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Show Armys 'Lance TEST RUN, Dugway, Utah, Fri., Nov. 17, 1967 Your Savings Bond Quiz Tropic-Tesle- d Calendar Facts and Fads ce. the Annv's newmissile reest New York (NAPS)--If early Mexicans followed the ancient cently completed the tropical enand operational custom of naming claendar months after events that took place in vironmental of the believe-for not their lives, the Pop craze may be as modern as we phase engineer design test two of the months on old Mexican calendars were called Pop at the U.S. Army Tropic Test Center. mUKl this be directing that ntVe 'can often Tropic environment tests in into the peek from the ten the Canal Zone were conducted dropped p..f (,y studying old calendars that in two parts, "he and discovering what people call- 1582 would actually be THE MISSILE and its major ed their seasons. For instance, 1 directed that 15 had a have seem to Sumerians Je Pctol)r components were placed in outlook than the ge at Fort Sherman. Regular divll,e and dubbed their inspections were made to deter- Mexicans, Unfortunately, wth all of mine resistance to fungi, corrosion, months with such descriptive with time preoccupation high humidity, and salt laden air. phrases as the month of leading not Y developed The operational portion of the out the oxen and the month of tellin8; a .real. y universal calendar. In teJt included simulated the canals. firings of irrigation opening calendars roun the world todaYi the missiles and 3000 miles of THE FIRST calendar" was diffe there a mobility run. in three tropical probably man, own shadow. 28 tyP 01 environments-jung- le trails in ever-lJ,onth; when he discovered its pattern to. I"! savanna rainforests, as green the tropical P0? day progressed. changed th,n1 Mmll er grass, and swamp areas, However, the Egyptians produced lf Even though parts of the new the earliest calendar on record by ?'rhad,ca endars 1wre11.conx,stf"t and Jan,'7 falling on weapon system were previously carefully observing that the rising me ty of the week, year after tested in environmental chamliers. star Sirius corresponded with the vear various potential problem areas 60() years rising of the Nile-o- ver were uncovered during the tests ago. in the natural environment. Their calendar had 12 months LANCE, WHICH combines of 30 days each and added five the for end the the of reliability and low cost of a at a year days free rocket with the range and total of 365 days. The year was divided into three seasons of foui accuracy of a guided missile, is rugged, accurate and simple to months each, called Flood Time, Seed Time and Harvest Time . . operate.- It gets its accuracy from a simplified inertial guidance and remain-' . and this ancient cafe; t control system conceived and ed the most accurate until the middle of the 16th century. developed by the US Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, AlaMan has not been satisfied bama. with simply having his calendars The first Army missile to use tell him the seasons, however. a prepackaged, storeable, liquid Ancient calendars were often used as decorations or ornaments in propellant, Lance and its launcher, mounted on a track temples, and a famous Aztec calen- "DOMONttSrtlMKiaiffll form and a vehicle, dar tells of the world's creatioi SAW ARCHIBALD unit which can be and destruction. dismounted and transported bv THIS TWENTY-TOAztec helicopter or dropped by parastone calendar, now on display in chute. the National Museum in Mexico the Army with a highly mobile 16th in the discovered was City, weapon for general support of incentury and is covered with armored, mechanized and Three' carved fantry, symbols. beautifully airborne divisions. feet thick and 12 feet in diameter,, ' Missilemen from Redstone the stone is a surprisingly accurate US Army from team the a Arsenal, table-b- ut, of course, chronological Artillery Board, Fort Sill, Oklahoit wouldnt be very handy for ma, and representatives of the US home use. Army Test and Evaluation ComHome calendars today have to mand, Aberdeen Proving C round, be handy and perhaps die handMaryland, and other interested iest of all are almanac calendars were in the Canal Zone agencies 9(XX) which contain as many as during the test period. Mr. Juan individual items. These include ' M. Calderon TTC Test Engineer, information ing