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Show TEST RUN, Friday, May 17, 1968 iThe DPG Test Run I PUT YOUR MONEY Mato MHb.IlmTM,lk tf to UMW MM I HI I to. m ap A mdi pa I - - - --1 apiMiAa - - - -- 4. .m iMAf aril . t MilI rr atot Ha At A alhl papaA , rformance and preparedness of their Armed Americans everywhere can view with pride the Forces. On Armed Forces Day we honor those men ai women who serve our country in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. Their contribution to our freedom and safety'cannot be measured. Our national security and the security of the Free World depend on the maintenance of alert military forces for freedom as a deterrent to any possible aggressor. Every citizen is Invited to learn more about our Armed Forces and their preparedness to meet this challenge. ! mi Co. m MAN .toa-- to tAa - IS.. MMM. HA b Ml m u! 1,.1 'Mti Am Ma ato Am Mm I m4 rn m4 xr amw bMalW Tiaaaripl tototo op lath. rahUiilM thaM A ' M ftkal M AMI I AM 'toato ah. Ihta a M aMtd mapl to m ImM A HEART bmkA maw OAtl AhM A. I kAanate! YOUR WW- I-I lawktillfMMkh.tr.., to At OtpaHam . ,' I The Secretary of Defense Armed Forces Day 1968 WHERE . IkliMNdl k Immatfl ..M MEDICI I kmt inllS. SAVINGS BONDS Skill Base Program Includes; 61 MOS USCONARC HQ, - Sixty-on- e military occupational specialties (MOSs) are now identified with the Skill Development Base (SDB) Program, according to the United States Continental Command. Established by Department of the Army in June 1967 to meet shortages' of personnel in E-- 5 and E-- the program is divided into two separate cate- gories: KCO Candidate Courses (NCOCC), which produce junior tactical leaders, and Increased Skill Level Training, designed to train supervisors and technical specialists in designated MOSs. NCO Candidate Courses are already under way at Forts Ben-ning, Knox, and Sill. Thirteen courses are in pro- for Increased Skill Level 6, Training. USCOXARC schools Level Training, candidates are which will conduct this training promoted to E-- 5 after completare Infantry, Armor, Artillery ing 12 weeks of training time. AN ADVANTAGE and Missile, Signal, Combat Surof this veillance, Transportation, Avia- - accelerated training program is the shorter period of time in tion. Intelligence and Ordnance, which the soldier can be trained hi addition. Army Training y ters at Forts Bliss and Leonard and seasoned in his required skill. The Artillery and Missile Wood have been designated to Throughout our national history we have met and mastered many challenges to freedom. We is the first USCONARC conduct SDB training woceeded because brave men have been willing to risk their lives for their nation's school to h--w all Artillery SDB The SDB Program offers security. And brlver men hve never ved than those who carry our colors today in Vietnam. celerated promotion opportunities, Courses. The NCO Candidate Our goal has always been the same in Europe, in Asia, in our own hemisphere a just and Under the NCOCC, a soldier can Course and Increased Skill Level ecure P. earn staff sergeant rank after as Training have nearly 500 candithose men who wear our country s uniform. In Vietnam Pcace-keepand few as ten months in the Arirfy. dates The NCOCC starts a new Acy ,worid E-class Ppetuate the ideals which made, and preserve us as a nation. Let our Candidates are promoted to 4 two every our on this day. though P??" w,ith.I them upon entering the course, and to weeks. The other five specialist Com,nnder-in-Ch- i. invite E-- 5 every American to participate in the 1968 observance of Jz.orce after successfully completing courses offer skill training to . nne which honors these courageous men and women of our forces for freedom. Oay 12 weeks of the academic phase. fieid radar artillery pniMtiai Up to five per cent of each class crewmen, operations and intellican be promoted to E-- 6 after this gence assistants, ballistic meteor- phase, and an additional six per ological crewmen, tactical commucent after 8 weeks of . nications chiefs, and field illumijob training. In Increased Skill nation crewmen. Cen-Arm- es - V0? Affairs Check List bia to Armed Forces members WITHHOLDING to see that poor Ser Dspartment of Dsfonse Pam-phl- at PA-S"Uniformed Services Health Benefits Program" has tbe details. Get s copy from your nalt or personal affelrs offloer; check It for application now; and than keep it. Bs information on tbe program wOl be tavahubto to pour fkmlly If yon are absent. A, NEW PAMPHLET Get s copy of On sow ot Defense Pamphlet eot "Your Personal tt Indndes maeh lnfcr-msfiand a fear-pa"Your Personal Affeirp Sseorf1 for writing down Important Information poor fomDjr tamldhave. Ask at poor adt or aea poor affairs officer for a PA-4- Af-ftlr- aS A, os ge MEDICAL CARE FOR DEPENDENTS sMUan Inpatient and now avalla- - is YOU ALONE CAN TAKE CAKE OF THESE MATTERS PERSONAL SERVICE RECORD FILE Hump an jwi already haws one place-kno- wn to your US. Savings Bonk Servicemen New Freedom