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Show r do your share SICBRRAf for Freedom! Sign up for SAVINGS BONDS NEW LLLSia'HCHEERFUYTrthMrmuriunurinhrTouthActiviiei turn FREEDOM SHARES Friend or Foe? O 49BI- - year or so ago, a cartoon that appeared in a national magazine showed the typical bate husband saying to his wife, Its finally happened there's an installment O payment due every day of the month! Installment buying, credit cards and charge accounts Q fluffs A have become aa American ae mom'a apple pie. When intelligently used, credit and installment allow us to do and have things for ourselves and our familiesbuying that might not we to had pay cash immediately for beJxlMe Problems arise, however, when people lose sight everything. of the fact that -- raw i u.Mt -- :wwi ( O CH$03! o O ' Woodward Roalty VETS AND CIS! Payments less than rent! Vacant, ATTN! immaculate 2 bedroom home. Quiet street, large lot, zoned for horses. Available immediately. Can be occupied while loan is closing. For more information call Dottie, Keysar, with the Tkaasoipt sad IN ADVANCE. euld he AN ERROR hi a tlsmMed ad . Ihe paper b mpoadMe for eae iaenmet iacertioa only. news- ALL CLASSIFIEDS wl he iaefaded ia the TEST RUN, a end redden Creaad io RNO Dugway Flwiag MN0M $Muse i M CASH 882-232- HAINES FOR RENT all those credit purchases must be paid for sooner or later and that credit costs money. In addition to the bask cost of what you buy, you must consider the crejht charges. These charges are what too many people ignore or don't understand. Depending on what type of credit purchase you have made a who the seller is, your credit charges can range from six per cent to 120 per cent annually. This is why .it is vital that you not only know the firm with whkh r you are dealing, but that you thoroughly understand the various add-o; terms, such as discount, interest-bearinetc, that are used in dealing with credit and installment buying. You legal officer can explain everything you need to know about credit buying and can give you the advice you need to buy intelli-- " Rently- - It will be to your advantage to make use of his and advice before you make credit purchases and become knowledge with bills. Remember, your good name, your military career and the happiness of your family are at stake. Protect yourself and use credit buying wisely. (AFPS) 2 FURNISHED APARTMENTS BPOE FIJTS NO. 1673 and 3 room. New kitchens MEETINGS 2nd and 4th TUESDAYS at 8 appliances, including elecpjs. CRI .and tric N. MAIN 61 at ranges, automatic gas heat. Air conditioned. Large recreaVital lijrt tion area. Rates start at $75 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE NO. 2031 per month with all utilities Ml O "$ furnished. Rent by day, week,1 MEETINGS WED. 8 pm. (twMfctt 4bri month or year. Linen service 2 PHONE available. CRI WESTERN . APARTMENT, 515 North Main, Tooele. Ph. Now a new way to AMERICAN LEGION POST 17 MEETINGS 2nd and 4th help your country WEDNESDAYS, 8 P.M. you help yourself CRI FOR RENT batch, apts. Cook364 East Vine facilities. U.S. SAVINGS BONDS ing NEW FREEDOM SHARES 7 after 5:30 St. Call ATTENTION p.m. MEMBERS IOOF TOOELE LODGE 47 FURNISHED APT for rent. MEETS EVERY MONDAY 165 N. Main NIGHT 8 p.m. -- IOOF HALL, 10 N. MAIN,... $65 THREE BEDROOM APT -CHARLES B. PAULLIN Partly furnished. Lakepoint CRI SECRETARY Lakepoint. Apts., WANTED NICE three room apt. furnished at Grantsville. Gas heat. Phone WANTED - nice bird cage. P- - aJ o n, g, . 882-108- 882-006- 2. over-burden- ed j 882-022- - . 