leading out the oxen ) and even recipes and household hints. Ancient Babylonians didnt have recipes in their calendar, but they did have 13 months. Based on the moon, this calendar listed 29 or 30 days for each month. The Greeks had so much trouble they let each city most set up its own calendar-t- he famous of which added three extra months every eight years to make A CONCERT TOUR proved to be aa unexpected, but pleaa-a- at things come out even. The Rachange, of pace for 8p4 Eric G. Schwarts, a computer mans left their timekeeping in the in the tth Infantry Division base camp at Long programmer of who hands the high priest, Thanh. Specialist Schwarts accompanied Richard Tncker, calendar-keeping their so managed a tenor with the Metropolitan Opera Association in New badly that by Julius Caesar's time tour of U. 8. military installations York, during a four-da- y the summer months were arriving in Vietnam. The specialist from Forest Hills, N. Y., who holds in the spring. CAESAR DID have some . a Bachelor of Arts degree in music, said playing the piano for Tucker "was the greatest experience of my life." He good that lived after him, for said he was impressed with the large audiences that gathhe corrected this sutuation in 46 ered for the concerts, which featured operatic selections, B.C. with the Julian calendar, ballads, and popular show tones. and invented Leap Year by addfourth one to day every ing year THE VILLAGE HUT had a bonus on its walls. When mema 365-da- y year. bers of A Company, Sd Battalion, 39th Infantry, tth InfanHowever, Caesars correction raided a Viet Cong finance center in Long An of one day in four years made the try Division, discovered stacks of pay records and tax calendar year longer than the year Province, they collection documents. And tacked to the backs of pictures of the seasons which gave an unon walls was all of Charlie's the hanging efof fortunate running out time 18AM (about $150). piasters fect. Inl5H2, Pope Cregorv XIII C.Z.-Lan- suifece-to-surfa- al - N A utnaui yianettej cash-on-han- d: lonT Lett ta Winter Old creep up behind you Factory Closeout Brand New WHILE THEY LAST TUBES" "Scara sum sm sms mound There are two Question: widely separate dates on the face of each of my recent Savings Bonds. How can I determine when they started earning interest? Answer: Savings Bonds and Freedom Shares earn interest from their issue date which is the first day of the month in which they are purchased. Below the Issue date is a space for the h issuingagentsdatingstamp-whicshows the actual date the Bond or Share was issued. This latter date has no effect on interest accruals or the waiting period for redemption. Thus a Savings Bond, purchased on December 22 of this year would bear the "issue date of Dec. 1967; the agents dating stamp would read December 22, 1967. Interest would accrue, from December 1, and, if necessary, the Bond could be redeemed as early as February 1, 1968. Question: I understand I can take my income tax refund in Is there an Savings Bonds. advantage to this, and how do I go about it? Answer: When you take your refund in Bonds, your money will continue to grow as your Bonds continue to earn interest. There's a box to check on your tax return form if you want your refund in Heros a stereo that can thrift-price-d ROOM-TO-ROO- be moved from room to room. Solid State peak power stereo amplifier drives two 9 oval duo-cospeakers. Solid State radio tuner bring you tho bonus listening pleasand FM Stereo. Studio-mati- c ure of g changer with Feather Action Tone Arm. Separate bast, treble, stereo balance and compensated loudness controls. Tape recorder inputoutput jack. MOBILITY.:. IS 20-wa- tt Bonds. TIM niumobouoh DM KH Question: What are the limitations cm holdings of Savins Bonds and Freedom States? Answer: The limitations on holdings of Bonds issued during any one calendar year are now $20,000 (face value) fix Series E Bonds and $30,000 for Series H Bonds. The limitation on Freedom Shares is $1,350 (face value) in any one calendar year. Question: Why aren't the new Freedom Shares sold "over the counter the same as Savings Bards? Answer: A main purpose of Freedom Shares is to attract additional dollars-fro- m current income-in- to the savings market without distrubing existing savings programs. Therefore, the Treasury makes them available only to regular buyers of Series E Savings wokiNa. CABINET FINISHED ON ALL FOUR SIDES FM-A- Color Television Stereo Phonograph and FM Stereo Radio FM-A- M M Combined for your liatening and viewing pleasure: New Vista Tube for vivid Color TV with now rectangular Super Bright color recaption. peak ptyver stereo amplifier. Six matched Hi-Li- te 40-wa- tt and FM Stereo radio. Stud ir matte pea ken. Sensitive FM-Ag tone arm, diamond automaticmanual changer. stylus. Truly an outstanding valuo from RCA Victor. Record-protectin- record-protectin- e 199 THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN ELECTRONICS m wt big value in With $100.00 Purchase Bonds. 