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Show jlntramural Softball Starts May 28 BYU Sounds of Freedom Singers Final Utah Show Tonight at YMH jSix Teams Make Up League The Dugway Proving Ground Intramural Softball League will be conducted during the period 28 through August 27. The teams competing this year will be Headquarters and Headquarters ompany, U.S. Army Met team and Navy Detachment, CBR Detachment, 65th Military Police, Dug- Clway miliUry Officers, and Civilian personnel. In order for civilian contes- 4. If a team is leading by 10 until 8 p.m., but they must both iants to play on a team they must or more runs at the completion of agree on an early start. Xwork or live at DPG. Prior to five or more innings, the game 4. Any postponement or cangame each team will make will be called a regulation game cellation will be called into the int4. Cjip a roster. This roster will sports director, 2705; art chief, by die umpire. for that Collide all particu- i 5. THE TEAM at bat will be welfare and morale division, 2333; playen and the roster will not responsible for returning foul prior to 3:30 p.m. on the day of tjar g of more than 16 players, balls to the umpire when such a scheduled game. If no calls Vhich includes the coach. are received by this time, the balls leave the playing field. I ALL TDY personnel must be The time schedule will be as game will be played or declared a forfeit. rssegned to DPG for a duration of follows: 130 days or more in order to be 5. IF BOTH teams do not 1. The first game will start at eligible for participation. 6 p.m. and the second game will show up for a scheduled game withI The 1968 ASA Softball Rules start at 8 p.m. out notifying the sports director, Svill govern all competition with 2. IN CASE the first game or chief, welfare arid morale di-the following exceptions: goes beyond 8 oclock, die second vision, both teams will be credit1, play will consist of game will start 10 minutes after ed with a NO CONTEST. The rthree complete rounds of play. of the first game. game will not be allowed to be I 2 THE TEAM with the most completion This 10 minutes will be utilized played over. Iwins will be Dugway Intramural as a warm-u- p period. After the Appropriate awards will be ' ' Softball Champions. In case of a end of this 10 minute period, any presented at the conclusion, of 4;tie for any trophy position, a team that is unable to play will die season by the welfare and playoff game will be played, morale division to the respective 3. No scheduled game will be 3. In case of an early finish teams andor individuals. There will be a softball clinic changed in date, time, or place, the captains of the without approval of die sports . 6 at choose to f. p.m. Tuesday, at McCormick econ( gone may director or chief, welfare start their game early or wait Field. 'morale division. tiay t . fiich jape .single fit i TEST RUN, Friday, May 17, 1968 Paint Brigham Young Universitys nationally-know- n singing group The Sounds of Freedom" has been booked for a concert at Valley Music Hall, tonight. The performance will be the final Utah appearance for the group, which will present a series of concerts at Hemisfair 68 in San Antonio, Texas during a tour of the Southwest lune TICKETS FOR tonight s Aow rgon tj,e iove an(j concern felt of Freedom voices have been in by each member of the group for constant demand and the case America and the ideals on which has received praise from numerthe country was founded. ous sources for the talent, enthuIncluded in the repertoire of the group are such songs as siasm and stage presence of its members. Bom Free, This Land is Your Following the appearance of vision Show, performed at Disney- Land," Everybody Say Peace,' the group on his show in April, land and recorded an album for and Exodus. Ed Sullivan applauded MGM records. FORMERLY KNOWN as the 1967, The Sounds of Freedom for The 45 young voices have Y Americans, the group is a tremendous Job. The Sullivan also been heard on a regional directed Ted Buckland, a BYU by AvT crew