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Show TEST BUN, Dugway, Utah, tW., Nov. 17, 1967 21-Ga- me Mustangs Open Basketball Season Dec. 1 Hie Dugway High. School Mutang basketball team will 1967-6- 8 mhedule December when they meet open their St. Marks High School of Salt Lake City at the Post gym, with the games starting at 6:15 and 8 p.m. COACH WALDEN Cumey has eight returning lettermen out mussen and Stan aur. REGION FIVE has been brok- for the cage squad including four starters from last years squad, en into three divisions this year Copter Dennis Lamoreaux, forward with Dugway in a division with ; Craig Ceerlings and guards Mark. Wendover, Utah School for the Geerlitigs and John McBride were Deaf, Tintic and St. Francis High starters last year. Also back are ! School of Provo. The first and center Sam McEvoy, forward Ed second place finishers in each of Whittle, guard Ted McIntosh and the three divisions will meet in a guard Mike Golden who Cumey playoff for die two state berths plans on converting to a forward allotted to the region, slot this year. Among the teams on die home A total of 30 candidates turned game schedule for the Mustangs will be South Summit, coached by ; out few die first practice sessions mentor Roy Ritchie, with Cumey planning on keeping 12 on the varsity squad and Dick who will be here December 2, Raben getting the rest for his Wasatch Academy: Delta; Grants-villand a game on December 23 junior varsity team. of first cut against the Alumni, in addition to Cumey made. die the varsity this week and kept games against each of die other division. approximately 15 boys working an teams in the the varsity. In addition to die varsity home game will wifi be prelettermen, Gurney is working with start at 8 p.m. and Duane Clarke, Bruce McCullogh ceded by a junior varsity game and Rustfel Broadhead (forwards), starting at 6:15 p.m. Dennis Madsen (a center), and guards David Palmer, Clyde Ras- - f 21-ga- e; F-r-h . BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1967-6- 8 JDEJMs) ECOOTPr (33D0 OraQDffMDKl OTDPP0C3 ramuiAnn WASHINGTON (ANF) Thirty U. S. Army athletes are members of, or competing to become members of, the United States team for the 1968 Winter Olympic Games at Grenoble, France, Feb. Second Lt Wordsworth X. Elliott of Fort Carson, Colo end Sp4 John R. Ehrensbeck of Fort Richardson are members of the U. S. Nordic skiing team, and Privates Har ry R. Ryan of Fltssimons General 12-2- 7. have competitors been selected to participate in events including figure skating, ice hockey, akiing, and speed skating. In addition, Army members have already given more than $17,000 in voluntary contributions to the Olympic Fond as part of the Armys continuing support of the U. S. Olympic Team. Pvt. Ronald Kauffman of Fort Lewis, Wash., will com' pete in figure skating pairs with his sister, Cynthia, for the U. S. team. . In ice hockey, Privates Larry Pleau of Fort Dix, N. J., and Jack Ferreira of Fort Jackson, S.G, already are U. S. team members, and three other soldiers currently are seeking places on the Army Colo., n cross-count- ry QD 1 No. 303 Cons q-- OO- JackOlantem Brand Na 2Vk i 2--ao S&W, Very Young end Tender OCTmVACXi 89' Denver, Hospital, and Henry Kashiwa of Fort Dix have been aeleeted for the Alpine skiing team. Two Fort hwmsw, I1L, Sp 4 Richard soldiers, M. Blasy and Pvt. Robert X. Fenn, represent the Army on the speed skating team. Pfc Steven J. Hendrickson of Fort Lewis has been named to the luge team. The luge is a small sled trolled by the feet. rattan) for most home (AFFS 1. The record runs hit in a single World Series game is three. Who holds the record and against what team were they hit? 2. What school holds the NCAA record for most victories in a perfect basketball team. At Fort Richardson, Alaska, 17 Army men are competing with other armed forces men for places on the four-ma- VO' GQOAE.'lsr. VOffEDO (3DODC3PDAO Atfotes Join Olympic Team Army - club 8. What does record catcher Bill Freehan of the Detroit Tigers hold? 4. What is the longest pass play in Michigan State's Big Ten gridiron history? 5. Who is the top Notre Dame passer? aid team. all-ti- Post Basketball spjed ANSWERS jo) saopatdaraa ait !P12"9 Begins Tuesday 60Z TO The intramural basketball season will open Tuesday evening, November 28, at the post gym with games scheduled at 6 and 7:30 p.m. Carnes will be played Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings with seven teams entered in the league. Headquarters Company will have two teams with the Met Team, CBR, Civilians, Officers, and a combines team making up the balance of die league. In addition to the intramural league, Dugway will also have a post basketball team this year. Uigler the direction of Chuck Byrd, who has been named coach, the post team started working out this week. Among the opponents already scbeduled are the freshman teams from Utah State, BYU and die University of Utah. Also on the schedule are Snow College, Hill. AFB, Tooele Army Depot and teams from the Salt Lake City industrial league. Tiyoutswillbeheldthisevening at the post gym for anyone Interested in nuudng the team. ueuuaqg pat ispuf 1967-6- 8 C96I ! ajftopqono) spn ! pnd-- u 9 -- SJM1 dq e)g uv IS61 ! ! 1 spun g eqj trapse ssujpj3 9SCI 10 ptJOM 8SCI P Zt uo wujiojw3 -- qiMN i it i V d Gpo4&!M Md(sQ(y!M BE SURE TO LOOK OVER OUR GQLBCTION OP PINE QUAUTV MK CAMOIES Gtaenackbae toward Morris, Emmy Award! ictor and Director of polumbia Pictures Whos Minding the Mint?" has a great suggestion. Give yourself a Christ-na- s present! Sign younelf up :or the Payroll Savings Plan where you work, or the Plan where you bank. That makes you eligible to buy winning Bond-a-Mon- he new higner-pajrinFreedom Shares in combination with your Bonds. The large penny minted in 1857. was hut & T: q subj qioq jo eiusS qiinoj oq) essoq aaiq) )q qtag VH I g A 1856 penny in good condition is worth as much as $280-anis the most expensive small coin on the collector's list. 2sksOO'Riu)n) sueq pmpnd lq seed 9Z HI H 1 CSC tBUaee eeee |