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Show ' WESTERN AMERICANA N0N-C1RCULATI- GAFGTV PAVO OFF . of 2,801), mostly Dugway residents, gathered in Englidi Village and dodged rain showers to see the displays and demonstrations available during Open House, May 24. Included in the Open House were firing of pyrotechnics, fire fighting, parachute jumping and exhibits of several types of equipment. . OPEN HOUSE ended with a retreat-award- s parade led by the Dugway High School Band. Children of all sizes scrambled ; over and chute Team, to jump from a few howitzers. thousand feet rather than 13,500 Spectators rode the operators feet, as planned. seat of a rapidly-rotatin- g and Jumping from an Air Force the parachutists landed focusing quadruple tracking camera. inside a large circle of spectators. The device, looking like a One jumper was injured, but not gun turret with four cannons seriously. Asbestos-suite- d fire fighters pointing outward, was actually 100-an- d h and telephoto ca- demonstrated meras used for tracking high fire suppression. They put out speed aircraft and artillery pro- one roaring inferno fester than jectiles. die fire truck with the new LOW ceiling forced the . A Purple K extinguisher. Golden Knights, U.S. Army Para rs nt d dents Accidents at Dugway Prov- ing Ground have soared to 32, highest in years. Disabling injuries now total Days lost due to accidents are approaching 900 and will is almost $115 thousand, Currently, Dugway is next to last in TECOM in all but one category - Civilian Disabling jury Rate - and Dugway is LAST in TECOM in it. Past records have been much better. In fiscal year 1965, Dug-jurway had 16 accidents. In FY 66, Dugway had 12; in FY 67, again 12. Records for years before FY 65 were not available at this In-1- 5. probably go higher due to recent accidents involving disabling in- - y. ' THE MILITARY Police have tripled their efforts in reducing traffic violations. Three times the normal number of traffic tie- -' kets have been issued in the past week. This rate involves only moving violations, and does not include parking tickets. Dugways current record by writing. DUGWAY received safety awards for FY 65 and FY 66. In order for an accident to go on Dugways record, it must meet certain recordable standards, All military personnel accidents category: Recordable Army Motor go on record regardless of when Vehicle Accident 19 or where they occur. Civilian Recordable Private Motor personnel accidents count only 2 if the person is on duty or, if Vehicle Accident off duty, on post. Recordable Other 11 Accidents A large number of accidents involving civilian personnel off Military Disabling 7 duty, off pott, have not gone on Injury Civilian Disabling record. Many of these accidents 8 have happened just outside die Injury THE TOTAL cost of all ac- - gate. now its off with the Old and on with the "New - InWASHINGTON (ANF) signia changes afferting nearly 400.000 U.S. Army enlisted men have been announced by the Department of the Army. SOME 6,600 Army noncommissioned officers in pay grades E-E-and E-- 7 will change insignia by June 30. These NCOs currently are wearing an insignia one grade higher than their actual grade. Also, a private in the pay grade E-- 2 now is authorized one stripe, the insignia which formerly signified a private first class. Previously there had been no 5, 6 visible recognition of the promotion from private E--l to E-The private first class now will wear one stripe above one arc. There will be no change in their titles. These changes for all active duty personnel also will be completed by June 30. More than 146.000 privates in the grade of E-- 2 will be adding the stripe and some 231,000 privates first class will be changing to the new insignia. THE CHANGE can be made anytime, and the new chevrons already are available in the field. The mandatory changeover for the NCOs does not represent if reduction in grade. The individuals involved will continue in 2. . their present pay grade and retain those privileges and benefits associated with that grade. The changeover resolves a problem of dual insignia for grades E-E--6 and E-- 7 which has existed for 10 years. Now all NCOs will wear insignia that is actually representative of their grade. THE PROBLEM of dual insignia began in June, 1958, when new insignia for grades E--5, E-- 6 and E-- 7 were authorized as part of the grade structure change that establidied pay grades E--8 and E-- 9. NCOs in grades E-- 5 through E-- 7 at the time of the change were allowed to keep their stripes, although die chevrons now indicated a grade above their actual pay grade. But in the succeeding 10 years, the number of NCOs wearing old insignia has been reduced from more than 192,000 to 6,661. These are the soldiers now affected by the changeover. Army personnel officials said die changeover was approved after surveys indicated that most NCOs are satisfied with the current insignia system without die dual insignia and desire to retain it. Senior NCOs also feel that a mandatory insignia changeover would be a morale boost to die majority of NCOs who are wearing insignia of their actual grade. 