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Show , . I ERN M- ' i" DUGWAY PROVING GROUND WHEN OBOOMDO COUNT (i; i! Vol. 11 No. 21 OAFETV PAYS OFF Published by the Transcript-Bulleti- n Publishing Company, Tooele, Utah, a private firm, in no way connected with the Department of the Army. Opinions ex Friday, May 17, 1968 Dugway, Utah tisements in this publication does not consitute an en- dorsement by the Department of the Army of the pro- ducts or services advertised. pressed by publisher and writers herein are their own and are not to be considered an official expression by the Department of the Army. The appearance of adver-- Bugway Open House Activities Slated May 24 AMC Launches Contest An Army Materiel Command-wid- e contest to select an official motto began 6 May. The contest closes 15 June and the winning motto .will be announced by General Frank S. Besson, Jr., AMC Commanding Ceneral on AMCs Sixth Anniversary, 1 August. In a letter to Command mem- The motto should represent ficial distinctive insignia (me-Besson stated: In a thoughtful expression of the tal and enamel) now being de- bers. General the less than six years since it people who comprise AMC, signed for AMC. Entries should be sultmitted was created, the Army Materiel Ceneral Besson added! The motto should reflect the on two sheets erf bond paper. One Command has established a record of which we may all be AMC team spirit in accomplish- - sheet should contain only the proud. Our accomplishments are ing AMCs many vital missions typed motto. The second sheet in support of the combat sol- - should include the motto and the name, position, title, organiza- tion and official address of the contestant. Judging will be based upon the sheet carrying the to date, I believe we can do more to enhance our team spirit and individual identification with the over-al- l mission of AMC. We are pursuing many avenues to heighten this identification, One of the most important is a Command-wid-e contest to lect an official motto for AMC. The motto will be incorporated in an official distinctive insignia (metal and enamel) which is being designed for AMC by the Army Institute of Heraldry. ing the winning motto will be invited to attend the Sixth AMC Anniversary Celebration on or about 1 August at Headquarters, AMC, Washington, D.C., will be awarded a Certificate of Ap- predation, and will receive a 500 U.S. Savings Baud. Entries should be no more than 24 spaces in length, count- ing spaces between words. This is a requirement of die Army In- stitute of Heraldry, which will incorporate the motto in an of-- motto alone. THERE IS no limit on the number of entries which may be. submitted by an individual, In the case of duplicate entries, the entry received first will be considered. Entries will be submitted by individual contestants directly to: Ciwnmanding General, UX Army Materiel Command, ATTN: AMCIN-Motto Contest, Washing- ton, D.C., 20315, to be received no later than June 15. Detailed rules of the 'contest are printed here and are available from the Information Officer. LBJ Talks to Mike Douglas Special Armed Forces Show Scheduled on Ch. 4 June 7 3-- The special ARMED FORCES WEEK on THE MIKE DOUGLAS SHOW that will be shown the week of June 7 on Channel 4 readies a historic dimax at the end of the week when President Lyndon Johnson speaks with Mike Douglas during the show via telephone. President Johnson had been informed of tire special tribute to many of show business biggest the Armed Forces that was be- - stan including: Lucille Ball, Glenn Wilson, Jimmy Nancy ing prepared by. the Douglas Ford, staff. He arranged with his White Dean, Skitch Henderson, Connie House staff to speak with Mike Francis and a host of others, President Johnsons telephone during the taping of the last show to publicly commemorate all our call to THE MIKE DOUGLAS men in the military and to thank SHOW marks his first participa-rwuigU- a and his staff for pre- - tion in a television show, other dun special news and press ad- this medal week. senting shows are dresses, since he has held office The week-lon- g marked by the appearance of as die President. 3-- , , military personnel and civilian employees within the U.S. Con- tinental Army Command (US- CONARC) submitted 39,168 sug-gestions; 9,429 of which have been adopted, resulting in a savings of approximately 10,800,000. HAVE AN idea which will produce a better, faster, safer or cheaper operation? Complete a DA Form 1045, Suggestion Blank, carefully and accurately describing the suggestion, listing its advantages, including time, effort, materiel or money which the idea might save the govern- ment during the first year if adopted. Next, forward it to the Civilian Personnel Office, Attention: Incentive Awards Com- mittee. Cash awards range from 15 to 25.000. depending upon the size of the savings to the taxpayer. SUGGESTIONS may be submitted jointly. For example, two Department of Army civilian employees and two staff sergeants at the U.S. Army Armor Consolidated Supply, Center Fort Knox, suggested that the Army reissue salvaged coats to Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) units. Their