complimented production March of Dimes TV show (KSL-T- rophomore 7 sociology major from last January) with the King Chico, California with a back- the singers as the most professional college group weve had. Sisters, and in California Gover- ground in music and drama. On a tour to California last nor Ronald Reagans private In September, 1966, Buckland Governor Reagan praischambers. was asked by the BYU Student February, ed the group for its message and THEY HAVE been invited to Culture Office to produce an sing at the nations capital and assembly for the student body purpose. WHILE IN the California have carried their message of centered around the theme of capitol city of Sacramento, patriotism to various universities, freedom. TTie Sounds of Freedom" also high schools and civic and church The resulting show was such in the capitol rotunda gatherings. The group has been a success that the group formed performed a received enthusiastically by each for the occasion decided to re- - and the Senate chambers of privileges seldom granted. pair ' - main audience. together and carry its mes- The Sounds of Freedom - cast Uge ;0 others, Curtain time 8:30. SINCE THEN The Sounds portrays through song and nar- 9. V - . easily, hazard. fire 4. SAFEST practice with rags used to wipe up paint or is to dispose of them Slvents outside the house. If you must store them, use a metal container with a tight cover. And Be Fire Safe If a paint brush figures in plans, keep your spring clean-u- p these fire safety pointers in mind, urges Fire Chid Alcorn. 1. FOR REMOVING paint and cleaning brushes, solvents labeled are safest. If you must work with flammable advents, better use them outdoors. Indoors be sure windows are open, stoves are shut off, and no ' smoking in the room. 2. In storing paint materials, keep them away from furnaces and also away from exits or under stairways so you will not be blocked from escaping should these highly combustible materials catch fire. 3. Get rid of old paint and solvent containers and those with small amounts. Store paints and solvents only in capped metal containers break glass jars and bottles le left-ov- creating a definite er Another fire safety tip fo. is this: any time you use mastics or adhesives to cement counter-toppin- or g floor tiles, for use example extreme care. Some mastics are highly flammable, and they may involve you in a serious flash fire. Read the labels. Mastics safe to use are marked Caution! Combustible. If the warning label reads Danger! Extremely Flammable or Warning - Flammable" or Caution, inmixture" avoid that flammable mastic. AND whenever you work with mastics, lie sure you ' (1) shut off all open flame produclike ing devices in the area stoves and pilot lights; (2) dont smoke; (3) open doors and windows in the area. - L--i ?; '.V I ! i 1 i : ; I i Is lr It TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES: 5 cents per word Regular (light face type) Business (dark face type) 10 cents per word 50 cents per issue Up to one inch (monthly rate) Over one inch (monthly rate) $1 per inch Display ads $1.50 per inch MONTHLY RATES are fox' consecutive insertions only, with with business firms and individuals who no - - - danpi. Except fiintlw open accounts QRjBSOOIl) (tuwaiisoLifi FOR SALE two bedroom home FURNISHED APARTMENTS 2 with carpets, drapes, stove, and 3 rooms. New kitchens 882-- i 1245. frig. 21 and appliances, including electric ranges, automatic gas heat. 3 bedroom home, Air conditioned. Large recrea- FOR SALE $10,700. No down on approved tion area. Rates start at $75 Pedersen Real Estate per month with all utilities CRI furnished. Rent by day, week, month or year. Linen service available. HOUSE FOR SALE finished WESTERN APARTMENT basement. garage. 283 E. 515 North Main, Tooele. Ph. 1st So. 8821327. 1 with the Transcript and Bulletin, all classified advertisements are CASH IN ADVANCE. AN ERROR in a classified ad should be reported immediate- ly. The paper is responsible for one incorrect Insertion only. ALL CLASSIFIEDS will be included in Ac TEST RUN, a newspaper distributed to 2,000 Dugway Proving Ground residents and workers twice monthly, without additional charge. DEADLINE for classified ads is 11 a.m. day of publication. 