882-341- 9. 884-336- 2. 7 For 'jnW ft the Best Deal PLOW for pickup. No after 6 9 pump. $45. p.m. SNOW in Tooele 882-197- Contact: WOMEN WANT WORK WILL TEND children in my home. 7 days a week. Call 1. Lorraine Warren at William Harrison 884-382- side-wall- FOUR PLEX apts for sale. Lots 85x165. 254 West Cherry. Ph 884-33after 5 p.m. Tooele Plymouth Sales 87 N. Main 882-262- RECRUITING AID Cor lane Ttopei was recently named "Miu Southern Coiijor nle Air Force Recruiting." The 1 - Phone 882-116- 8. - 882-301- 6. I WILL TEND children, 1964. U nicerMe of PETER PAN PRESCHOOL $1. for 0 or $2.50 for 7 - 5. 8:30-11:3- home in Lakepoint. Several other fine homes in Tooele and Grantsville. For action list with a Realtor! I I Call Jay 882-27after 6 p.m.- Tony Saracino, Inc. Realtors" HOW YOU CAN REALLY HEAR son In anrvict. mission. A A child in callage, or an a new concept in receive and send letters with the warmth and joy ot the human voice.' MAIL FOR SALE - 58 T Bird. Good condition. 270 West Apple, 1. Grantsville. Henry J. $30 Good 1952 a Lettcrpack cartridga for yow letters. easy-a- BACHELOR APT. for rent Call Just soy it and send it with "MAIL CALL" by Smith-Coro- na 882-187- 1. 882-161- 4. 21 882-389- 882-455- 882-356- 882-174- 884-663- 5 - 884-340- 884-503- 4. two bedroom apt. 'V7 i v. FOR RENT three room furnished basement apt. 630 West-Vin7 No smokers. 882-121- 6. e. P-1- ONE BEDROOM partly furnish- ed . duplex. Older couple or bachelor preferred. 882-382- 3. 882-473- 882-418- 3. 1966 MALIBU for sale Excel, cond. $1550. - V8, Phone 2 room business FOR RENT office. 118 West Main Grantsville. Call 884-557- 1. runs good. Good robber. $115. Phone 57 MERC FOR BACHELOR APTS LOT 115sl80. month. A $300 down, $50 M 1963 BUICK Special auto- 882-197- 9. L 882-176- 9. AQUARIUM, outfit. $50. FOUR ROOM APT. Mostlv nixhed. Ph. 884-336- 882-141- - ph -- 2. Place Your Ad at 882-349- TRUCK AND CAMPER for sale. $110a 305 South Third. 7 FOR SALE - calf. 2 months old. 9 Hereford cross $45. P 17 or 8824)757. WEST1XGHOUSE FOR SALE - 1967 Ford pickup Ron 0 and camper. Henwood. complete 882-212- 3. matic transmission. Power steering, air condition. Priced NICE THREE ROOM APT reasonable. 882-261- 2. home. Extra OLDER water. with lot $6970 large - Call 58 North Main automatic washer. Cabinet inixlci elec, sewing machine. Good condition. $45 each or make offer. Fern Turner 882-2705- ). TOOELE Business Machine Co. STORE FOR SALE - baby crib and mattress. Best offer takes. RETAILERS 500 Christinas trees, Some other items, cheap. Englewim. Blue Spruce, .Al7 62 NORTH MAIN Ij inwlMcmpaa I fsr SCl i SINGER representative will lie at the Fabric Specialty Center eSch Thursday. 8 point check up $3.95. pine Fir. 882-306- 882-022- 3. PROFESSIONAL rug cart, pets and upholstry cleaneu . your home. Free Estimates. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING at your corral. Professional work. You call us - we do the rest. I'SDA WHOLESALE meat Choice or Granites Aristocrat. Hulls or Whole 51 cents Ih. Price includes processing. TOOELE ICE AND COLD STORAGE ' Ph. or CRI 882-260- 1 882-465- 4. LITTLE DUDE Pet Corral). Grooming and boarding all breeds (logs. Facilities for cats, poodle grooming a specialty. 