suggestion was adopted and they shared which The suggestion, sav- will result in a first-yeings to the government of more than 80,000, involved the re- issue of winter greens that had been slightly torn or nicked when the unit patch was remov- ed. These uniforms had been turned in to salvhge because of ar i'.V; OCS Eligibility Changed Grads For High School ers .are still considered WASHINGTON (ANF) will be reissued, Suggestions are not limited to the individual s job area. Spe- cialist Five Richard A. Blake- man, mess sergeant, Company B, 2nd Battalion, US Amy Ar- mor School Brigade, shifted his creative efforts from mess super- vision to hardware and invented an improved silverware contain- er for use in the messhalls. Hes 25 richer as a result. At Fort Leonard Wood, suggestors may verbally submit an idea by dialing at any hour of the day or night. An electronic telephone device re- cords the suggestion. Later the originator receives a written ae- knowledgpnient. For further details, consult AR 672-2Incentive Awards or call your Incentive Awards Com- - o ( t cou raged to attend and partici- pate in the Open House as mili- tary training will lie suspended on that day except for essential functions. CIVILIAN personnel are also encouraged to actively partici- pate and will Ire excused from their place of duty to attend and participate in the Open House activities. Those who reside off the installation are encouraged to bring their families to Dugway on the 24th. Those civilian person- nel attending Open House acti- vities will lie carried in a work status, however, if civilian per- sonnet desire to leave the in- stallation on that dale, during normal duty hours, they will be charged applicable leave. B 35-m- m - - the the Youth Activities Council will a carnival including sponsor ames, pony rides and a jn addition the Youth Ac- tivities program will set up con- cessj()li stands for soft drinks and sandwiches throughout the dis- mittee for information. play area. In addition to providing a day in which Dugway personnel can enjoy a day of activity with their families, the Open House is lieing held to allow members of nearby communities throughout Tooele County to visit Dug' way, identify with the installaand from Alaska coast tion to Panama and YUMA PROVING CROUND, ARIZ., May 9 Commanders carry away a favorable to coast attended the 1968 Spring Commander's Conference held here today for the U.S. Army Test impression of the installation. In this regard Dugway residents are and Evaluation Command by Yuma Proving Ground. HOST commander Col. Armi- - portunity would lie afforded to On the lighter side a ilcmcxi-- , asked tojnalre a concentrated stead R. Harper welcomed the assess . . . where we are and of the fine comiminiiv fort to maintain a neat and orincludes commandwhich we where are relations going." group, enjoyed by the proving derly appearance of their yard era from each of TECOM's 15 Each TECOM installation and ground was 'evidenced as iiiem-lier- s and surrounding areas. The retreat parade to lie installations yesterday morning Ixiard is alloted conference time of the YPG Civilian Advisory Itefore Maj. Gen. Leland G. Cag- - to present its own facet of the Committee turned out for a steak held ini Brantley Field at 5 p.m. win formally opened the confer- overall operation in addition to fry last night as their way of will lie reviewed by IK! Appel ence. Gen. Cagwin told the group staff presentations by TECOM welcoming the commanders in a and Colonel Watts and in addition to Dugway troops participatthat during the conference an op- - personnel. traditional western manner. TODAYS activities - include ing, the Dugway High Schixil the final presentations by the band will provide march music for the parade at which several visitors, a tour of the YPG fawill lie presented. awards cilities to view selected tests MOST OF the display's and and remarks closing by underway, the Youth Activities carnival will Gen. Cagwin. The gnmp is to fly out of lie located in the area lietween. Yuma tomorrow morning for the the Post Exchange and the chaNaval Air Station, El Centro, pel. Also several of the demonCalif., for a two hour tour and strations will lie held cm the gcill briefing, liefore they return to course driving range area or iq the area just east of the comtheir home stations. munications building. Programs STAR-SPANGLE- D will lie available for the exact time and location of each demonSAVINGS stration. PLAN Many facilities located in 0, demonstrations throughout day. DISPLAY WILL include ml 10 self propelled howitzer, m 108 self propelled 105-i- n howit- zer, a miniature velocity system display, displays ' of many types of photographic equipment in- - Spring Commanders Conference Held at Yuma Proving Ground - School. The Army has announced ' that it will recruit high sehool graduates for OCS at any time after entry into the Army. Previously, all soldiers except college graduates were required to have at least 12 months active service before applying for OCS. A previous exception remains in effect: individuals who have been alerted for