5, Dugway American Legion Sends 5 to Boys State A delegation of five high school junior boys will represent Dugway at the 1968 session of Utah American Legion Boys State, Commander Leslie E. Nelson of Dugway Post No. 131 of The American Legion announced today. Delegates to this years Boys State are Mark Heriam, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Heriam; John McBride, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly McBride; Stan Sur, son of CSGM and Mrs. George B. C. Sur; Ted McIntosh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. McIntosh; and Sam McEvoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grady H. McEvoy. The 1988 Utah American Legion Boys State will be in session from June 9, 1968 to June 15, 1968 at Utah State University, Logan. Departments of The American Legion will sponsor 50 of these Boy's States this year. Boys who have just completed their junior year of high school will attend these civic workshops to study the Organization, operation, and political processes of state government. The youths from Dugway will participate in the organization of political parties, campaigns, elections, and the enactment and enforcement of their own laws within a mythical 51st state. From Utah American Legion will be selectBoys State two-boed to represent Utah at American Legion Boy's Nation July 1928, at Washington, D.C. Boys State is one of the most g prooutstanding of The American Legion," grams Commander Nelson, explained. Our boys will have an opportunity to learn a great deid about die functions of government Through practical applications of governmental processes, they will gain a greater understanding of the importance of the good citizens role in meeting his basic citizenship responsibilities. On behalf of Post No. 131, Commander Nelson expressed appreciation to patrons of The American Legion Weekly social," which has enabled us to do for die Dugway youth to Boys State and to the parents of these fine boys. youth-trainin- tisements in this publication does not consitute an en- dorsement by the Department of the Army of the pro- ducts or services advertised. Rate at Dugway Highest In Years Military Police Triple Effort to Stem Violations Injury-Accide- 0, flame-throwe- Friday, June 7, 1968 ACCIDENTS inside 200-inc- COUNT pressed by publisher and writers herein are their own and are not to be considered an official expression by the Department of the Army. The appearance of adver-- 2800 Participate in Open House Weather Keeps Many Away crowd ' WHBN Dugway, Utah 84022 Published by the Transcript-Bulleti- n Publishing Com- pany, Tooele, Utah, a private firm, in no way connect- ed with the Department of the Army. Opinions ex- - A X DUGWAY PROVING GROUND ms Vol. 11 No. 22i ' - Maxwell, Toole Move Up As HHC CO, XO May 24 Living Cost Gives 3.9 Percent Increase For U.S. Retirees A 3.9 percent annuity increase went into effect May 1 for die more than 800,- 000 retired Federal employees and survivors now on the civil service retirement rolls. The increase will be reflected in June 1 annuity checks. The increase resulted from the Consumer Price Index being 3 percent or more above the base CPI of October 1968 (114L5) during die months of December 1967 and January and February 1968. The amount of increase is based on the highest percentage increase over the base CPI durperiod. ing the cost-of-livi- TOP DOWN doesnt mean you necessarily have a convertible with the top down. Several accidents involving Dugway personnel have ended up with the top down, in the same manner as this Army vehicle. . ft- 1 Lieutenant David A. Maxwell became the commanding officer of Headquarters and Headquarters Company May 24 in informal ceremonies during company party at the NCO Open Mess. Captain Robert D. Byrd, former commanding officer of HHC, is getting out of the Army. Second Lieutenant Barckley W. Toole is now executive officer, moving up from Supply officer for HHC. Both officers were welcomed by the company during the company party Friday night. May 24. Capt. Byrd received a golf cart from his friends in the com-panFirst V ji.:T ; si ,o SS9 V - fer y. Heebner Heads New Slate For College Womens Club The final meeting of the Dugway Womens Club was held on the evening of May 16. Order of business was installation of new officers. Mrs. Donald Heebner, President; Mrs. Henry Whitaker, Vice President; Mrs. Kenneth Harker, Secretary; Mrs. Ronald presented by Mrs.