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Show r Tl TEST RUN, Friday, May 17, 1968 Dugways Intramural Softball Schedule FIRST HALFi HHC v 85di MP and USAH 28 May Met Team vs Civilians June 4 CBR vs Officers June 5 Officers vs HHC June 6 Civilians vs CBR June 11 65th MP and USAH vs Met Team June 12 Tender, HsSSeTolls. ..ii39c Met Teem vs CBR 65th MP and USAH vs Officers HHC vs Civilians Civilians vs 65th MP and USAH Officers vs Met Team June 11 HHC vs CBR June 12 CBR vs 65th MP and USAH June 13 18 June Open for make-u- p game CBR vs Met Team June 19 Officers vs 65th MP and USAH June 20 Civilians vs HHC June 25 65th MP and USAH vs. Civilians June 26 Met Team vs Officers June 27 CBR vs HHC 2 July 65tfa MP and USAH vs CR July 9 Open date for malcepup Met Team vs CBR July 11 65th MP and USAH vs Officers July 16 HHC vs Civilians July 17 Civilians vs 65th MP and USAH July 18 Officers vs Met Team July 23 HHC vs CBR July 24 CBR vs 65th MP and USAH July 25 Open date for make-u-p CBR vs Met Team Aug. 1 Officers vs 65th MP and USAH Aug. 8 Civilians vs HHC Aug. 7 65th MP and USAH vs Civilians Aug. 8 Met Team vs Officers Aug. 13 65th MP and USAH vs CBR Aug.15 Aug. 20 Open Date '-Playoff Game Aug 21 28 May June 4 June 5 June 6 v v V V V $ 1 ground chuck. .. .. u.65c GifinlA 0 ' SOUP BUTTER Dugway Proving Ground came in third in the U.S. Army Test end Evaluation Command (TECOM) menlistment competi- Hon for March. DPG received third place going to reenlist while high payhonors in the Regular Army 1st ing jobs wait for them. Term category. Exactly 33J per THE ARMYS goal for cent of RA 1st Termers reenlisttention of 1st Term RA personnel ed in March at DPG. is 33.3 per cent. Sergeant Currier FIRST PLACE went to made his quota for March. Due USA Armor and Engineer Board, to the above reasons; he has Ft. Knox, Ky., with 68.7 percent trouble reaching other quotas. Since July 1967, Sergeant and second place was copped by Yuma Proving Ground, Yuma, Currier has helped reenlist 68.4 Az., with 40 per cent. Yuma had per cent of the career soldiers been leading in previous months. eligible to reenlist. DPG has been last or near Almost unbelievable reenlistlast in all reenlistment categories ment rates were achieved by the since beginning of Fiscal Year 68. Army in Vietnam during DecemThe caliber of personnel at ber 1967 by comparison.' More Dugway is such, SFC Andrew than 88 per cent of Army men Currier, DPG career counselor, in Vietnam who were eligible to said. "that reenlist men ts are reenlist in final month of 1967 naturally low. They have many did so while still in the combat si here with one or more and these people aren't ; ATTENTION! KJ36SKEFA A MARGATE ME 4r mags- - DPG Third in March Effort TECOM Re-U- p r COUNT t de j raofio) V The last meeting before July of Aimed Forces Management Stansbuiy Chapter Number 61 is scheduled for noon Tuesday at Tooele Army Depot Officers Club. Featured tpesVer for dm hin-- ter Number 61 includes employees cheon buffet is scheduled to be of Dugway Proving Ground, Dr. Roland Studd, professor ad Tooele Army Depot, Deseret Test chairman of banking finance. Center and associates from the of Utah. city of Tooele. University TEAD HAS 239, Dugway DR. STUC1I will speak on Monetary Control in Modem has 35, DTC has 16 and Tooele has 14 for a total of 304. American Government. New memberships are Buffet costs $1.50 and will roast turkey, dressing xpted by council members at cranberry sauce, mashed po-- each installation. Membership foe tatoes, gravy, com, salad, rolls is $10 each year. The chapter and butter, coffee, milk. Coke meets 11 times each year. Mem- - I iW Bag 10-Pou- nd Association MembershipofStansbuiyChap- - receive the monthly news ' ! Management Group MeetJTuesday At Tooele Army Depot Officers Club i IiploRST..:....ii85c $199 Gold Medal I I sSh.... SODA POP YOUNG s u,fs0 SET HAIR SPRAY CAKE MIKES VIENNA SAUSAGE lo |