overseas movement or assigned to a unit which has received overseas alert ord A Reminder: eligible to apply. Personnel officials estimate on current Army requirements, new soldiers who apply at the reception ' station or .early in their training should be enrolled in OCS shortly after completion of their advanced individual training. OCS applicants who already are members of. units should he allocated to an OCS class within a month or two after being approved. Individuals who apply under the OCS College Option Program will continue to be enrolled into OCS upon completion of advanced individual training. that, based Ms of Address For Amy's Highest Sergeants WASHINGTON (ANF) Sergeant major is the title of address for three distinct ;nnkings of senior Army noncommissioned officers in the pay grade E-At Ae top of the list is the Armys highest enlisted .man, the sergeant major of .the Army. He is followed by sergeants major, those NCOs Deformally selected hy the for the of Army partment participation in the Com mand Sergeants Major Pro- - I1he third group of NCOs called sergeant major is made up of personnel holding the rank of staff sergeant major. NCOs in the pay grade E-- 8 who hold the rank of first sergeant are called first sergeant" Other s, with the rank of master sergeant, and NCOs in pay through E-- 7 grades E-- 5 maintain tha title of address of sergeant" . j for the Open Hixise with the main high speed cameras, Much heavy equiptqgnt will attraction expected to lie a demon- strut ion by the Golden Knights, also lie on display in the English the Army world champion para- Village area where all Open chute team. House activities will take place, Many other demonstrations Included among these are a Hy and displays are scheduled among Ranger, Thikol vehicle, search- - ' which will be a fire fighting dis- light, bulldozer, crane,' and inplay by the Dugway ' Fire Depart- - frarej detector. ment. firing of illuminatingAlso on display will be a col- rounds from a 81mm mortar, a lection of the animals native to demonstration using prima cord the Dugway area, jn burning of materials and other the day THROUGHOUT in- High School graduates who are newcomers to the U.S. Army now are eligible to atCandidate Officer tend i i Proving Ground Invites Public View Exhibits, Demonstrations Thinkers Cash In On Cash Sign up for U. S. Savings Bonds English Village will lie open for tours during the day including the craft shop and service chili where arts and crafts exhibits will lie on display, also elementary and high schixil facilities. - YUMA PROVING CROUND VISITORS Fred Hiber, an engineer assigned to the Automotive Test Branch at YPG, left, points out and describes Yuma Proving Ground's automotive test courses to visitors from 15 TECOM installations during the 1968 Spring Commanders' Conference. Bond Canvass Begins Here Runs For Month and Half The 1968 Pereourto-Perso- n Canvass for Savings Bonds and Freedom Shares is in full swing at military installations across the nation. Project officer for Dugway is Captain Frederick E. Cooper. The canvass has been designated The 1968 Share in Freedom Campaign." It commenced May 1 and will continue through June 14. EMPHASIS IS placed on pur- Ceneral Cagwin urged com- - or destroyed, the Treasury Depart- chase of Savings Bonds and Free- - manders at all levels to assure ment will replace them. that support of this Government- Savings Bonds are exempt from and local income taxes, and state achieved is only sponsored program by means of truly voluntary par- - federal taxes on E Bond interest may be deferred until Bonds are ticipntion." IT IS MY belief that the redeemed, Freedom Shares are a com-t- o per cent for civilians, according USATECOM objective of 90 per a letter from Major Ceneral cent participation is an attainable paninn to Series E Bonds, and L. G. Cagwin, commanding gen- - goal, said the are available only through regu- general. eral of the U.S. Army Test and Savings Bonds are indcstruc-- lar purchase plan like payroll Evaluation Command tilile. If lost, stolen, mutilated savings. Safety Awards Go to 8 Commands DA WASHINGTON (ANF) Department of the Army Awards of Honor for Safety will be presented to organisations with the best accident prevention programs in three categories: major commands, numbered U.S. Armies and U.S. Army divisions. The awards for Fiscal Year 1!(S7 will go to the U.S. Army Materiel Command, Eighth U.S. Army and the 2d . YS Infantry Runners-u- p Division. in each cate- gory will receive Awuriis of Merit for Sufety. They are the U.S. Army, rucific; Seventh U.S. Army, and the 7th Infantry Division. WELL DONE...Sgt. John F. .linker, Jr. (left) congratulates Capt. Robert F. Foley, after they both received the Medal of Honor from the President during a combined y at the White House. Captain Foley, who stand 6 feet 7 inches, from Kissimmee, Fin., and Sergeant linker, 3 feel 3 inches, of Moline, 111., were both engaged in the same combat operation with the 25th Infantry Division in Vietnam on Nov. 5, 1966. Sergeant linker is now stationed nt Fort Jackson, S.C.; Captain Foley is at Fort llelvoir, Ya. cere-mon- ' |