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Show V 0 MWflOn DAVI MARK TEST RUN, Friday, May 17 1968 CAROL MANN STATION sns GOLF 11-P- and 2 Wood 49" I Irons Deluxe ER DACRON SLEEPING BAGS SLEEPS TWO! SETS C. WAGON-TRAIL- tag SETS 12-P- C. Regular I30rf0 3 Woods Irons . Doluxo Bor 79 Now a big designed, specifically for campers, trailers and station wagon beds. 2 sleep in perfect comfort-j- ust the right amount of insulation. Ths woods are Wilson's exclusive sfrato-blo- c construction that puts ths tough and rains of wood against tha boll for strength and durability! Ths irons ars Wilson's S locate the proper weight squarely behind the hitting area. ynamic balanced irons-t- hat Wilson's unique Reminder Grip . . . shaft with increasing wall thickness that makes Wilson's shaft give extra kick the thrust as the power explodes. INSTANTfCREDIT SC. 35.00 24 David Long Earns God and Country Scouting Award David Scott Long, son of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Long, Dug-- I s wav, earned the Cod and Country Award, one of Scouting high I the in work chapel. post a est honors, climaxing years ed the history of the local chapel Chaplain Glenn Uuby pre- end of the chaplaincy, liecame on David to award sented the familiarized with Utah Indian the in 7. during chapel April missions, participated regularly SerProtestant Worship in religious camps and contribut- d his own money for religious serDavid To earn the award, ved as usher in chapel services, PurPseSl All of David s work and effort memorized scripture, worked on the chapel lawn, helped straighten had to be spread over a year, after services, worked His is one of few earned in con- the ch-- H in the chapel youth group, learn- - nation with military chapels. Speed Is A' " A. 0,1 even our everyday H. shopping revolves around the availabihty of"rv-regular EACH AMERICAN is de- - pendent upon and influenced by the automobile and its inherent speed. Spred is part of our modem way of life - and death! Excessive speed has been a contributing cause in 34 per cent Dugways recordable motor accidents during fiscal years 1967 and 1968 to date. Nationally, 16 thousand people were killed and 1 and one-hal- f million injured as a direct result erf vehicle ZES2B GO (J 22 CAL (flSHKfflasir UttMm SINGLE ACTION FRONTIER 6 SHOT DAVE MARR of excessive speed. OUR MODERN highway speed limits are based on optimum conditions. The motor vehicle operatin' must adjust his speed to REVOLVER GOLF BALLS style "deputy1 22 cal. action single long distance golf balls with a tough cover. Lively If. conditions. Speed is a relative it's what comes with counts. eg. 33.00 Value 5x9 PING PONG MOCK TURTLE GOlf the prevailing road and weather frontier tional strain is put on the car and the operator. Due to excessive speed and adverse road or weather conditions there is more chance of skidding on curves, there is more chance of not being able to meet emergency conditions should they arise. IF YOU should hit something, the force of impact increases not simply as the speed, but as the square of the speed. The automobile operator himself is the key to automobile accident reduction. The automobile provides the speed availability but the driver supplies the will to speed. The driver must realize his limitations, the limitations of his vehicle, and the limitations of present road and weather conditions. With this realization we hope will come the insight to adjust the vehicle speed according TABLES UTILITY STYLE Reg. $30 Shirts Use individually as 5x4ft1 utility table or lode together as 5x? Form fitting, ping pong table. long wearing Celanese Fortrel is ' MITCHELL fabric that 324 wash and wear. REEL wmiz-pc- All colors -- When a motor vehicle goes fast, everything becomes more difficult and dangerous. Addi- SHIRTS Munsingwtar Grand Slam Mock Turtle matter it that . GLASS ROB AND -- and sixes m fit LINE Lit ILK LEAGUE 3 MOCK TURTLE BANLONS Heavyweight wash and wear Banlon shirts with pocket or plain. .4397 ADULT 4 - Rag. 74)0 Value GOLF SHOES 0 TACKLE BOXES afl metai comtructhn ONKTRAYMOCEL H CONVERSE GYM SHOES 14: - CAMIBER Specialist 6 Heliov Gamiber reenlista for another three States United Amy. LT Barckley Toole performs die ceremony. yean in die Golf Season OpensMay 30 ft (IQnSttB CfiD 00 li (ftD0r The 1968 golf season opens with doubles and singles tournaments open to all Dugway residents and . employees. ALTHOUGH DUFFERS and othen have been practicing for some time now, these touma ments are the opening, of the golf season. semi-offici- al A scotch doubles of 18 holes is scheduled for May 30. Each man and woman team will hit their ball in alternate swings. Prizes for winners will be given. Entrance fee for scotch doubles is 1.25 per person. Saturday and Sunday following the scotch doubles will see the singles action. Women will round each day, play a and men will shoot 18 holes each day. Singles foe will be $1.50. SINGLES CHAMPS will be determined from three flights" according to individual handicaps. There will be at least a champ flight, an A flight and a B" flight. Each flight will have win- nmmv e Exclusive triple action cleaning. U beats, aa it weeps, aa it cleans. If xitttMUb wft Gives year floors UK MBMaDOiB look. Also scrrfbs the floor. 79 519"; UiliVJUii ners. Thera is a May 24 deadline for making your entry reservation. Make reservations through the Coif Shack. Anted Fercea Day .May 18, 1968 we - iV . e: 39 Powerful, modern, v |