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Show TEST RUN, Dugyay, Utah, Fri., Nov, 17, 1967 Bowling League Standings MENS WEDNESDAY NIGHT HANDICAP L W - N.A.G.E. 8 Balls fail place' 3rd place - Hawks High Game B. Wilcox High Series - G. Hooley 1st place W L 23 23 22 13 13 14 275 687 13 High Average - F. Ott MONDAY NIGHT MILITARY v 1st place - L 4 5 6 20 23 22 MPi 2nd place - .Rejects 3rd place - HQ No. 2 244 High game - Jackson High Series - J. York C. La Roque High Average FRIDAY NIGHT SCRATCH 1st place - B. Roy, B. Wilcox, 635 ; 172 w L 19 11 F. Schnuerle, R. Larsen 19 2nd place - Solomon, W. Cooper, D. Maxwell, G. Hooley 18 3rd place - W. Liles, M. Sitarz, A. Spangler, B. Faux High Game - Red Kirk High Series - Red Kirk High Average - F. Schnuerle . 11 12 .... WOMENS WINTER LEAGUE L W 1st place - fi AJs 11 13 13 23 2nd place Sboulda Beens 23 3rd pla e - Monkeys High Game - Jane See High Series Flo Black High Average - Flo Black fflfflQKDVO-A-SDA- Bn w Bonolm M Cut W nnniL nmnrr , j. ; h.634 MUTED :0e "SA-- l?8 APIPILGG Aulumb-fres- Bag-Sw- eet, Fresh "jufarer Super .... GDI Cj0C AMAGcrj g GDA'O'GS.., RQci fw Hcrir Setting 0A0CO..,..3 lfc-L-b. QIGCJTGCJAQD Pdtfggt ... OTVILE Hubbard or Banana h, b)MlVrti. .... 563 152 A Dugway intnmunl handball tournament will be held between November 27 and December 5 for all military personnel and male civilian personnel residing on post. and, . The tournament will be a double elimination, sing) doubles competition that should prove very exciting. TUB 1007 AAU Handball rules will govern foeconduct of this tournament, with the following exceptions: 1. The tournament will start on November 27 and end on 0 fy rpr. 224 Intramural Handball Tourney Begins Nov. ,27 DAdT PACi Seet,'Rome'Bawiy 21 ' 13 14 15 21-1- THonn. PODC.!, GQLDOrJ ' 1st place - B. Ritchie, C. Ritchie, M. Minard, F. Minard - 23-- 9 2nd place - S. Zumwalt, F. Schnuerle, R. Larsen, A Larsen - 21-1- 1 .3rd place - M. Bate, R. Bate, M. Wilde, J? Wilde - 1 .244 High Game (women) S. Zumwalt 243 High Game (men) D. Rhodes and B. Black 588 High Series (women) S. Zumwalt 639 Hii Series (men) G. Breedlove 159 High Average (women) S. Zumwalt 180 High Avenge (men) R. Larsen ' &UITA L ' .fc.90 i.no GUCUDDACOn. 23 22 High Game A Rashid High Series A. Rashid High Avenge - F. Black TendersAgedl BONRE5S TOP k.00 DOUnQOTDAIl QGSODQYOAU. 1st plane - Fonder Puffr 2nd place - Undertakers 3rd place - Sandbaggers 80 AGff ' 162 LADIES WEDNESDAY MORNING 'Young Tomir. DGQP DffiOP tatolcMta.UMItaxd-lomhdllMd- Certifine Froth-Froze- n, 263 619 C V December 5. 2. All contestants will place their names on the sign-u- p sheet at the gymnasium (building 5111) prior to 12 p.m. on November 24. 3. THE INITIAL matches will be determined by the Older in which contestants sign up. 4. Matches will be played at the. post gym each day, beginning at 6 p.m. 5. All protests must be settled between opponents at thq. time they occur. In case an agreement cannot be reached, foe sports director will make a ruling. 6. Trophies will be awarded to the first and second-plac- e winners in eara tourney at the completion of play. BDDOTTArj 57(S1ci 9r SU JAforgy or Colds Voiuo Gnhpm Crackers Mnd1 yi : , .1 . '' ZTJC M SOAP 27-Oun- IHIFFON I 221JL..' 6F ce akoOuissebb YAM Package 20-Oun- ce 37 ELECTRA-S- OI 2 for 25 b 2 hr 45 DIAL 5 Off H Entiling Colon Dog. Ban 4uid Bath Size Bars Ca- n- Floor Wax 79 SIMON IZ Fnlati jSaWagfek mm mam KRAFT Mim TrtlBBOWgsi ipskbsiii (SllJlrfg1 r human hair UCS9 FRESH FROM OUR BAKERY Maflefioos AYCSS. Sw)?la!te '' easy to stylo large selection Homs citp imiiaeeii uHj nHots 3 .... (3000S BQU F M . ; |