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Show TEST RUN, Friday, May 17, 1968 Schedule of Sports Events For CBR Troop The Second Quarter of 1968 Detachment Notes Swimming Pool openi 30th Tennis Seaion 15 thro Sept . . .Summer Bowling League thro Aug. Golf Seaaon thro Aug. Softball Intramural Ground League The Dugway Proving will be conducted during the period May 28 to Augiut 27. In order to participate on these teams please sign up with the following team captains: PFC Headquarters No. 1 Officers Team CPT OMalley Civilians Mannie Rojas Met Team SSgt Beams On April 29, the CBR troop nnual PT test All participaving personnel found that with the nUitiiw of the new event, the Man Carry, which has d replaced the Grenade Throw, the PT test has become a very challenging physical ordeal. Although final tabulation of the results has not been completed, the Detachments overall performance appears to be outstanding, with an average score of between 360 and 370; Recent arrivals to the CBR Course include SP4 Brace Pet-ro- e, nMjpmd to Field Demonstrations Fire Direction Center, and SP4 Lawney Fierro, assigned to die Field Demonstration Decontamination Section. CPL Lawrence Killingnvorth is on leave and SCT Dale L. Fisher left the CBR Course and DFG for lis home due to ETS. PRETTY POSER Aetreaa Jane Wald poses prettily in California sunshine while reMVp IWVQM laxing from work at 20th Century Fox. May June June June . 150-yar- CBR SSgt Jones Mr. Boyd v MPs and Hospital h y U. Sevlegs leeds WORLD'SIFIRSn umarnimumo - ' TROPHY WINNERS Shown above are the winners of Dugway! Bowling League for the faB season of 1968. At left is SSgt Bob Essex, who won the Best Improved Bowler trophy. Second from left is Clarence Laroque who won die who won the High Series trophy. LT Colonel WilHigh Average trophy. Second from die right is LT Ralph Sambudd liam L. Blade, executive officer, presented the trophys. ' Dugway - r SP4 Eddie Burton, CBR THIRD PLACE TROPHY receives third place trophy for CBRs volleyball tem fmm LT Cofonel William L. Black, executive officer. :Little : Swimming ; : League Baseball Schedule Opens May 30 TEAM Braves Cubs Dodgers One Shot, No Slot Ballet Program Presented Promotion to i 4 No slot vacancies will be I ! Since last September 36 children hove been taking ballet lesions on Saturday mornings here 4t Dugway. a ; These children presented pallet demonstration to parents jnd friends on May 11, in dm multi purpose room of the elementary school. ! The girls wore black leotards ind tights with different colored tylon net tutus. The one boy awe the standard ballet attire. Mrs. Cary Hendry has been Mrs. Karl Dissel sewing for the program. Coordinators. rthe program concluded ballet quired this month for promotion of privates first class to grade E-- 4. THIS EXCEPTION to normal promotion policy for May only was announced in dm Armys monthly enlisted promotion authorization letter to die field, according to an Army Times News article. In order to be eligible for the promotions, enlisted men in Grade E-- 3 must be otherwise qualified under normal standards and require no other waivers. he Mpy only exception Is intended; to provide promotion opportunity for those, deserving EM who are unable to compete for promotion because of able position vacancies. OCCASIONALLY over die past year similar one shot exceptions have been made. In addition, the list of MOSs in which promotions to one or more grades are frozen has dropped to an all-tinon-vacan- ul as accompanist. J Volunteers helping during die are Mrs. Paul CArison, chair- Mrs. Al Brown, treasurer, Mrs. Kenneth Brauner, Mrs. Mel Jurgrau, Mrs. William Peterson nd Mrs. Richard Raben, class re- - v-T- lessons until fall. E-- . Pirates FIRST HALF Cubs vs Pirates Dodgers vs Braves Pirates vs Cubs Braves vs Dodgers Pirates vs Braves Cubs vs Dodgers Braves vs Pirates Dodgers vs Cubs Pirates vs Dodgers Cube vs Braves Dodgers vs Pirates Braves vs Cubs 30 Braves vs Dodgers 3 