(Walden Gur- Toole GOOD IDEA The American Legion Post 131 has a good idea. When will people heed it, though? This sign, put up by the legion, is located on each side of Johnsons Pass, just east of Dugway. Lt. ney, Mrs. James Scalmanini and Mrs. John South wick, with Mrs. Kenneth Harker at die piano. Delicious refreshments were prepared by hostesses Mrs. Ben Lacy and Mrs. Dean Bingham. Mrs. President Outgoing George Eastland thanked all members for working to make this Jorgensen, Treasurer. Sam Schwartz, a veteran of more than 12 years experience in labor and industrial relations both in industry and Miss Roberta Salomon read year a success, and encouraged the winning story she wrote for support for next years program the Federal Government, has been appointed Deputy Equal Employment Opportunity Officer for the U.S. Army Ma-triCommand (AMC) announced General Frank S. Besson, Jr., Commander. die Creative Writing Contest. A starting in September. In this newly created posi- - ment, advancement, recognition Agency. beautiful musical program was Before accepting his present tion, Schwartz will serve in e and other employee considerations Asked to Ail dual role as staff assistant and such as training opportunities and position, he was serving as a advisor to General Besson on equal use of facilities and services. Contract Compliance Specialist In City Relief Projects ConwiDd with the Defense Contract AdAlthough the aim of the Haj. employment opportunity matters, is to correct at the source ministration Service of the Deand as Deputy (for AMC) to the To DOS Tests WASHINGTON (ANF) of the conditions which could lead to fense Supply Agency, a position Deputy Undersecretary WASHINGTON (ANF) Army for Personnel, who is also discrimination, it embodies mar which involved assuring that DeSecretary of Defense Chirk the Armys Equal Employment chinery for receipt and expedi- fense contractors meet the reThe first annual military ocM. Clifford baa asked miltious adjudication of complaints quirements of the governments Policy Officer. cupational specialty (HOB) itary personnel to participate of discrimination without any equal opportunity programs. In will office be SCHWARTZS evaluation testing for tha in relief activities for familfear of coercion or reprisal. located in the AMC HeadquarU.S. Armys command sergcarrying out his duties, he mainfaciliInof 202 E. to ies tained continuous liaison with Command reters SCHWARTZ, as a facing hardships Group eants major will be conducttate direct access to the AMC dian Spring Drive, Silver Spring, national offices of minority group sult of the recent civil dised during August and SepCommander and Chief of Staff Md., is a native of Philadelphia, organizations and programs. tember. turbances in some American Mr. Schwartz is a member of on the progress and problem Pa. He received his bachelors Awards of proficiency pay cities. areas in the Command's Equal degree from the University of the Industrial Relations Associafor superior performance He urged military memEmployment Opportunity Pro- New Mexico in 1952 and has com- tion and National Association of baaed upon this Initial evalOfficials, gram. Prior to Schwartz's ap- pleted graduate work there end Intergroup Relations bers to help in their local uation of tha top at the University of Colorado in American Academy of Political pointment, these responsibilities communities by taking part officers, who hold were assigned as an additional duty labor and industrial relations. and Social Science. the MOS of OOZ, will be efhi assistance projects conto a succession, of top AMC ciA former organizer for the fective Nov. 1, 1968. vilian officials. International Ladies Garment ducted by public agencies, All command sergeants will be Schwartz Winkers Union (ILGWU) and responsible churches and private groups. major holding OOZ aa a prifor implementing the Armys Equal later manager of the Our military and civilian mary MOS will be tested, exDistrict CounEmployment Opportunity Prodefense personnel and their cept those serving in Southgram among AMCs 86 military cil, ILCWU, he sulnequently east Asia, where MOS evaluinstallations and 107 activities served as Chairman of the Kanfamilies have a ation testing la suspended. record of coming promptly to employing more than 163,000 sas City Area Committee on Political Education, AFLCIO.and civilian personnel Regular testa will be the assistance of the needy, scheduled between Aug. 26 The program is dedicated to more recently in progressively Secretary Clifford said in a end Sept 7. Early tests will assuring that all persons regard- ( more responsible employment memorandum. I am sure less of race, religion, color, na- policy positions with the Navy, be given Aug. and that they, will again be in tional origin or sex are afforded Office Assistant Secretary of makeup tests will be given the forefront among those equal Sept opportunijf' for employ- - Defense, and the Defense Supply assistance. Army Materiel Command Names Deputy Equal Employment Opportunity Officer el Militij Sgfs. pro-gra- m Tie . ka well-deserv- 1-- 1. rendering June 14, 1968 Army Birthday Flag Day |