Shares ter discharge k PROPERTY Most ! mortgages and installment contracts and moat State laws prohibit movement of other unpaid for proparty out of the State wttbout written permission from tbs mortgags bidder or firm to whom the member Is Indebted. This Includes appliances and furniture you may be buying "on ttms." Everyone need one, whether married or single. See pour legal assistance officer or a private attorney. . POWER OF ATTORNEY A fliU or limited power of attorney ie sometimes needed when an Armed Forces member goes overseas, but bs cautious. See your legal assistance officer or a private attorney. COMMERCIAL LIFE INSURANCE ' Check all poilclae you have or ere you keep papers connected with pour military aer- - have 120 day afto convert their Servicemen's Group Life Iniur-anc- c through any of the participating private companies. BANK ACCOUNTS Review bow family banking la set up. Be aure accounts pro- - plan to get to nee apafljflrally whether they win cover you while on active duty or tf assigned to a combat boos. Many policies do not cover these extra nkzaras. vide ready cash for deondants to operate on or to cover current Indebtedness and funeral eanaes should you be reported missing or dead. REAL ESTATE Assemble current real estate documents In one sate place. Your should (Hi LEASES The Soldiers' and Salta Civil Relief Act allows a military member on active duty to vacate usually wttfa 90 days' a bouse or apurtmout notice leased before bs entered aettvs duty. This same protection does not apply if the lease Is signed after active duty begins. -- becom-plet- e, - AUTOMOBILE you take your private automobile to poor place cf military duty? Should you? Tbe i Can REEMPLOYMENT RIGHTS You probably have reemployment rights on the job you left for active duty. When you return to tbe Job, you should al-bo given pay increases, pro- to tbeae questions win Influence what you do tell tt, leave tt with the family, store and many things like litt censes, registration, and Insurance. Remember that if scar is not paid for, the owner needs anmrs ao - - 1. Theme. The motto should reflect U.S. Army Materiel Command team spirit in accomplishing AMC's many vital missions in support of the combat soldier. 2. SPECIFICATIONS. Entries should be in English and no more than 24 spaces in length, counting spaces between words. Example: VISION FOR VICTORY, motto of the Combat Developments Command, has a total of 18 spaces. motto of the Example: FORGE THE THUNDERBOLT, Armor School, has 21 spaces. EXAMPLE: BUILDING COMBAT POWER, motto of the 20th Engineering Brigade, has 21 spaces. a requirement of the Army Institute of Heraldry, which will incorporate the motto in an official distinctive insignia (metal and enamel) now being designed for AMC use. 3. Eligibility. Entries may be submitted by all AMC personnel, military and civilian, less temporary summer hires. 4. FORMAT. Entries will be submitted on two sheets of bond paper. One sheet will contain only the typed motto. The second sheet will include the typed motto and the name, position title, organization and official address of the contestant. Upon arrival at this Headquarters, the two sheets will be given like numbers and then separated. Judging will be based upon the sheet Thiis best-dress- motions, or other benefits that would have been earned bad you stayed In the Job. (AFPS) graduates ed forgotten Your Unit Will Help With These RECORD OF EMERGENCY or the SER VICEMAN'S GROUP INSURANCE For S a month you gut . . . look at theso savings on $1695 A Volufis WITHOUT DEPENDENTS 3Thp ti Sot Wt just look txpensive! Browns $54 to 69.50 activities. We to graduation and its accompanying correcommend Jarman shoes unreservedly. You get Al $648 Valuos ' hcy'ro not ax significant as your diploma, but the right shoes certainly add pleasure mind, and let us fit you in a pair. - with suit purdiaso to 89.50 WITH HIS DIPLOMA lations on an card The best way to send best wishes. Choose from our complete selection of GRADUATION CARDS Asks Draft Call Of 23,500 hr 88 Otfloera, warrant officer a, and NCOa In grades e-- 7, E-- 8, and E-- 9 who do not have deet pendents may now live when BAQ tbe and get monthly adequate government bousing ie not available. off-po- FAMILY ALLOTMENT knOy eUotment out of baste pay lathe eureet way your to make money available to your sepfamily whenover you June WASHINGTON (ANF) The Department of Defense has requested the Selective Service System to provide 29,500 inductees in June to be assigned to the Army. In addition, the Defense Department requested an increase in the May draft call from 44,000 to 45,000. Of the inductees called in May, 44,000 will be assigned to the Army and 1,900 to the Marine Corps. 