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Show X TEST RUN, Friday, June 7, 1968 The Simon Legree Parents Medal Awarded to Sgt. In Army Reserve Soldier A U.S. 8 by Chap (LTC) William J. Bolt V cruel was father who of a unreasonably history his children was related by Elbert Hubbard in one of his books on philosophy. The father made a leather strap three feet long with leather tails on the end. With this ravage weapon he used to beat one or more of his ten children every day. Hubbard v; described the awful scene where the father punished his fifteen-- ' to- year old daughter. She had spent ten cents for a hair ribbon of-'; wear to church. He accused her of extravagance for the sake her pride. He struck the girl with the strap on the shoulders,.; arms, head, and hands. The attack was so vicious that the back, scratching and screaming. The mother came between the unreasonable father and the hysterical daughter and was felled;' by one of the blows and knocked unconscious. The terrified girl; had time to escape to the Hubbards. If the history of cruelty were ever written, it would fill many volumes and the largest section would be allotted to theO description of cruelty to children. In the past few years doctorsall over the country have noted the remarkable increase of child.; abuse in all quarters of our society. These Simon Legree parents. have not heeded the words of Scripture: BE NOT AS A LION;- -' IN THE HOUSE, TERRIFYING THEM OF THE HOUSEHOLD;- -; ; AND OPPRESSING THEM THAT ARE UNDER THEE. IN ANCIENT TIMES children were considered almost die;;: slaves of their parents and could be disposed of at will The Spar-tans left their deformed offspring out on the hills to die. The;; e Romans abandoned their unwanted children to the streets. familiar with die not so ancient stories of Chinese parentsX X throwing their excess babies into the Yangtze. With the spread of Christianity this attitude has changed.!; Christ warned against ignoring the rigjits of children: SEE THAT; YOU DESPISE NOT ONE OF THESE LITTLE ONES. From; Christs teaching of the equality of man before Cod, sprang all;; die later humanitarian efforts towards die welfare erf children. This teaching protected and developed by the Church forms the- - -basis of all our modem laws prohibiting the exploitation of minorsJ The cause of physical and moral damage done to children' by their own parents are numerous and complex, to be sure. However, a few are outstanding. Taking die lead among the causes is the ignorance and incompetency of the parents themselves. THERE IS NO CAREER in this world that people can and do enter with so little preparatory training as marriage and consequent parenthood. To become a doctor, teacher, lawyer, machinist, etc. all take training period of considerable time. But when it comes to young people getting ready to marry, meet at a dance, court for a few weeks or months, and without having sought counsel or even read a book about marriage, they nidi to die altar. They expect that the knowledge needed to manage a home and raise children properly will be gained by some process akin to A case Reserve Army sergeant has received the Soldiers Medal for risking his life by throwing a live hand grenade into an area where it exploded without harming anyone. The noncombat heroism award waa presented to Sgt. Louis J. DAloisio of Linden, NJ., for his action last spring on a grenade training range at Fort Knox, Ky. The sergeant was teaching Army trainees to throw live grenades when one recruit pulled the pin from a grenade and released the safety lever. "Then he Just froze, recalls. I ran over to him, physically tore it away from him and tossed it over the wall, and threw myself on top of him." The grenade exploded about 15 feet away, just over the protective wall on the training range. Sergeant DAloisio is a member of the 811th Regiment (BCT), 78th.. Division (Training). Maj. Gen. John G. Cassidy, commander of the division, said the sergeants act of heroism "honors ths Army Reserve and reflects credit upon all members of the Army Reserve. (ANF) I - Our Sidewalk Sale Bigger Than Ever Western Circus Days - Indoor and Regularly Outdoor-Exception- al Values Indude: aluminum and tin ware tires and tubes barbeque sets roasters Teflon ironing board cover and pads garden supplies spring goods hot tagged items Free circus tickets with purchase of 25.00 or more - Hostile Fire Pay Approved For U.S. Forces Serving Near Korean Demilitarized Zone WASHINGTON (AFPS) Aim- ed forces personnel assigned to duty near die Demilitarized zone (DMZ) separating' North and South Korea will receive $65 a month hostile fire pay, under a Department of Defense memorandum issued April 1. According to the memorandum, U.S. personnel serving on or after April 1 in that portion of the Republic of Korea "north of the Imjin ' River and south of die DMZ extending from die intersection of die river and die DMZ on die west . . . along the DMZ to a point in. die vicinity of Pinil . . . then southwest to the north back of the Imjin River in die vicinity of Chaji'o" will be entitled to hostile fire pay "if otherwise qualified under DOD Directive 1340.6. PERSONNEL WHO qualify under the directive are those who are: (1) Entitled to basic pay, and . iMoraaDHi S it Have participated in a land, (2) Subject to hostile fire or die explosion of hostile mines, or sea, or air tactical or strategic (3) SERVING IN an area combat operation within a desigwhere they are in imminent dan- nated hostile fire area, and