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Show A TEST RUN, Friday, May 17, 1968 Boys Set Aside For Service Become Knights of the Altar 'fT 4Jhtf!'!t M0 mETRlPAREMX? "mUtime of 14 Dugw.y Catholic boys Kn,ghts 01 lhe A1,ar was conducted at the Port 7 nprl. THE KNIGHTS of the Altar the new Knights read aloud the is a national organization for lov Pledge in which they promised : of elementary jnd high school to serve Christ faithfully, and who assist the priest at the they renewed their alUgi-- n age to i altar in all the liturgical ftuic-- the flag of the United Statea ns of the church. Tlie purpose ter Benediction the Kntgfrr. were of the organization is to help presented certificates, membership form dedicated young men in a cards, and lapel pins. The knowledge and love for gram closed with Portlude h the Liturgy, a deeper apprecia- - by Mis. Ceorge. tion of the Scriptures, and a con AT A previous meeting viction to give witness to Christ Knights elected Chauncey in their daily lives. dall their leader, called the SuThe program lregan with Pre- preme Grand Knight. The roil lude music played on the oigan call of Knights according to their by Mrs. Mildred George. A ser ranks include: Grand Knights monette was preached by Father Thomas Ceoige, Raymond Grothe, Bolt, the spiritual moderator of and John Glasgow; Knight Com-th- e group. In his talk he assured manders - Roliert and the boys that they were not mere Roliert Glasgow; Helriegel Knights - John decorations nor just clerical George, Michael Magann, Manuel handy men but were in words of Hojas, Ralph Sees, and Bernard the II Vatican Council servers Saliato; Pages - James George, exercising a genuine liturgical Gerald Grothe, and Stephen HelThen ministry. riegel. were summoned to the altar and After the the Knighti were each invested with the black were treatedceremony to cake, ice cream cassock and white and coke. Brady Earlewine, surplice. Immediately following the in- Lay Adviser to the Knights, helpvestiture was Benediction of the ed in the planning and execution Blessed Sacrament during which of the program. Af-tio- pro-great- er TO DC GIVEN AlJAY DUIUM OUR. 016 QSW AOTIWSffigAEIS' MIRES &&W AU YOU DO... CHECK THE LIST OP WINNING TELEPHONE NUMBERS POSTED IN OUR STORE.... IP YOUR NUMBER IS ON THE LIST..;. YOU WIKI AM5L00 SIFT CERTIFICATE Knight-candidat- r , Any Dog Can Say Vef s F& P Quality Rayette-Aqu- FKUIY a Net -1- Double Luck, Cut 3-Oz. Self-Propell- ed Ural - ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. The U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command will soon liegin initial production tests of the HAWK Air Defense Missile lIPIMV No. 1 Cans TECOM Will Test HAWK System. reliSirliS firm Super, Reg. or Unscented ckTlisrilTfU Sr-iVM- E V. , w,l Kve the h y ,no,,i,e air defense ""Himg the proven ef- ,,A'VK wth the Vne will lie Range to keep pace environmental tests, njl.tv division. It Bnd gration terts, reliuliilitv tra-cmaintainability tests, and techni- - vcl tn,ve.n ro,,Kh terrain, ""proved roads at high manual validations. nd The If ,n,tk,-HAWK t0 has lieen System dully undergoing En- lhe ,ow ,tit,Mle & gineering and Service Tests at Included in the test programs to lie conducted at Alwnleen Pmv- ing Ground and White Sands f Missile Ay 22 mn, al 1 Inventory Reduction 3 U.i PlSri.MAWER : "S. V V a v . SUGAR Ul DCsllotl smsmmm )$ C? l0OFFL6Ba Sale! Special! caxo 63 Ford Sod. V8, Std. Trans 62 Ambassador Wagon vs, a.t. 62 Buick Sedan vs, a.t. 61 Mercury Wagon vs, a.t 61 Corvair Sedan a.t.. PWMREP SUGAR C,H W'tK PETUNIAS... O&sLk IEPPIN6 ?IAMW : All Priced , sb 1(0 J PANSIES GERANIUMS SJft 67 66 65 67 66 66 65 65 65 63 67 62 66 64 64 64 . . . 495 495 495 450 275 to Sell Chrysler h.t., air Dodge Dart Sedan Rambler Sedan Imperial h.t., air h.t. Chrysler Ford Wagon Ctry Squire, Olds Starfire H.T., r, r., air air Dodge Wagon Chev H.T.- - Pontiac Sedan air Chrysler h.t., air h.t. Mercury Ford Gal. 500 V8, A.T., Volkswagon air r. a.t ird air Chev sedan 63 Valiant Wagon 55 Chev Pickup 64 Dodge Pickup More to Choose From The Oldest Car Dealer in Tooele 46 Years of Service 0 0 Chrysler - Dodge Two Locations to Sarvo You 66 East Vino - 668 North Main Tooolo, Utah 82-41- 61 er 882-35- 76 |