59 Plymouth -after 4:30. FOR SALE 882-135- 2 8820717. P-1- W'EST VINE. FOR SALE Excellent FRAMING PICTURES P-1- ne WALKERS pickup. Ph 882 condition. CRI 7 M1952 Ford -- - CRI ELECTRIC IRON repairing. All makes. Steam irons cleaned and repaired. ELMERS, 38 1967 Mercury FOR SALE Comet Caliente. Clean. Perfect condition. Only 8,300 miles 882-357- 2. 882-006- $100. PHONE 8821459 145 WEST FIRST SOUTH TOOELE. CRI 7 J, VISTA LINER CAMPERS for sale. buy at jTooele County Dealer, Tooele Plymouth Sales, 87 North Main St. CRI or LITTLE DUDE PET corrall FOR SALE the S. W. Curry boarding cats and dogs Groomgote. 30 cal. carbine wscope. TRAILER SPACE for rent with DRAPERIES READY MADE or residence - carpeted, draped, 8822137 after 5 p.m. ing all breeds. Poodles a speCUSTOM BUILT. All fabrics, a large large play grounds. 8821920. FOR RENT OR LEASE deep freeze, refrigerator, 2 gas cialty. Apricot tiny toy poodle ' 10 modem 'defifro- - CORDON 1967 Hodaka Ace at stud. Phone Karene Davis well equipped auto repair garranges, some furniture,' fruit FOR SALE FURNITURE CO 60 S. Main ... ... Ave - Too- 26 . trues,.! share irrigation watery $200. age Le-' 1967 SALE Pontiac ' F(Yl CRI ele. Approx. 12,000 square feet BOARD &ND ROOM - one or $8500, .Call 8823364. k ; Mans. Take over payments. 128 BPOE KI.KS NO. 1673 of floor space. Rent reasonable. two men or married couple. North 1st St. TILLER MEETINGS 2nd and 4th HAVE YOUR insurance rates LAWN MOWER FOR SALE brick FOR SALE Inquire O. T. Barms, Phone 160 South 2nd West. trailer. SHARPEN - REPAIR - SALES camper TUESDAYS at 8 p-low Check rates. our up? gone 8822621 or 8823894. CRI 2-2852. rambler, carpet, drapes, base7 1959 International, FOR SALE DICKS SALES AND SERVICE at 61 N. MAIN. . CRI PEDERSEN INSURANCE ment. 568 Isgreen Circle, Ph V ton pickup; 4 wheel drive. R. J. BURRASTON, 136 UTAH AGENCY. 8823572. BATCH. APARTMENTS Cook8820788. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES No dip differential, 4 speed, FOR SALE AVE. HRS 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE CRI or trade, Appaloosa ing facilities. Private bath. 31 (7) 700x16 tires, cab high NO. 2031 Heat and air conditioning. $50 HAINES REALTY, 191 NORTH gelding, large, blanket, broken. for end East CAS STATION rent. radio, heater, canopy, MEETINGS WED. 8 p.m. KILLING stud CUSTOM At and up. Utilities included. 365 registered appaloosa MAIN, TOOELE, 8821394. of Grantsville. Phone $650. FRANK A. SHARMAN, Sec. UNDER STATE INSPECTION ELECTRICAL CONTRACT-TO$20 other horses. 8822852. East Vine St Ph 8820227 116 WEST MAIN, GRANTSPHONE 8823885 CHOICE GRADE A CRAIN after 4:30 p.m. EVENINGS 56 FORD PICKUP 14 ton VILLE, Residential and com-- , FOR SALE FED BEEF, 50 CENTS conventional Maytag 8823566. AND COME IN 220 . mercial, service, repairs, $400. AMERICAN LEGION POST 17 MUTTON, LAMB, 53 CENTS; washing machine. 4 yean old. SEE OUR LISTINGS. CRI old and new, auto-- FOR RENT modem 2bedroom FOOD DISTRIBUTORSHIP rewiring MEETINGS 2nd and 4th Excellent condition plus double PORK, 38 CENTS; matic garage door openers, UNUSUAL EXTRA INCOME apartment. New carpet and HOME FOR SALE PRICES INCLUDE WEDNESDAYS, 8 p.m. tubs $45. 317 Highland Drive. Ph 882 ONE of the finer of South West 2nd electronic engineering in all things 576 drapes. Amazing new concept can put PROCESSING. Ph 8824019. o 4283. life - Blue Lustre carpet June 1 7 after 4:30. fields, electrical and electronic you in business. Restocking and FINANCING AVAILABLE sham-poocleaner. Rent electric and drafting to your designing collecting money from New PHONE $1. Tooele Mercantile LOSE WEIGHT OCKY MOUNTAIN 3 bedroom house. method of distributing 'popular FOR RENT specifications. Call: Wes safely with LODGE NO. 11 F&AM FOR SALE, rent or trade. Best Company. Unfurnished. Call tablets. Only 98 food items enjoyed by millions. MEETS 1st & 3rd at Hood Drug offer. 