it Have been subject to hosger of being exposed to hostile tile fire while performing duty To be eligible for die special in a designated area and have pay, ' service personnel entitled been in such proximity to die to basic pay must meet one or trajectory or point of impact more of the following conditions: or explosion of hostile ordnance Be permanently assigned that he was in danger of being and required to perform duty in wounded, injured or killed. a hostile fire area, including those Personnel either- killed or personnel on duty under orders wounded by hostile fire or other for temporary duty in such an hostile action and entitled to area for a period of 30 consecu- basic pay are also eligible to tive days or more; receive hostile fire pay. OR, RE present in a hostile fire area to perform assignATTITUDE ed duties for any portion of each Attitude is the fint quality of six calendar days, not neces- that marks the successful man. If sarily consecutive, within a calen- he has a positive attitude and is dar month; or one or more days a positive thinker who likes chalduring the month included withlenges and difficult situations, in a period of not less than six then he has half his success consecutive days beginning in the achieved. On the other hand, if preceding month; he is a negative thinker who is narrow-minde- d and refuses to accept new ideas and has a defeatist attitude, he hasn't got a Lowell L. Peacock;, chance. Two Keys to job Success, Bank- - -- ing DryoodsDeartment V. Lingerie (slips and gowns) Less than Vi price Childrens Pajamas Vi price and less Fabrics Ladies Anklets Ladies Hose W 1: & i: 5 ?: N g Mens Mens Mens Mens ...Only 10 pair Special Price MenDegartment Swim Trunks Dress Trousers White Shirts a. r Grissom AFB Named To Honor Astronaut WASHINGTON (AFPS) Bunker Hill Air Force Base, Ind., officially became Grissom AFB May 12, honoring the memory of the late Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Virgil I. Grissom, one of the original seven U.S. astronauts. Grissom, a native of Mitchell, Ind., was killed Jan. 27, 1967, at Cape Kennedy, Fla., along with two fellow astronauts, Air Force Lt. Col. Edward H. White and Navy Lt. Cdr. Roger B. Chaffee, in a flash spacecraft fire during m launch pad tests of the Assorted Pants (shorts and Capris) One lot Bathing Suits - Vi Off 19-2- Six-ma- n. See our SiollevjaDCx ScaDe Specials title. Soldiers interested in par- ticipating can get additional information from, command recreation offices, USO facilities, the chess foundations regional vice presidents or from Army Special Services, Office of The Adjutant General, 2436 Tempo A, Washington, D.C. 20815. Western Auto 49 North Main Make Sri J pollo-Satu- The Uniformed Services Sav- - inga Deposit Program pays you a 10 percent return on yonr S s Jt UfirstIsecurityRB 1.98 IBa'nkAmerIcardj 4 SlltMAIISIA Boys Department As low As low Mens Dress Shoes.. WASHINGTON (ANF) The 9th annual Armed Forces Chess Championship Tournament will be held in the American Legion Hall of Flags here Oct. 6. teams from the Army, Air Force and Sea Services (representing the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard) will compete.. The Army team is the defending champion in both of competition, categories individual and team contests. The tournament, sponsored by the American Chess Foundation, will include 12 rounds of team play for the Thomas Emery Championship Trophy. The player finishing with the ' highest score receives the individual tunately, many of these children will be like their parents or worse because GOD VISITS THE SINS OF PARENTS UPON THEIR CHILDREN. If you are a parent already, or if you are at age to contemplate marriage, take the time to learn your duties as spouse and parent. Assume these grave responsibilities with serious preparation. The pay off can be a happy home and a good marriage. 204. ...Only 1.98 ShoeDegartment Chess Tournament Scheduled This Fall For Armed Forces Vi Off Ladies Western Jackets..: Jeans... osmosis. Any psychiatrist in the world today can cite case after r case among his patients who have been obliged to seek his help because of the stupid mistakes made by parents during their formative years. Visit any reform school and you will see some disastrous results of advene parental attitudes. In later life, unfor- the Best Ever... Childrens Dresses, Pants, Blouses and Bathing Suits... Sport Shirts I as 2.00 as 2.00 "mmfuuuu LjdiesjandaChildrensBD i: 3 As low as 98 As low . as 1.98 As low As low Sport Shirts m as 98 as 1.98 Ladies Shoes.. Only 7.95 Vi price Childrens Shoes Only 2.98 .4 IIAUkSUIII w and "Charge it " with BankAmericard With your First Security BankAmericard you can charge a wide variety of wonderful gifts at so many places. t rp c ft' Medcl FLOWER DISPLAY wearing flowers ie Elisabeth Jordan who recently nude her debut as Playmate of tho Mies Month. Tho la an nvM equestrienne. part-Cherok- ee a, ght We-J-ar- ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Thats what Lt. Colonel William L. Blade, executive officer, seems to be saying as be congratulates LTC Bdt (center) on Us promotion to Lt. Colonel. LTC Bolt is the catholic chaplain' at Dugway. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds ' girl-fou- Serg-DAlois- io SUGGESTION AWARD Sergeant Fint Cbm William Roy, administration division, is being oongratidated on Us mmhI suggestion award from Lt Colonel Richard Gordon, deputy director of test operations. l Xrmnsiufc, uuimrd kmartl l Kuilwrir. Vnn Uaa Miiw |