17 LOST - boys glasses, call If found 7 882-335- 1. Paul VACUUM ELECTROLUX CLEANER Give yourself a break and en joy a cleaner home. Designee especially for the busy housi wife. Cleaning time cut ii half. Sales and Service. Char les M. Palmer, 35 East Main 2 Grantsville, Utah COLTS BROKE, horses trained Contact Wally Wickham 882 243a CUSTOM KILLING, UNDER STATE INSPECTION CHOICE GRADE A CRAIN FED BEEF, 50 CENTS MUTTON, LAMB, 53 CENTS; PORK, 38 CENTS; PRICES INCLUDE PROCESSING 7 PHONE -1 WE BUY WATCHES, DIAMONDS, OLD COLD OR BETTER STILL -TRADE THEM IN ON NEW ONES BATEMAN JEWELRY 5 North Main 884-383- 7 T I 882-212- 3. 30 882-117- 884-386- 9. 24 n. POODLE GROOMING Marvin. Tuv studs. 882-285- SNOW PLOW for pickup. No RED POTATOES FOR SALE -Jafter 4 9 ames Hevan. pump. $45. 6 p.m. HAVE large rotavatnr will chop FOR SALE - 21 gal. aquarium. weeds even corn stocks. This is liest time to prepare garden Completely equipped. See at 130 North First West (rear). lames for spring planting, 4 nevan. P-- PAINTING - inside and out. Ph 5 1 c. Ph P-- 17 (katteriuMtiuMri) 884-339- C-t- 884-382- 882-197- TYPE-A-L1N- E -9 882-473- 1. 882-405- 882-421- 5. lf resi-den- se 882-262- 1, 882-357- 2. 882-238- 3. nd 'COES ANYWHERKt Each unit is lightweight ' battery-operateportable. Lnttwrpaeks for 3, 6 or ute letters am available end time after time. Extrp cartridges am inexpensive. 882-005- 0. family room, garage, LOST KEYS, replaced, broken wall to wall carpeting living keys extracted. Combinations and dining area, drapes and FOR SALE - Tachometer, excel5 changed. lent condition. $15 or best ofcurtains, plenty of shade trees, fer. Must sell. Call near school. for cars, INSIDE STORAGE ONLY $12,200 will buy three and trailers, campers, trucks, NEW CHRISTMAS ALBUM -bedroom, foil basement, newly O. T. Barms, boats. Inquire ' 994. Cordon Furniture. business phone painted, new lineo in bathroom. Cood starter home for 4. phone young couple or retired couple JQR SALE - choice red potatoes CRI THREE-bedroorental $115. Frank Crgich, Erda, 13 Plus utilities. 3430. FREE PICK UP TOOELE OFFICE AND DELIVERY PICS FOR SALE - 3 Hamp sows Call 8824394-882-4- 01 1 Lawn mowers, precision sharwith 6 week old litters. Phone 6 6 Evenings pened. All makes. Small engine 5 after 5 p.m. and Sat. GRANTSVILLE OFFICE repair. Saws, scissors, knives 114 West Main Street sharpened. CAL FARRINGPhone TON, 287 Marvista Lane. Full USED SNOW TIRE WHEELS PRI time. 15". $1.50 eaeji. O K Tiro FOR SALE - home with three Store-- . WE REPAIR all makes of stems, rentals. 379 North First West, radios, black and white or Tooele. Inquire 303 Clark St, WOOD FOR SALE 12.50 load. TVs. Fast Guaranteed color 2 before Grantsville, i Will deliver. Call Service. Special service to Dug-wa- y 1:30 p.m. weekdays. Saturday , once each week. AL AND 28 and Sunday anytime. UD FURNITURE & APPLI- 13 PREFAB 412 pitch roof ' CRI ANCE. HIGHLAND HOME for sale. Own-e- r trusses for 22 foot wide bldg. will sell for FHA appraisThese are new trusses. Will ELECTRIC IRON repairing. All ed value. Owner will finance sell for less than wholesale makes. Steam irons cleaned with small down payment. . CPI Ph. cost. and repaired. ELMERS, 38 C&G Nov. 28 PII CRI WEST VINE. FRYING RABBITS for sale FOR SALE - lovely large older GENERAL REMODELING fam-il- y brick home. Completely carrooms, basements finished, peted and draped. Two fire- RED WINTER POTATOES alterations, carports, garages. places; large living room and $3 per hundred. To built-in modern room, 5 after 9 dining order call kitchen. Three Iiedrooms, Fenp.m. DRAPERIES READY MADE or ced in and beautifully land- CUSTOM BUILT. All fabrics, scaped yard with a sprinkling WANT ideal way to clean car- -' modern designs. CORDON system, dog run, 8x10 playpets of nylon, acrylic, polyFURNITURE CO., 60 & Main house. Large