10 Question: I am a steady purchaser of Savings Bonds. Why cant I also buy Freedom Shares? You can. But you' Answer: must sign up under the Plan where you bank or save. Only persons who are enrolled in a regular, formal plan for the purchase of U. S. Savings Bonds ae eligible to buy Freedom ed Db Turkey 0 Bond-A--Mon- th f 20 lb Turkey Shares. Question: Is fire interest of Freedom Shares subject to tax? Answer: Yes. Freedom Share interest is subject to Federal income tax, but not to state or local income taxes. Tax liability may be deferred until the Freedom Shares mature, are redeemed, or are otherwise disposed of. How- ever, the same method of reporting must be used for Freedom Shares and for all Series E Bonds owned by an individual. Question: How many denominations of Freedom Shares" are there? Four-$2-5, Answer: with a drawing of the Minute Man symbol; $50, showing the Statue of Liberty Head; $75, featuring the liberty Bell; and $100, with the Statue of Freedom on the U. S. Caoitol. Question: I know that Freedom Shares can be bought only in combination with Series E Bonds. Do the . Shares and Bonds have to be the same denomina- Answer: No. $101 and up With RCA VICTOR COLOR TV gives you a picture with 38 brighter highlights ' Savings Bonds' may be at the same or larger Thus you may denomination. purchase a $50 Freedom Share in combination with a $100 (or not the larger) Savings Bond-b- ut rtverse. Question: I have been buying Savings Bonds for more than 25 years. How can I determine their present value? Answer: Bond tellers at banks, and many savings and loan organizations will be happy to assist vou. However; ydu can obtain a Table ot Redemption Values which will give the current value of any Series E Bond you own. These tables are issued every six months, and the current edition covers the period from July through December, 1967. Send 20 cents-- in cash-t- o the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402. Or, if you wish, send in $1.00 and request a three-yesubscription Th. SHELBY 5 Modal 20 dlar, 227 ad. In. plctura Color TV is ideal for families with limited spies beesuss it This table-to- p fits almost anywhere . . . budget-pleasin- g pries too! Up front is tho RCA Tube lor a color picture with 3$K brighter highlights Super Bright New Vista VHF tuner, Solid State UHF tuner this year. Super-powerfchassis for unsurpessed reception. and 25,000-vo- lt n $42995 . SWINGLINE DESIGN 5 In. plctura automatic fine tuning too! When you're firat in Cotor TV, there's got to be a reason. Like a tube with 3$X brighter hVriVite this your. Lika color that fine-tunitsslf. Lika 25 years of smutched Cotor TV sxpsriencs. RCA Victor gives you aOof thess-a- nd more. Tha MAGICIAN VHMO Sariaa 679 Wt EASY TERMS fl ncaVIcim e e FM II CatarTV RCA VICTOR SOLID STATE New Swingline" metal and plastic cabinet Compact State stereo amplifier no tubes to burn out Solid 4 speakers in swing-ouenclosures Two Tilt-dow- n true-trac- k RCA Victor Color TV Space-savin- g PORTABLE STEREO p Color. and UHF tuners combine with chassis to do-- t liver crisp, ctesn pictures. RCA automatic color puri-It"aBate unwanted 24,000-vo- lt detachable t, table-to- VHF ar (six issues). TlwTVSOm Modal 2J dins., 295 iq. Studiomatic changer, tone arm, universal stylus a Separate volume controls for each speaker Continuous tone control 7.75x15" 16.95 BLACK ..Flat lads. Tea Stand Free ..4 lath.... CIVDE 6IDSOC1 TIDE SHOP 725 North Main - Phono 882-035- 3 'do you moms YOU WOffU KB BLONDE IS Tha DENNIS 7 Modal In. plctura dial, 1.0 a. THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN ELECTRONICS Tjp) muzB from 2000 FBET A 79 ONLY $38995 flm dare ist3 g2HLQllll! uth MainStreet fyldtSBZJb gar |