34 9. Main 992-301- 4 l.lillllTN New Graduation Dresses Have Arrived A an arated from them because of military service. NO allotment la automatic; you must put It Slips Gowns Gift Suggestions Into effect. . frrfipr Vnns in lar isiliiis sivlin-.s- . C'.uihI t Irpv. r.'Kwn-.sV.D-3 7 to 1'j. Slmr'.s. fit you! . . . . ii! popu- ac ms ami Hl.u U in ami l.mo . ..wt-c.u- i ( s 3Tb? Ml Wimls (.liulilv All 9tt Wo just look oxponshrol At Brown's OTHER ALLOTMENTS You cub also uee allotments to take can of such things an deposits to your chocking account, life insurance payments, payments on your home, savings bonds, and Unitormod Services Savings deposits. dislocation allowance Armed Forces numbers withwell out dependents, those with dependents, can now get this during permanent .ng of station moves. (AFPS) u u ... And hell be pleased to receive your congratu- an iww tic and FREE (J4159) HES PROUD AS CAN BE in life tanunnee coverage. TMs Is eutomstle when you report for settve duty of 81 days toBAQ. wood hanger Why 910,-0- 00 BASIC ALLOWANCES FOB QUARTERS QIAO) WITH DEPENDENTS When goutmment bowing la eotttlad not available, you men's suits "wear-teste-d rect styling, impeccable detailing and comfort -- all for a price that goes easy on your budget. not come in now, while the matter is on your IIFE , ONLY of course, DATA want to go to your fondly if you are reported missing In ac- - Dad e e GRAD . sidered. 7. TIES. In event the winning motto shall have been received on the same date from more than one entrant, all such entrants will be' invited to the Headquarters, AMC Sixth Anniversary Celebration, all will receive Certificates of Appreciation, and the $500 in U.S. Savings Bonds will be divided equally among ail such entrants. 8. Due Date. All entries must be received by AMCIN not later than 15 June 1968. 9. Submission of Entries. Entries will be submitted by individual contestants direct to: Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command, ATTN: AMCIN-Mott-o Contest, Washington, D. C. 20315. (Franked envelopes may be provided individuals, where appropriate, for this purpose.) Aeeompaaylng you wherever you hre asMgned, tfaia form gives name and addrem of your of kin for uee in an emergency. You also Indicate on It the percentage of your pay you we sicven't this year will be wearing... ... the bad dream of anyone who stops It's a bad dream to think about it . . . this town visited by a catastrophe it didn't even know was happening. ) It came about very simply: all the men and women whose devotion and effort had kept the churches in repair and in use give their time and money to began to act like other people sports, parties, bridge, travel. "GOOD RECREATION!" they said. "After a weeks hard work, we're entitled to a little innocent amusement." There was no one to disagree, for everyone else had been doing the same thing for years. It was strange, at first, without the church bells and the church buildings showed the effects quite promptly: peeling paint, ragged grass and weeds. With the usual storms, and an occasional fire set by mischievous boys, within a year or two Nightmare without Town was without a single habitable house of worship a baptismal font, or a chapel in which to he married, or from which to be buried. SOME OF THE parents. who hadnt been in church since married at first complained about the lack of facilities were they for the religious instruction of their children. Nobody did anything about it, so they gradually subsided. Nightmare Town is now practically complete, with two or three ruined churches in every mile. Not many people come here any more. Our most substantial citizens are bitter about business conditions, and say property is virtually unsalable. People seem to have lost their capacity for enjoyment, just when they were ready to make the most of it. ITS LIKE a bad dream. from Religion In American Life, Inc. For generations the church has been the source of spiritual guidance for the family and the nation.' There are many of our citizens today who would not want to live in a community without the benefit of this spiritual light, but who do nothing to assure that it will continue to shine. Could you be contributing to the Nightmare Town?" carrying the motto only. 5. Number of Entries. There is no limit on the number of entries which may be submitted by an individual. Each entry, however, should be submitted separately in accordance with the prescribed format. 6. Duplicate Entries. Upon arrival, each entry will be mark- ed by AMCIN to indicate the date of receipt. In the case of duplicate entries, only those with the earliest date will be con- - The by CH (LTC) Clenn D. Lauby - HOUSE OR APARTMENT showing ownership and pact and future actions on each piece of real estate you own. You may want to review terms of ownership to see if changes should be made. Oyi " ' OTHER PERSONAL A WILL ' - permission In writing from tbe mortgage bidder to take the car out of State. idea Filed In a manlls folder conspicuously marked is a good way to' keep these papers together. H you don't havu such a file, eat one up today. - w en -- Personal SOCIAL SECURITY Clark M. Clifford Nightmare Town Its a Bad Dream Everything for the girl graduate f nn 5 7 North Main |