furnished basewool? or propylene, polyester, CRI ment rental unit with sepaRent new Host $1. Walk on rate utilities and entrance. Ph Co. Gordon Furniture instantly. HAVE YOUR insurance rates 5 after 5 p.m. 60 South Main. gone up? Check our low rates. PEDERSEN INSURANCE for a NICE two bedroom home in ttje CERTS a gay girl ready AGENCY. whirl after cleaning carpets Highlands we can sell to a vetCRI with Blue Lustre. Rent eleceran with no down payinept, no dosing costs, just move in. tric shampooer $1. Gordon HUNTERS Accident and Sick- Hunt and Long, Ph Furniture Co. ness Insurance by day or week. II&L-No21 PUFFER INSURANCE ACEN- - r 4 SETT OF FOUR camper jacks. Cood 191 North Main. Phone CY. condition. $50. FOR SALE - nice 3 bedroom CRI 12 home. 21 West Apple, Grantsville. $11,950. No down payPIANO LESSONS - Openings FREE TOY'S and gifts for having ment to veteran. Hunt and immediately for eight students. toy parties in votir home. Call or 1 Long Company All grades.' 7. o Nov. 21 7. 882-197- 9. 882-158- 4. a telephona caH, pcrsonil-- is without static or the cost! Just slip in the cartridga Turn knob to' RECORD. Talk away. Stop and start at any point You can erase overything and start again. Put the whole family on on letter. When done, slip ihe cartridge out; mail in an ordinary envelope. When you receive a taped letter, insert in unit turn knob to P1AY, and listen. EASY TO USIs As 882-418- P-t- 882-103- 882-258- 0. 882-379- 8. WHAT IT IS Mail Call is a handsome, compact combination unit It comes in a set of two, and has recording and play-bac- Jhree-bedroo- 882-207- 7. VEHICLES motor. miller bindings, double italion boots $40. Contact David Birrell, 882-059- 882-156- 1. 145 N. Broadway. Phone 884-337- FROM THOSE YOU MUSS MOST PIANO TUNING and regulating. Work guaranteed. o Nnv. 98 IN FOR SALE - skis, size 914, foil 882-358- THREE ROOM partly furnished Apt. for rent. Na smokers or drinkers. Call FOR RENT of the silent letter. 2 884-380- 0. 2 acres plus HORSE LOVERS 882-283- 1. Announcing: The Hid $1300 C-1- 882-414- 5. 36-23-- metreta was Miss 5. 882-000- 4. 13 17 IRONINGS DONE 884-505- 882-014- 4. 191 North Main OFFERS BEFORE WINTER SETS SPECIALS! VA appraised ' 882-096- 4. 487-166- 8. Salesman at: 882-333- 882-108- - REALTY SPECIAL NOTICES WANTED SILVER DOLLARS TRADE THEM IN AT BATEMANS FENDER GUITARS - amps. Salt 3 KENNEDY HALFS FOR Lake prices. As low as $8 OR BETTER STILL -down and $8 per month. $2 IN MERCHANDISE CHAUDOIN MUSIC CO, 5 NORTH MAIN . 6 220 S. Main, Tooele. Ph or 25 SEWING MACHINE repairing All makes 2.50 service call includes oiling and cleaning. choice fat lambs FOR SALE Tooele, Stockton, St. John, 234 lb on foot. Phone 882-P-Gnntsville. Used for sale. 186a Ph IB SAGE KENNELS boarding cats, IKF. new Cheater slicks small dogs, 75 cents a day. s. Fits 14 Mustang. White Larger breeds $1. Set $17.50. .P-R- I 882-439- 2. 1. is II am. day of a for DEADLINE Fund of the day rafted more MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES $ cents per weed Regular (H0t fc type) faee type) IS es per weed - Budaee (da ewe ia e (eioatbly rite) fame coats Up M per $1 per iadl Over oas iach (ewatHy rate) . $L5S Dhplay ads per ia f MONTHLY RATES ere kr only, wtt aa feanae participation in the fun and gam ed November Classified Ad will Solve Your December Shopping Problem! A Youth SEVERAL DUCWAY HORSEMEN mount up for a tour of the range" at the recent fund. for the than netted carnival more $650 Activities Fund carnival. The 'Vh .carnival on November 4. t in - v I 1. I |