3 bedroom house, newly 12 NOT VENDINC. No Selling. remodeled. 529 Garden St., To be eligible you must have Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. FENDER GUITARS Tooele. Phone JSTOM SLAUGHTERING -- MILLIONS of rugs have lawn amps. Salt car, references, $750 to $3,750 FOR RENT small two bedroom cleaned with Blue Lustre. It's Lake Ph 5 As YOUR Grantsville. CORRAL. low CALL as $8 US: home in prices. cadi. For personal interview America's finest. Shainpmx.-- r down and $8 per month. WE DO THE REST. WHOLEafter 5 or MFC. CORP. write CAL-IDFor Rent. Grantsville Dnig CHAUDOIN SALE MUSIC USDA BLVD. CHOICE MEAT, 953 W. MACARTHUR CO., 3 bedroom, two FOR SALE Store. 220 S. Main, Tooele. Ph 882 ARISTO-CRATE3 RENT OR bedroom GRANITES WANT TO OAKLAND, CALIF., 94608. THREE BEDROOM brick home. wall baths, one level. Wall to 3336 or 8821081. home in Grantsville Third Ward 50c LB. PROCESInclude phone number. IVFeb, 28 Call 8821925. carpeting drapes. By appointBANKHEAD'S LAWN SED. 8820892. area. TOOELE ICE AND So. ment only. 8823787. 582 SERVICE ReSTORAGE. 8822601 or 882 SPARE TIME INCOME FOR SALE West. Attention combo 380 30 ONE BEDROOM APT for rent rake and 1179. EASY TERMS AVAILpower sweep your and Cadi-labands beauticians Ritz or c WANTED collecting money filling sportsmen. 1954 80 East 4th North. Ph 882 lawn. Haul the pass away. ABLE. ' tyeek TYPE from NEW Salmi. BOY condiAREA SCHOOL $30 HICH SOUTHWEST for ambulance, large good Beauty looking 3516. or 8824967. Lawn aeration. All for one tion. 8821656 after 5 or 882 dispensers summer yard work. Call 882 rooms with plenty of closet guaranteed salary. Ph 882 low price. Call 8822836 after P-3100. . in your area. No selling To CRI 4782. 8822119. SAGE KENNELS 0600. and storage. 1M baths, wall hoarding duMAGNA $68 new 4 p.m. week days, and all day must have car, small breed dogs. 75 cats qualify you to wall carpets, drapes, Sundav. plex, drapes ww carpet. Will 5 all white puppies. 1955 - 56 or 57 FOR SALE references, $600 to $2,900 cents dav. 30 Landscaped, with sprink- WANTED EARN EXTRA MONEY by sell- -. furnish. CRI cash. Seven to twelve hours Call Chev standard transmission. 8820746. lers, fenced back yard. Assume ing Elvsee GENERAL REMODELING Good condition. Ph 8821482. weekly can net excellent month Cosmetics. existing FHA loan only 5W. refinished, patios, garmakes of all REPAIR WE foil time. For stems, More income. ly TROPICAL FISH , swordtails, 29c See 469 Canyon Circle. IEED leaking faucet or toilut see at 416 S. APT FOR RENT ages. carports, cabinets, doors, radios, black and white or 'small cement mixer. interview write PEN- WANTED 28 Silver personal black mollies angels, 39c, Coleman after 5 p.m. repair? 8822603 after 5 p.m. windows, etc. color TV's. Fast Ciiunintecd CO., IDA DISTRIBUTING 8824567. 49c. Burts Aquarium. 8821241 30 bedroom 4, 3 nice Service. Special service to Dug-wa- v SALE FOR 2520 (A) S. STATE STREET, CRI ONE BEDROOM basement, unonce each week. AL AND home. New carpeting drapes, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH furnished apt. Utilities paid. PIANO LID FURNITURE 6c APPLIfull basement, other features. VANTED - camper trailer. Ph FOR SALE 841 15. Include phone numlier. TUNING, -I FOOD DISTRIBUTORSHIP repairing gas range. ExcelExcept lights. $50. 325 So. 7 8822852. CRI 8822698. ANCE. Call Free estimates. regulating $14,000. lent condition. Call after 4:30 UNUSUAL EXTRA INCOME-Amazin- g Main. 8821046. 882-18- 3. 19 new concept can put p.m. 8821889. