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Show T TEST RUN, Dugway, Utah, Fri., Nov. 17, 1967 Desert Drifts by June Minnesang Fall flower arrangements and warmth from the firepL combined to offer a friendly atmosphere at the farewell coffee g1, few Mrs. Joseph Rogers on Octdlier 25 at the Officers Open Me.. Hostesses were Mrs. Thomas Rose berry and Mrs. John George. 0 at 10 A brunch takes the place of lunch on November to offer will Catch a ways Come Rainbow, a.m. The program, combine colors in our homes. Interesting notes: Each year the Womens Club presents a 1200 scholarship to a deserving Dugway High School graduate. Social Calendar: Tuesday of each month Monthly coffee-fi- rst Luncheon third Monday of each month Bridge group every Thursday morning at 9 a.m. and fourth Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. Hobby group-seco- nd No meetings of the hobby group will be held until after the first of the year. 12:30-2:3- 0 ys, Thrift Shop p.m. Thursdays, 7 9 p.m. p.m. Dues are still being accepted by Mrs. Arthur Nieto, the membership chairman. at $3 each. These may be For Christinas Richard Mrs. from Coring. purchased Dugway Christmas cards, at 50 cents, a box, are still available from Mrs. Leicester Yerkes. Those interested in the service of the nursery are urged to make advance or standing reservations. Mrs. Congratulations to parents of new babies: Captain and Lieutenant November. Smith-tharrived in eir Keneth baby girl and Mrs. Allen Jacobsona baby girl, bom in October. Lieutenant and Mrs. Ralph Sambuchi a baby boy, bom in October. Welcome to the following new arrivals: Commander and Mrs. Joseph dear, recently from Charleston, South Carolina, where CDR dear was executive officer on the USS Wrangell. He is now commanding officer of the Naval Unit at Dugway. He and his wife, Christiane, have three children Linda, in 8th grade; Gisele, in 6th grade; and Joseph. Christiane is from Cannes, France, and is a graduate of Lycee in France. Commander dear is from Linden, New Jersey. He is a graduate of Rutgers University and also attended Seton Hall s hobbies University and George Washington University. Christiane include sewing, golf and riding. Major and Mrs. Cecil Mills have just arrived from Stuttgart, attended Wacb Germany. Major Mills, an anesthetist at the hospital, University in Waco, Texas. Dorothy and her husband are both from El Paso, Texas. Dorothys main interest is studying the piano and, while living in Germany, she taught piano to her two 15; and Rosine, 13. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Dyer are both from Arkansas. Mr. Dyer is a graduate of Arkansas State at Henderson. He is now a physicist at Technical Systems Division. 8; Tonya, 4; Januella and James have three children-Ph- il, and Michele, 6 weeks. Jaunella is interested in sewing. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Bell were in Nevada prior to coming here. Mr. Bell is chief of technology, in Chem Division. Geneva and her husband have two grown sons. The older has recently returned from Vietnam and the younger boy is in college. Geneva's home town is Dayton, Ohio. Her husband came from Lexington, Kentucky. Mr. Bell is a graduate of the University of Kentucky. Geneva attended San Fernando State. Her hobbies are sewing and gardenhotirs-Tuesda- giving-cookbo- ORK SAUSAGE ROILS ONELESS DAINTEES KINLESS WIENERS 896 POWDER or BROWN 29 GIFT WRAP 53c 35c POULTRY SEAS. OR. SAGE Keycrest Christinas wrap printed foil r gift wrap ER. CINNAMON 1 H OZ. U & I 89c ! ing. NYLONS COLGATE Schilling First Quality mask Taupe or Beige. . SUGAR J. $ Teolti pasta King Sin. . Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Corwin have recently been living in New York.Citv. Grace is from Miami, Florida. She attended the Boyd School of Commerce in Washington D.C. Her husband is from Billings, Montana, and is a graduate of Montana State is Bozeman. He is a test officer in Test Division. Grace's hobbies include bridge, golf, cooking and reading. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Tolls have just come to Dugway from Oregon. Both Linda dnd her husband attended Oregon State College. He is a microbiologist at Avery Tech Center. Linda is from Tillamook, Oregon, and Terry is from Portland. Linda's hobbies are sewing, cooking and camping Military Police News KlaaUa CaMmnft I rionoB )WNi iiity Shop Afcartson's today and savoi yM&Sm ' A, For the month of November, the 65th Military Police Platoon has chosen SP4 Michael L. Sccora as its representative for Soldier of the Month. Specialist Secora was picked from a group of the platoons finest, which included SP4 Rudi Barone, PFC Michael Lyons and PFC Howard Robinson. Congratulations are in order to the men who received promotions from PFC to SP4. They are SP4 John Walker and SP4 Jack York, fn the sports comer, the MPs are holding their own. So tar, they are leading the winter bowling league with some very The team is captained by Nicholas consistent good bowling DiBenedtti and members include Jack York, Howard Robinson, John Walker and Michael Perkinson. Members of the 65th would like to extend best of luck to three men who will be leaving shortly for Vietnam-th- ey are Howard Robinson,' John Henry and Neal Rhyne. LB. TANGELOES 2 ft 29c .10 CUCUMBERS iz. CRISP ROMAINE LETTUCE LARGE SOLID CABBAGE All Thooo Budgctf-Sauer- s 2 r39 ,. 5C PlusJ Your Civil Service Retirement System This is the twenty-sevent- h in a series of Question and articles on the Federal Civil Service Retirement System. Questions answered are those most frequently asked about the System. Any other questions you may have will be answered by the Civilian Personnel Division, Employee Services Branch. Q. Must five years over which the high-- 5 average salary is figured consist of continuous service? A. NO. TI1E FIVE years need not be continuous but they must consist of consecutive periods of service. Thus, two or more separated periods of employment which follow each other may be joined to make up the five consecutive years of service over which' the high-- 5 average salary is figured. Q. Must the high-- 5 average salary be figured over five calendar year? i A. No. The five-yeperiod used need not start on a January 1. It may start and end on whichever dates will give the five yean over which the highest average salary can be obtained. ' Because an employees salary tends to increase the longer he works, the high-average will usually be found during the last five yean of service, but any other five-yeperiod may be used if it will produce a higher average salary. Q. MUST A PERIOD of separation from service which totals three calendar days or less in included in the five yean over thich the high 5 average salary is figured? A. Yes. The salary rate to be used for such a period of separation is the one the employee was receiving on the day before the separation involved. Q. May military pay be used in figuring the high-- 5 average Answer ar 5 ar IANT n SPAN 99 Pkg. For .E GALLON GIANT ALCOA TIDE FOIL 75 12-i- n. Roll .. PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY THE FRIENDUEST STORE IN 37 227 N. MAIN - TOOELE TOWN! salary? A. NO. HOWEVER, if the military service was performed while on furlough from a civilian position, the furlough period may be counted as civilian service and the oivilian salary rate may be used to figure the high-- 5 average salary. Q. May a period of service for which the employee owes a deposit or a redeposit be used in figuring the high-- 5 average salary? 59 . child-ren-Ronn- ,59n A1JBERTWS oks A. Yes. s c |