receives Army 1. Wynsen, Met Team, Lt. Ralph certificate from Met Teams commanding officer, medal far service from jfrmlwriii, Specialist Wynsen received 1968 to November 1987 in Vietnam. Dugways Little League Baseball Schedule , r t - . 'I..' ; Braves Cubs Dodgers Pirates .. i t J MANAGER Tom Donnelly Don Lindsay Perle Hays SGT Joe Richards - - TEAM ' ... '.- - SECOND HALF June 12 June 13 June 17 June 18 June 19 June 20 June 24 June 25 June 26 June 27 July 1 July July July July July July July 2 3 5 8 9 10 11 Cubs vs Dodgers Pirates vs Sieves , 5' ir-jsst-r t LIQUID 3,1 Cvi 'h, 's .. PouidPodtaget Dodgers vs Cuba Braves vs Pirates "" Braves vs Cubs Dodgers vs Pirates Cubs vs Braves Pirates vs Dodgers Dodgers vs Braves Pirates vs Cubs . Del Monte-4- 6 No. 303 Cans Oz. Gins Meow SSOL' oral ISMS ) Braves vs Dodgers Cubs vs Pirates Dodgers vs Cubs Pirates vs Braves Cubs vs Dodgers Braves vs Pirates Pirates vs Dodgers Braves vs Cubs Dodgers vs Pirates Cubs vs Braves service and returning home the rate of 70,000 a month. $1.1S s The Veterans Administration n at U. 8. Savings Bonds and Freedom Shane an the beat investment yon can make In the futon of America. U. " . Cream arWMo 309 Cam Kernel -,- ?4,ss ha Zee a Yen wiH be welcomed with open arms ' V V J . : ' 4 f t . I . . : . Pjrte DnimeWcH flMphl eeaaeeee ftMta'l Ubfay, IfrOx. 59c pus : Osrtufii RiiMwiii Kg. , RGBb ssssi F (UIT URDUS FISH SUCKS i . DELHOHIE iehohie i oueehfeas FRYER PARTS r Wherever You go in Utah .firs 1 . v,ror r nporta that Vietnam veterans completing military & ; - FIRST HALF June 10 June 11 : PRICESSfl Del Monte Cut ' isasaisai1 UUyarTIp-Te- 59 12-- - SOa HUt's $1 KLHOKIE DELHOHIE SFIHACH wother S RAISINS Pal Mam lMtHgl |