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY and business. SALE in liedroom FOR three RENT HOMES FOR Restocking you TREE TRIMMING and removal FOR CUT OUR OWN free firewood New 3 liedroom, one acre .RETAjl OFFICE supply collecting money from New FOR RENT OR LEASE - large house, unfurnished. $75 mo. ELECTROLUX Free estimates. Call 386 West 1st North.P-17-2- 1 Grantsville. method of distributing popuPh 60 ft. by 100 ft. cement block SALES AND SERVICE o ness. Buy out inventory at w June lar food items enjoved bv milTwo liedroom $10,400. See laiuis R. Bell. 8822803 building Gas, heat, air conv. mil For cost figure complete No lions. NOT VENDING. ditioned. Plenty of office space uiglitcrawlers. completely carpe 131 South Coleman, Tmiele information write Box 390, FOR SALE RACKIIOE and dump truck for TWO BEDROOM APT - carpetClose in' town. Inquire O. T. ed, lieautifully landscaped, fen- Selling To lie eligible you must Tmiele, Uiah. Ilia-- to help yuu with sour CRI have car, references, $750 to ced yard. Carden spot and Barms, phone ing drapes, appliances, air school. to Close water. hauling and digging Also inter- -' PhSI CON I ROL yards siraved. $3,750 in cash. For personal conditioning $105. 8821925. SALE Gall FOR rigation Refrigerator. Iiascmciits csted in leasing or selling. Ph C-- fl lielow and commercial. sell interview write CAL-IDWill $2000 appraismale Siamese cal. I11 ' or license. M. (). Fmies. 3 . State MFC. CORP., 953 W. MACal. SALE BEAUTIFUL $FFICE SPACE FOR parking vicinity of 1st Smith 2nd West PUPPIES FOR SALE ARTHUR BLVD., OAKLAND. Like new 4 liedroom, brick 19 ' utilities. Phone SEAL POINT AKG ' f Reward offered. pet,, drapes, CALIF. 94608. Include phone home. '2 Iwths. full basement . SIAMESE KITTENS, 8 WEEK. . registered black miniature CRI number. $2000 lielow appraisal. PROFESSIONAL nig care, (air-peOLD, IIOUSEBROKEN. PH praxile pups with all shots. 882 D&D SALVAGE Ilbincs for sale. All locations, and upholstery cleaned in 4755. 8821854. WE BUY SCRAP, JUNK and prices. Sun-- MAGNA $75. one hednxnn house your home. Free estimates. IMALE HELP WANTED CARS. BATTERIES. BRASS. No No down Pavincnt. 4 8824654. AT THE CLOTHES SHOP set Sporting Goods. t trailer. Completely furnished. COPPER. ALUMINUM, RAcosts. RACK, 10 EAST VINE. SOMEutilities fin WE WILL pay you $1.65 Drapes, ww carpet, DIATORS. If you want to build or Imy THING FOR EVERY OCCAI WILL TEND CHILDREN in my silver dollar, or liettei included. TREE TRIMMING and removal. your FREE PICKUP Call home sell or trade your SION AND FOR EVERY-ONEhome. st ill yet. gel $2.25iu iiicrchaudisi Free estimate. Call 88241527. 4 PHONE Doran Hunt POCKETBOOK.C-1- 7 Your Sil Bateman Jewelry. or 8821972 The American Cancer Society II 23 8824967 6 or CR HELP WANTED - sales help for ver Store. in estimate! that about 915,000 house NOTICE FOR SALE - three Iwdronin Stockton and Grantsville sellAmericans will be under medi1962 FLAMINGO trailer. 10x55 LICENSED Electrician - all 8 or The Office of Dr. James R. cal care for cancer this year. Close to schixils. KEYS the automatic ing Toib-EasCEMETERY MEMORIALS for bath and a half. Call 88228(4). 0 types wiring and 8821470. Burton, chiropractor, will lie toilet bowl cleaner and BONDED LOCKSMITH sale. Joseph K. Ilevan. 339 S. Air conditioning sales,repairing closed Saturday May 18. Dr. FOR SALE two liedrocxn High253 Utah Ave., Tooele. Lawn sen-ice- , service rake and 1st East. Tixwle. Utah. Phraie power and installation. 8821628, Burton will lie attending the 7 o land home. 481 Highland Drive. lawn. Haul grass sweep 8823871. your Walker Cohmiul Representing Itedmoin to house FOR 2 SALE frame TWO BEDROOM Utah Chiropractic Association 14 June Phone 8822319. Smith L away. Mimuinent George Co.. 364 East 21st Jr., trailer. 12'x55'. See at Warners lie moved. $600. Convention and Symposium. 380 So. 360 West. 11 Smith St.. Salt laike Citv, Utah Trailer Court. Grantsville. 17 (Mj8) - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES - - ly r20-Fineh- 884-386- 882-467- -- . -88- . P-1- - m 884-989- 7. 882-336- 2. R $ 884-663- 882-463- 6. f P-t- er 884-383- 7 n. Dex-A-Di- et 882-071- m SS2-4S3- 7. 1 1 . 884-347- 0. 884-661- 884-665- 8. A . . - - high-quali- -- - ty coin-operat- . cook-stov- e, - 297-245- 1. 884-505- 5. P-- Ilvpo-Allctgen- ic V liase-men- ts 882-485- 5. Pd-M- P-- 882-059- 3. - . P-- 882-096- P-- - 882-311- Imsi-groun- d, P-- 882-037- 5. 1 1 882-139- 1. 882-389- .' A 882-030- - - 884-329- 884-559- - 882-176- 5. 1 1 882-039- 882-137- 0. 7' ts 7 - C-1- P-.- V 297-245- S 882-300- 8. 884-324- 882-351- 882-290- e, dco-deriz- 882-F-t- 884-396- |