4 Pirates vs Cubs 5 Dodgers vs Braves ' 8 Cubs vs Pirates 10 Cubs vs Dodgers 11 Pirates vs Braves July 11 ASSISTANCE FOR LITTLE LEAGUE: Help is needed for die following positions: Umpires ! n; Scoiekeepers ' Grounddmepen i . . Managers for Minor League Teams All military and civilian personnel who wish to help please contact Mr. Brown, 5436 or 3170; Mr. Houle, 5417 or 2140; or Mr. Grothe, 2812 or 2804. ATTENTION MINOR LEAGUERS: Practice session will begin May 22 at the minor league field located on the comer of West School and Fifth. This is for all boys registered but not selected for a major league team. Starting time will be 5 pjn. May May May May May May May May May May May May June June June June June June 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 25 28 29 . . - . - . jii--'- - . . low. combiOnly 34 M nations are frozen this month. Obsolete MOSs, in which some soldiers still are erroneously reported, continue to be. barred as a basis for promotions to any grade, officials reminded field OS-gra- de . rool The Dugway Proving Ground post swimming pod will open May 30th at 10:00 a.m. This year there will be three military personnel u Life Guards at die pool. The following life Guards for this year wifi ' be Sp5 Darwin Webb, Sp5 John Horst ein, and Private Phillip Harvey. All of the above Life Guards are from Headquarters and Headquarters Company. This years Pod Regulations will be as follows: 1. Swimmers must take a shower before entering pool 2. Girls must wear bathing' caps. 3. No Running 4 No pushing, droving or drinking. 5. No food or drinks in pod area. 6. No spitting, blowing nose, or urinating In water. ' " 7. 'AH-su- n tan lotion must be in plastic containers. 7 8. One person on diving board at a time. 9. Only one bounce on diving board. The time schedule for this year at the post pod will be as follows: Lessons - Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 12:00 noon; Public Use: Sunday - Friday, 2:00 - 8:00 p.m. Saturday and Holidays: 10:00 a.m. - &00 p.m. After 5 p.m. all children 14 and under must be accompanied by an adult. As usual this year there is no charge for admission to the pod. commanders. Veterans of the Cold War and Vietnam are equally eligible for GJ. aid. MOTOROLA SPRING SPECIAL! tmu, THE COOL TIRE by ARMSTRONG THIS IS THE COOL TIRE ' . . The one made with belts of fiber glass. The one that resists heat. And virtually eliminates blowouts. And can give you at least 10,000 more miles of wear (don't be surprised if you get 20,000) than you can get with an ordinary tire. And ARMSTRONGS the only one that has it! For the Safest Vacation Clyde Gibson Tire Shop 725 No. Main "The men who know tires best. REDUCED! 4 - THRU SATURDAY The officers team won first place far DPG Intramural VolFIRST PLACE WINNERS leyball League. Each member on the team received a 1st place individual trophy. From left is LT Sambuchi, CPT OMalley, CPT Byrd, LT Chambers, and LT Purvee. Rig-scre- en on a cart: CdorTV Saves space, rolls from room-to-roo- m. cart, this Motorola Color Even without the free custom-designe- d an exceptional value I H has Color TVa biggaat picture UHF Antenna Solid stats Built-i- n Dipole Antenna, Bow-ti- e Autoreliability at 17 vital points Power transformer chaiels Pre-Bmatic Degausser for a coior-pupicture Custom-Mad-e g Solid atata VHF Color Tunsr to minimize need for UHF Color Tuner to minimize signal drifting Tint control to 1st you adjust for moat lifelike picture Many other quality features. TV la at re our men's woven TowncraffPcnn-Pre- st short sleeve sport shirts. Assorted styles! All Ana-tunin- A MOTOROLA I Radio flschfc 14 Narffc Sals I Hardware A imm - ALL4TAR VOLLEYBALL TEAM Dugway! ABStar Volleyball team represented DPG Volleyball Champfamhlp matches at Ft Ghrd, Calif. From left is CPT SP4 Barone, SFC Boyd, SP4 Crisp, SFC Hawkins, LT Chambers, OMfc SF4 ABQ KTM, A , A !! I. I SrEHr REG. 3.98 EACH. -- NOW 3JTO inn, wvviiisia miw - .rtiMWi IgSEs? ClIHpOMlr 1 |